I Became the Sun God

Chapter 67 Weaponry

Qin Ran has never underestimated human technology.

Nuclear weapons alone can pose a great threat to him, and even destroying him is not impossible.

Equivalence is justice.

In addition to nuclear weapons, the ultimate killing weapon, other human weapons are also worth mentioning.

Like bazookas and gatlings!

Qin Ran had just witnessed their power with his own eyes.

Without considering dodge, these two weapons can easily kill Mark

Even if he hadn't given Mark the plug-in warning, Mark might have been killed during the video.

This is just a rocket launcher.

If the opponent had hundreds of people holding rocket launchers, Mark would still be killed by them even if he could fly.

Qin Ran's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Ruthlessly using the tool man as a measuring stick, Qin Ran felt that he had found a way to break the situation.

Weapons in the real world might work wonders.

With this thought, Qin Ran quietly followed the group of people and quickly left the city.

The bright moon hangs high, and everything is quiet amidst the rolling yellow sand.

A military off-road vehicle drove quickly on the desert under the moonlight and soon came to a cave.

Several secret sentries at the entrance of the cave confirmed from a distance that they were their own, and let them go without even showing their faces.

Qin Ran, who was in an invisible state, followed them into the cave.

Just as Qin Ran imagined, there is a unique cave inside this cave.

Except that it looks like a cave from the outside, the inside has nothing to do with a cave. The whole thing has been transformed into a base.

A base belonging to the civilian armed forces.

Sir, we have failed.

As soon as they entered the base, the bearded leader lowered his head and said anxiously to a skinny old man.

The old man is no different from how they dress.

The same gray robe, the same long hair and beard, and the same turban on his head.

Even because of his age, the old man's figure was extremely thin and far less intimidating than these strong men.

But only people in this organization know that this old man is a ruthless character who kills people without blinking an eye.

He is the leader of the organization, controls all the financial resources of the organization, and also controls a group of diehard loyalists.

I know you failed.

I didn't expect to succeed when I sent you losers out.

The old man looked at the bearded man coldly, which made the bearded man tense up nervously.

Fortunately, the old man had no intention of pursuing any further investigation. He just waved his hand indifferently and said in a deep voice:

Okay, you go down first.

You don't need to worry, those people in the city will be back in a few days.

The bearded man left as if he had been granted amnesty, leaving only the old man in the empty room.

Haha... the apostle of La can also bleed?

After a moment, the old man suddenly smiled coldly.

As Qin Ran watched, the old man quickly took out a satellite phone and dialed a certain number.

My man has been tested. He is not as strong as imagined.

If we send twice as many manpower and ignore other consequences, we should be able to kill him easily.

Of course... the location of the battle is crucial, you should understand this.

As soon as the old man finished speaking, a voice came from the phone:

You did very well.

I will sponsor you with more weapons next.

Let your people be more strict with their mouths. I don't want some people to go around spreading propaganda while controlling public opinion.

As for this so-called Sun Knight, I will soon dig out his secrets.

“All for the sake of Allah.”


The deep voice only said a few words before he hung up the phone.

The old man didn't take it seriously and still sat there quietly. He got up after a while.

More weapons...

As long as there are more weapons, organizations can have more say.

In the dark and empty corridor, the old man's voice was gloomy and hoarse.

Qin Ran followed him slowly and found that he was walking underground.

Just as Qin Ran was wondering where he was going, the old man stopped in front of a guarded door.

grown ups!

Seeing the old man coming alone, the guard at the door shouted loudly.

The old man nodded with satisfaction, and then said without any doubt:

I'm going in to see our babies.

Yes, sir!

After receiving the old man's instruction, the two guards quickly opened the door. The contents inside made Qin Ran's eyes widen.


A whole room full of munitions!

This is the arsenal...

Qin Ran whispered to himself.

He finally knew where this place was.

This is the organization's arsenal, where all the organization's weapons are stored.

If I don't empty it, my trip will be in vain.

The moment he saw the arsenal, Qin Ran made a decision in his heart.

However, Qin Ran was not in a hurry to take action.

For Qin Ran, human beings' modern weapons were just accidental discoveries.

In his original plan, what he wanted to get was not arms, but some livelihood equipment.

After writing down the location of the arsenal, Qin Ran quietly left the shady base.

Like flying through a rainbow, Qin Ran soon returned to Cairo, the country's capital city.

Suspended in the center of Cairo, Qin Ran turned on his mobile phone and started searching on the map.

After a while, Qin Ran found his target.

It should be in that direction!

After Qin Ran found the direction, he dived directly towards the ground.

Accompanied by a gust of biting wind, Qin Ran arrived at his destination, the largest fire station in Cairo.

Let me see where your equipment is.

The spiritual power belonging to the gods permeated the air, and the entire fire station suddenly lost its secrets in Qin Ran's eyes.

Whether it's a patrol officer, a police dog being bred, or a leader having fun in the office...

As long as Qin Ran's spirit is enveloped, everything will be invisible.

But Qin Ran doesn't have any strange hobbies.

He didn't even look at those strange things, he just focused on looking for the target.

After a few breaths, Qin Ran's eyes lit up and he found his target!

Qin Ran, who was in the invisible state, quickly flew towards the target and easily entered the interior along the window.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, Qin Ran felt like he was being spied on.

With a glance, all the probes were nowhere to be seen.

Faced with this kind of technological means, as the sun god who controls light, it is easy to crack it.

As soon as he had a thought, these cameras were useless.

The cameras were still working, but the pictures they captured were still.

Even if Qin Ran exits his invisibility, he will not be visible in the monitoring room.

At the end of this plot, we will have the secret method of cultivation, and then we can lay out the reality. It is quite fast when you think about it. It will be hundreds of thousands of words in a flash. Brothers, please help to attract more readers. I am so nervous.

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