I Became the Sun God

Chapter 71 How is this possible?


The loud noise was like thunder on the ground, echoing in the mountains and forests.

The moment he heard the loud noise, the middle-aged man tensed up and the fighting energy in his body surged out.

Shrouded in the fiery fighting spirit gauze, the man finally felt more secure and quickly turned around to tell his companions:


As soon as the middle-aged man opened his mouth, he was frozen there with a horrified expression on his face.

Because the moment he turned his head, brains mixed with blood splashed all over his face, making his face smooth and warm.

Just by turning back hastily, his companion's head exploded like a watermelon, which made the hair on the man's body stand on end.

Without thinking about why this happened, the man's face changed wildly and he yelled:

Get out of here!

There's something wrong with this tribe!

As soon as the man finished speaking, his whole body was rushed towards the depths of the dense forest with the blessing of fighting spirit.

As for your partner?

He can't care anymore!

The Yanyang tribe's methods completely frightened him.

With just a loud bang, a transcendent's head exploded, which was enough to scare anyone.

The middle-aged man didn't want his head to explode like a watermelon, so he could only use all his strength to escape deep into the jungle.

A few hundred meters away from these people, Abu was lying on a big tree, locking the target with an eight-fold mirror.

But he soon shook his head, put down the sniper rifle in his hand, and said to himself with regret on his face:

The sniper rifles in the Sanctuary are very powerful, but once the opponent moves at high speed, it will be difficult for me to lock on to them.

And once they run into the jungle, the sniper rifle is basically useless.

Although his tone was full of regret, there was a smile on Abu's lips.

The power of sniper rifles has been proven.

Even if you don't know how to calculate ballistics, you can still pose an effective threat as long as the opponent's target is exposed.

When the people from the Shenyu Tribe come over, I will definitely give them a surprise.

The next step is to look at Ada and Aru.

Abu held the sniper rifle in his arms, the extraordinary power in his body was running, and the branches of the ancient tree submerged him.

As Qin Ran said, Abu, who can control plants, is the best sniper.

Although the jungle blocked his view, it was also his best cover.

If the Shenyu tribe invaded in a large scale, they would definitely enter the fields opened by the tribe first, and then attack into the tribe.

Then it will be Abu's killing time.


The men of the Shenyu tribe burst out with fighting spirit with all their strength.

With the blessing of fighting spirit, his speed became extremely terrifying, and a large number of branches around him were ignited.


Hurry up and you'll be far away from that damn place!

No matter what means you have, when your tribe companions come, you will all become slaves.

A look of resentment flashed across the middle-aged man's livid face.

He looked at the dense forest not far away, and the brilliance in his eyes grew brighter and brighter.

He knew that as long as he escaped into the dense forest, the tribe would never be able to find him again. This was his confidence as a hunter.


But before he even stepped into the dense forest, a large amount of white smoke spewed out, accompanied by the sound of a flat tire.

As soon as the white smoke appeared, it overwhelmed the middle-aged man.

Facing the unknown phenomenon, the middle-aged man was filled with fighting spirit and wanted to break through the smoke and dust.


How is this going!

How can this thing suppress my fighting spirit!

But as the man stirred up his fighting spirit, not only did the expected explosion of fighting spirit not appear, but the fire around him also dimmed a lot.

It was obvious that the fighting spirit was continuing to be output, but the flames formed were less.

This discovery horrified the man.


It’s so weird!

This strange tribe is full of weirdness!

You must know your own flame fighting spirit. The stronger the flame, the greater the blessing it will be to you.

But now?

The white powder drowned him, and even if he exerted all his strength, the flame fighting spirit was not strong.

Although the blessing of Dou Qi is still there, the blessing from the outside world is gone.

Overall, I am still weakened.

This is simply incredible.

Is this the forbidden demon described in the secret law?

A terrible guess flashed through the middle-aged man's mind.

If this is the case, this tribe is really terrible.

They may be hiding powerful powers that are unknown to everyone.


This information must be passed on to the tribe!

Such a terrifying power would either destroy it or plunder it as its own.

It can really suppress your flames. Master Ikki is indeed right.

As the middle-aged man's eyes flickered, Ada jumped down from the tree.

He is holding a fire extinguisher in his right hand and a rocket launcher on his left shoulder. His whole style is incompatible with fantasy.

Ada looked at the middle-aged man calmly.

In his eyes, the flames on the man's body were like a damp brazier.

The flame may go out at any time, but with strong fanning, the flame can barely survive.

But this kind of lingering and lingering life comes from time to time. It is heart-wrenching to watch. It is better to die quickly.

Is it your fault?

No matter what that white mist is, I will tear you apart today.

The moment he saw Ada, the middle-aged man knew who was causing trouble.

Although he was wary of the fire extinguisher in Ada's hand, after feeling that Ada had no extraordinary aura, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

The blessing of the gods cannot be sensed by extraordinary people.

Extraordinary people can only sense whether the other party has any traces of cultivation.

If it were Aru, the majestic energy and blood in his body might make him wary, but it was Ada who stood in front of him.

Although the body bones are very strong, they are ultimately inferior to those of extraordinary beings.

I can't kill him easily?

With such self-confidence, the middle-aged man activated his fighting spirit. His whole body was like a short-circuited light bulb, and the flames all over his body kept flickering on and off, and he rushed towards Ada.

Ada's expression remained unchanged, he held the rocket launcher with both hands, and then pulled the trigger.


Accompanied by a thunderous noise, fire burst out.

Hearing that specious sound, the middle-aged man's heart slowed down for half a beat.

But he still remembered that a similar sound just now made his companion's head explode like a watermelon.

But now that the arrow is on the string, it's too late for the middle-aged man to regret it.

He could only watch as an iron lump shot toward him fiercely under the thick white smoke.

What can a mere iron lump do to me?

In a desperate situation, the middle-aged man's heart surged with great pride.

Back then, he had withstood the tail of a ferocious dragon beast, now he was afraid of this piece of iron?

As long as you avoid the vital point, you can definitely kill the person in front of you in exchange for injury.

With such thoughts, the middle-aged man looked ferocious.

The physical strength brought about by training allowed him to turn sideways at the critical moment, use his left shoulder to meet the shell, and at the same time hit Ada's head with his right fist.


The cannonball hit his left shoulder accurately, and the blazing fire broke out in an instant.

That ray of fire was like the light wave emitted by Ultraman. It went straight forward instead of turning into flames flying across the sky.

Under the impact of the fire, the middle-aged man watched his flesh and blood evaporate before his own eyes, and then his bones turned into fragments and then into ashes.

Then the dazzling light and heat hit, and the middle-aged man's consciousness completely disappeared.

How can it be!

When consciousness completely disappeared, such questions flashed through the middle-aged man's mind.

How can this be!

It was obviously an iron lump, why did it suddenly explode?

It's nothing more than an explosion. The cultivators in the tribe can also use fireballs to cause explosions.

But why is the power of this explosion rushing straight forward?

The force of the explosion was so powerful that his own flesh and bones could not survive for less than a second.

And when the fire roared past, he could even clearly feel that his face was melting and disappearing.

And as a large number of fragments penetrated into the eye sockets, his consciousness completely disappeared.


This ancient philosophical proposition became the only question the middle-aged man had before his death.

Let's use our imaginations. What kind of background should the Twelve Golden Saints have to be worthy of their protagonist's destiny?

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