I Became the Sun God

Chapter 69 Shocked Believers

Lord Ikki!

Lord Phoenix!

Did you bring these three giant steel beasts back from the sanctuary?

Qin Ran walked down the pyramid step by step.

The bronze holy garment on his body degenerated from a completely covered state to a semi-covered state, then separated from the body and formed into a phoenix shape, and finally turned into a pendant.

Facing the excited believers, Qin Ran smiled and nodded:

Yes, I brought this back from the sanctuary.

Not only did I bring back three giant steel beasts, I also brought back some equipment for ordinary soldiers in the sanctuary, which is enough to help you resist the invaders.

Qin Ran waved his hand, and a large number of weapons and equipment flew down from the altar.

Fire extinguishers, fire-proof clothing, Gatling, rocket launchers, C4 bombs...

Countless modern supplies were displayed on the ground, leaving the believers confused.

Except that the protective clothing can be seen as a piece of clothing, they don't understand anything else.

Lord Ikki, what is this?

They are all fine iron tools, but I don't know how to use them.

These are weapons to resist aggression?

“Although I can’t understand it, I still think it’s awesome!”

In the words of Mr. Phoenix, it should be... awesome?


Facing the believers who knew nothing but were still excited, Qin Ran decided to open their eyes.

Aru, put on this suit.

Qin Ran pointed to the clothes on the ground and asked Alu to put them on him.

Alu was not dissatisfied after being summoned by Qin Ran, but instead came forward happily.

After stumblingly putting on his clothes, Aru stared with big eyes like a curious baby:

Lord Ikki, what happens next?


A smile appeared on Qin Ran's face, and he stretched out his hand to grab the brazier under the altar, and the whole brazier was clasped onto Alu.


Aru was startled, his whole body tensed up, but he forcibly stopped his movements.

As the burning fuel poured over Aru, the expected burning did not last, and the clothes on Aru seemed to be able to resist the flames.

My clothes are okay?

And I don't feel like I'm not hot yet, all the heat is blocked out.

How can this be!

As if he had discovered a new world, Aru squatted down with a look of surprise on his face and placed his sleeves on the flame that had not yet been extinguished.

The flames burned for a long time before igniting Aru's clothes.

After his clothes were ignited, Aru was startled and hurried away from the source of the fire.

And as Aru left the source of the fire, the ignited areas on his body were extinguished in less than a second.

This dress is fireproof!

How can clothes be so magical? Our animal skins are so easy to wear!

Wearing clothes like this, you shouldn't be afraid of fire, right?

The believers looked at this scene and exclaimed.

The combatants in the tribe looked at those fire-proof suits with gleaming eyes.

As a tryer, Aru felt the eager eyes of the people around him and crossed his arms tightly like a thief, fearing that others would snatch his clothes.

Seeing the innocent and cute looks of the believers, Qin Ran had a smile on his face.

This is just the most basic fire-proof suit. It is a very common fire-setting equipment in the sanctuary.

Ada, try this fire extinguisher.

Just press it down on the brazier.

Qin Ran stretched out his hand and a fire extinguisher flew towards Ada.

Ada quickly pressed the switch as Qin Ran said with the help of a treasure.


As the sound of the jet sounded, a large amount of white smoke was sprayed out by the fire extinguisher, and it became overwhelming in an instant.

Such a vision scared many people. Fortunately, Qin Ran, the holy warrior, was here, so the believers were only frightened.

Everyone looked at the brazier intently.

As the white dry powder was sprayed out, the blazing flames quickly extinguished.

The fire is out!

That red iron lump can put out fires!

With this thing, won't those enemies who can control flames have nothing to rely on?

The believers cried out in surprise.

Although the principle of the fire extinguisher is simple, it refreshes their existing three views.

You must know that for believers, there is only one way to extinguish fires - with water.

But now?

A small red jar can easily extinguish the flame.

Where is this?

Qin Ran smiled and shook his head, looking at Alu again:

Alu, put this thing on your shoulder and aim it at the big rock.

Qin Ran put the rocket launcher on Alu's shoulder.

The structure of the rocket launcher is very simple, but as soon as Aru got started, he felt a ferocious and cold aura.

Aru didn't know why he felt like this.

Obviously this thing is just an iron lump, and there is nothing that can threaten him.

But since it was Master Ikki's request, Aru still chose to be prepared.

Pull your finger on the trigger and be careful of the recoil it sends.

Qin Ran helped fix the warhead, and then gave careful instructions.

Alu did as Qin Ran said, used all his strength, and then pulled the trigger hard.


Accompanied by a loud noise that made many people's heartbeats slow down for half a beat, a warhead spurting out flames roared out.

Everyone couldn't see clearly the trajectory of the warhead, and saw the fire directly bombarding a boulder, and then the whole boulder exploded instantly.

Crack mountains and rocks!

This is the power of breaking mountains and cracking rocks!

Some people who were close felt their eardrums buzzing and their brains went blank.

A cannonball roared out, and the huge stone was instantly shattered.

Such power has exceeded their imagination.

You must know that even the berserker Aru cannot deal such explosive damage.

If this thing hits someone, the body will probably not be found, right?

This time the believers did not cry out in surprise.

Because they were all shocked by this unprecedented power.

Even Abu from the Life Tribe was stunned at the moment.

Too strong!

Even the warriors of the Shenyu Tribe can't do this, right?

Is this the weapon of the Sanctuary?

What exactly is the Holy Land?

Abu was completely stunned.

If he was still doubtful before, now he only has awe for the Holy Land.

Because Lord Ikki said that these are just conventional weapons of the Sanctuary.

Can regular operations be so intense?

Ada, hold the handle with both hands, be sure to hold it firmly.

In the dead silence, Qin Ran hung Gatling on Ada's body.

Like a marionette, Ada subconsciously grasped the two handles.

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