I Became the Sun God

Chapter 82 Wind Disaster and Strange Fire

God's very existence is great.

Within the scope of its own authority, if the gods want to do this, they can easily do so.

This is the greatness that only God can possess.

And within the authority of the Sun God, there are countless possibilities, waiting for Qin Ran to explore.

The sun, eclipses, radiation, nuclear reactions…

Qin Ran, who can travel between two worlds, can play with the power of the sun under the different beliefs of the two worlds.

And the Three Disaster Divine Techniques he figured out were created based on these advantages.

The so-called three disasters are black sun storms, big sun fires, and doomsday natural disasters!

The inspiration for Three Disasters comes from the three disasters and nine disasters in the real world.

However, the nature of the three disasters is much more complicated.

This complex nature can only be understood by gods.

Because the god wanted it this way, he did it this way.

As Qin Ran's black sun storm started, the world suddenly became dark, leaving only the faint golden edge of the black sun.

Human beings are born weak and are like ants when faced with natural disasters.

When a solar eclipse occurs, there is darkness between heaven and earth, and cold winds destroy the sky and the earth.

But now Qin Ran is displaying such a magical technique.

He called the magic of Dark Sun Wind Disaster, a magic that uses the power of the sun to activate the destructive wind.

The cold black wind roared across the sky and the earth, accompanied by the incessant sound of wailing, and dark whirlwinds swept across the world with the dark sun as the center.

The black wind filled with the aura of disaster collided with the flaming swords, and suddenly turned into an incredible spectacle.

Black wind and flames intertwined, sweeping toward the sky like a pillar of world-destroying fire, and eventually both were annihilated into nothingness.

Seeing that his magical skills were useless to Qin Ran, a hint of anger flashed in the Flame Lord's eyes:

The god who holds the power of the sun can actually master such a method. It seems that I underestimate you.

But...are you the only one who controls the power associated with authority?

Fire of the Earth!

The original red flame suddenly turned into a thick color in the voice of the flame master.

It was as dim as the earth, and even the flames became extremely heavy.

As soon as the dim flames formed, Qin Ran felt boundless pressure coming towards him.

It felt like the whole earth was pressing on me.

Is this strange fire?

As a time traveler, Qin Ran had this thought flashing through his mind.

He tried to activate the Black Sun Wind Disaster, using the black wind that was filled with destruction and ominousness and could blow everything into nothingness, to explore the details of the Earth's Flame.

The gloomy black wind blows on the flames of the earth, but it is like a storm encountering the vast earth, and the earth always allows him to blow and remains unmoving.

It contains the power of the earth, but its essence is undoubtedly flame.

This is the true power of the flame master. All the flames in the world are controlled.

This flame should be found in the volcano?

Qin Ran stared at the flame master.

He did not believe that a god born in the wilderness could have the same knowledge and imagination as himself.

It is true that God is the bearer of rules.

But being burdened with rules does not mean that you can master all the rules or even further develop the rules.

This is like a person holding a gun. A fool doesn't know how to use a gun, but a normal person has to figure it out before he knows how to use a gun.

Unlike Qin Ran, a time traveler, the Flame Lord is obviously a god born and raised in this wilderness.

Under such circumstances, its thoughts and insights are inherently limited.

In the thinking of normal creatures, flames are flames, which is what flames should be.

Even if you break your mind, it is impossible to think about the flames going to the earth.

Especially when you are invincible, you don't need to think about this.

But the flame master in front of him has mastered the power of the earth's flames.

If you think about it from this perspective, it is very likely that it discovered the fire of the earth and then used the rules to understand it.

The emergence of the Earth Flame, a strange fire from heaven and earth, is undoubtedly a guiding light for the Flame Lord.

It turns out that flames can do this!

Is it that sea water, thunder, strong wind, blizzard... these can all exist in the form of fire?

If this is the case, can the Flame Lord indirectly control all power?

Theoretically, this is the case, as long as the divinity is strong enough.

Today's Qin Ran and the Flame Lord have almost the same divinity.

Although the Flame Lord has existed for a longer period of time, for some reason, it has not accumulated a richer divinity.

Maybe it's not an ancient being?

Qin Ran had such an idea in his mind, but could not find any basis to support it.

Knowing the memory of those extraordinary people, Qin Ran learned the origin of the Flame Lord.

It was conceived from an egg.

That egg has been sacrificed by humans for a long time. In theory, before it was born, its essence was already a god.

But its divinity is not much stronger than Qin Ran's, which seems a bit contradictory and incredible.

Although Qin Ran did not become a god for a long time, he still possesses the divinity of two gods.

In terms of strength, Qin Ran is not inferior to the Flame Lord.

Even Qin Ran's potential is more powerful than the Flame Lord.

How many humans could there be in this wilderness?

How much faith can these humans provide?

Qin Ran has a real world where billions of humans can provide faith.

Not to mention that the Flame Lord does not have enough divinity to be able to control all the different types of flames in the world like the one whose fighting spirit turns into a horse.

Even if it can, so what?

As long as the real world is handled properly, Qin Ran can still become the God of Gods.

You are the only one as thick as the earth?

Qin Ran gave up the three-disaster magic and began to choose a more brutal collision.

As Qin Ran thought, the black sun covering his body turned into a golden sun like a solar eclipse receding.

The golden sun exuded sacred brilliance, and a majestic and great power began to spread.

That is the power of gravity!

It comes from the science of the real world, but is controlled by Qin Ran as a god.

The moment that force formed, the flames that were originally suppressing him seemed to be held by invisible hands.

Large ripples and folds were formed, a crackling sound was heard in the void, and the flame as thick as a mountain slowly stopped there.

This is a confrontation between forces!

In this confrontation, Qin Ran was obviously at a disadvantage, and the shadow of the sun around him continued to tremble.

However, Qin Ran also seized this opportunity and reached out to make a move toward the ground.

Suddenly a golden divine light rose into the sky, and his own divine weapon was held in his hand.

The artifact was in Qin Ran's hand, and with the divine aura connected to it, Qin Ran's power suddenly surged.

Sun Spear!

Qin Ran held the magic gun and pointed at the flame master, and colorful rays of light suddenly burst out.

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