I Became the Sun God

Chapter 7 Optical Stealth

Such an incident in the logistics company made Qin Ran make a choice about the next direction.

He has become a god and is destined to never be affected by bird energy again.

If he showed his identity as a god... Qin Ran felt that he would not be able to live in peace with the world.

Either I conquer the whole earth, or I am driven away by the earthlings.

But anyway, the fight is unnecessary.

After leaving the logistics park, Qin Ran went home directly.

One million is not a small amount for ordinary people.

If you want to raise so much money in a short period of time, normally you would have to sell your house.

But for Qin Ran, it's not that troublesome.

Who is Qin Ran?

He is the sun god of another world and can travel to another world at any time.

Although I am still unfamiliar with another world, it is a brand new world after all.

As long as you are not a fool, you can quickly complete the accumulation of original capital by taking advantage of the resource gap between the two worlds.

If Qin Ran hadn't been interested in money, he would have become a bad guy in both worlds.

“The common hard currencies in the real world are nothing more than precious metals and gems.”

These things can make believers pay attention.

Qin Ran sat on the sofa and had a rough plan in mind.

But since everyone has chosen to travel through time, it can’t just be for money.

Since he is the sun god worshiped by believers, he should shoulder the responsibility of the sun god.

This is not only for the believers, but also for yourself.

Only when the believers are managed well will the gods become more powerful.

That's it!

This time I go back to understand the situation in another world and start trying to become a qualified sun god.

Time travel!

With a thought in Qin Ran's mind, a thick mist appeared out of thin air and engulfed him.

And when the white mist dissipated, Qin Ran disappeared completely.

It seems that the place you travel to remains unchanged.

That is to say, the place I left last time is the place I returned to this time.

As the white mist dissipated, Qin Ran's eyes had changed.

Looking at where he was, still on the pyramid-like altar, Qin Ran made a judgment in his mind.

The tribe that believes in itself is just under the pyramid.

It's daytime already?

It seems that the flow of time in the two worlds is also different.

Qin Ran raised his head and glanced at the sky. The golden sun was shining on the earth, giving him an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

We should first understand the situation of the tribe.

But I am a god after all, I can't just appear like this.

Looking at the tribe below that was already rising at sunrise, Qin Ran began to try to mobilize his divine power.

The priesthood of the Sun God contains many abilities.

Light, flame, life, purification...it can be said that all the authority in the direction of light can be found in the Sun God.

Although Qin Ran only has a small amount of power, he can do many things.


Qin Ran's whole body exuded golden light, and as the light continued to distort, his entire figure disappeared from the spot.


Use the refraction of light to become invisible!

If you put it in the real world, if you want to achieve this kind of optical invisibility, you must go through extremely careful calculations.

But when he comes to Qin Ran, he only needs to think about it, and he will definitely be able to do it.

This is the difference between gods and humans.

After hiding his figure, Qin Ran flew down from the pyramid and began to inspect his tribe.

What the hell is this...

After walking around the tribe, Qin Ran's expression quickly became strange.

Because he found that the people with higher status in the tribe had put on new clothes.

Especially the old patriarch of the tribe, the four characters Xinghua Rice Industry were placed directly on his chest, declaring his lofty status as the patriarch.

This is so embarrassing!

Who in the right mind would change a rice bag into a coat?

But this group of believers are still proud of these plastic woven bags, thinking that they are a symbol of status and favor.

Needlework is not bad...

After staring at the old patriarch for a few times, Qin Ran came to this conclusion.

After walking around the tribe a few times while invisible, Qin Ran finally got some useful information.

There are more than a thousand people in this tribe, of whom there are only about 200 young and middle-aged men.

Thanks to the god Qin Ran, everyone in the tribe is no longer hungry.

But there's something strange about it.

Qin Ran noticed many details, which confused him.

The entire tribe was not as primitive and barbaric as he thought.

Although these people's thoughts are barbaric and backward, there are many traces of civilization in the tribe.

A simple loom, a folding machine for making fire, a water wheel for irrigation...

These products of civilization should not appear in primitive tribes at all, let alone be researched by tribes themselves.

If anyone dares to say that these are all researched by a tribe, Qin Ran, the sun god, will give him a hard time.

In the real world, for any civilization, any similar invention is an epoch-making progress.

For example, the Suiren clan, who drilled wood to make fire, was directly enshrined as a god in mythology, right?

And if it were placed in this world, the Suiren clan might not want to become the ancestral sacrifice spirit of the Supreme Fire God. How could he have anything to do with himself as the Sun God?

So...the world is not as backward as I thought.

Civilization must have been divided or destroyed for some reason.

Backward places are just like here. Except for some remnants of material civilization, the thinking has become so backward that it is no different from barbarism.

What about civilized places...

As a time traveler, even after becoming the Sun God, Qin Ran is still confused about this world.

But he couldn't do anything about it.

Let’s not talk about whether believers know it or not. As God, he must know everything. It is impossible to ask believers such questions.

It seems I can only rely on myself to explore.

Qin Ran shook his head, and with the surge of divine power, he began to fly high into the sky.

Looking down at the earth, Qin Ran showed a helpless expression.

The tribe that believes in itself should be in the mountains, and the mountains are almost endless.

Even a god like himself cannot see the end at a glance.

However, Qin Ran saw something interesting.

Either the sky in this world is round and flat, or the planet in this world is so huge that it's terrifying, otherwise it's impossible for me not to be able to see the curvature of the horizon.

Such a discovery made Qin Ran more and more interested in this world.

But after all, this is a world where gods exist.

As a newly born god, Qin Ran would not seek death by inflating himself before he knew his own level.

Start with my tribe first...

When I fully grasp the power of God, I can try to let believers go out.

There can't be only one human tribe in such a large area of ​​wilderness, right?

Qin Ran probably had an idea in his mind.

Use your own tribe to explore God's abilities, then try to improve the tribe's strength, and then explore and conquer new tribes.

The increase of faith can strengthen one's divinity and make oneself more powerful.

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