I Became the Sun God

Chapter 76 Eight Seconds of Real Man

Unlike ordinary extraordinary beings, the strength of the berserker lies in his bloodline.

In an ordinary state, Aru's energy and blood are comparable to those of ferocious beasts, which is already considered extraordinary.

And once he goes crazy...Aru will go completely crazy.

The sleeping beast in your body has awakened!

Either destroy you or destroy yourself!

Facing the extraordinary beings of the Shenyu Tribe, even if they were carefully selected opponents, Aru did not dare to put too much pressure on them.


After letting out a beast-like roar, Aru's eyes instantly turned red.

The blood all over his body seemed to be boiling, and everyone could clearly hear his violent heartbeat.

As his heart beat wildly, Aru's energy and blood surged, and his whole body was instantly enveloped in blood.

That layer of blood light is completely the manifestation of Qi and blood!

Countless blood spurted out from the pores, greedily devouring the spiritual energy that filled the air, feeding back the body that had fallen into madness.

I am going to kill you!

Aru's eyes were red, he roared word by word, and rushed forward.


The two extraordinary beings collided together without any fancy, and the air seemed to ripple in the collision.

One figure was shrouded in scarlet, and the other figure was emitting billowing heat. In the brief collision, they were evenly matched.

But unlike Aru, who looked crazy, the middle-aged man from the Shenyu tribe had an obvious expression of astonishment on his face.

What power is this!

How could you become so powerful in an instant!

Feeling the pain in his arm, the middle-aged man was startled.

Although the Shenyu tribe is different from other tribes.

But this is a tribe after all, a tribe imprisoned in the endless wilderness and completely separated from civilization.

With limited knowledge, the middle-aged man did not know the existence of the Berserker.

Aru's sudden surge in strength was completely beyond his expectation.

Berserkers rely on blood for their livelihood!

Aru entered the mad state, not only his strength was enhanced, but his defense also began to become abnormal.

The diffuse blood mist has the domineering power of Qi and blood, and also has a defensive effect similar to fighting spirit.

The most important thing is that it can swallow spiritual energy.

what does that mean?

This means that Aru's double resistance has been improved!

Just like King Kai who has used his ultimate move, while causing damage to nearby enemies, he can also directly block the enemy's damage.

After transformation, he becomes a real man in eight seconds!

And Aru's madness time is far longer than eight seconds.

Just when the big man was in shock, Aru launched a crazy attack like a ferocious beast.

The all-round blessing brought by madness made the middle-aged man more and more frightened.

And as Aru punched him, the fighting spirit in his body began to become no longer smooth.

Under the circumstances, Aru became more vigorous.

Damn it!

What kind of monster is this!


The middle-aged man cursed and barely resisted Aru's attack, but was still punched in the chest.

Under the domineering force, the big man flew backwards and spat out a mouthful of blood.


The big man slapped the ground with his palm, trying to stabilize his body with the help of the ground.

But Aru was faster than him, and before the big man could fully exert his strength, he pinned him down.

Bang bang bang!

With one punch after another, the big man's head was smashed deeply into the soil.

Blood dyed the ground red and trickled out.

The arrogant extraordinary person was directly beaten into a dead dog by Alu.


Just as Alu continued to go crazy, Qin Ran's gentle voice sounded in his ears, making Alu's soul feel lighter.

Realizing the current state, Aru quickly exited the mad state, and a feeling of weakness enveloped him.

That's it?

My people, wait until I beat him to death, then follow me and kill him up the mountain.

Although he exited the mad state, Aru still performed all the tricks.

There is no way, this is a carefully selected opponent, and I must not ruin this opportunity.

In the farmland in the distance, the ordinary people of the Shenyu tribe watched all this in stunned silence.

If I'm not mistaken, your Excellency is being held down and beaten?

You read that right...and the Lord is about to be beaten to death.

The slaves' eyes were still numb, but the people of the Shenyu tribe were stunned.

Only the Shenyu Tribe has always beaten others. When will it be someone else's turn to beat the Shenyu Tribe.

And are they still this group of barbaric and backward fools?


My lord is already kicking!

About to be beaten to death? Then what are you thinking about! Send the signal quickly!

An enemy invaded the Shenyu Tribe!

Hurry and get the warriors of the tribe to come over!

After a brief period of astonishment, several people suddenly became confused.

Aru on the other side was a little puzzled.

I've been beating for so long that my hands are almost numb. Why hasn't the other party moved yet?

Fortunately, this confusion did not last long, and soon Aru saw a flame rising into the sky.

And as the fire shot into the sky, a large number of figures rushed out from the tribe halfway up the mountain.

Unlike the weaklings who were beaten by him, some of the figures rushing down the mountain were actually burning with flames.

That is the characteristic of the third stage of flame guidance - the release of fighting spirit!

According to the information provided by Lord Ikki, these people are the strongest in the tribe.


Everyone, be prepared, don't expose any flaws.

We'll catch him by surprise in a moment!

Ada clenched her fists nervously and whispered to the tribesmen behind her.

what happened?

Someone invaded the Shenyu tribe?

Huh? Just a bunch of savages?

Are you guys playing with us?

As a loud roar rang out, a large number of extraordinary people gathered quickly, with murderous intent written on every face.

But after seeing Aru's output, these people's expressions became shocked and angry.

Some have a hot temper, and even directly pinch the necks of ordinary tribesmen, and ask in a cold voice:

You'd better explain it to me.

Is such a group of savages worthy of sending a signal?

The man who was choked by his neck turned red, and he struggled to defend himself:

Sir...we...we can't help it!

If you don't send a signal, Mr. Laifu will be beaten to death.

We...we don't know anything. We just saw that man beating Mr. Laifu.

If we go up the mountain to ask for help, Mr. Laifu will definitely be beaten to death.


Faced with such an explanation, the hot-tempered strong man reluctantly accepted it.

He threw the man to the ground heavily, then looked at the other extraordinary people and said in a deep voice:

You've come here, but you can't come in vain.

Get these people first and wait for the clan's arrangements.

What do you think?

Hundreds of extraordinary beings arrived, and no one thought they would be afraid of a group of brutal and backward opponents.

The only problem is how the property will be distributed among the clan.

The so-called property is these future slaves.

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