I Became the Sun God

Chapter 44 Do you believe in light?

The Age of Mythology...

Just the Holy Shroud can bring about such an increase.

The legendary Pharaoh and the Scorpion King, how powerful would they be?

Mark, who left the museum with a bandage, shuttled through the tall buildings of the city like Spider-Man.

Finally, he stood on the roof of the tallest building in Cairo, looking down at the disorderly traffic in Cairo, and couldn't help but feel this way in his heart.

One day I will find all the artifacts.

As for now...it's time to work for the great Ra.

Mark took a deep breath and calmed himself.

As an adult, Mark knows very well that there is no such thing as love without a reason.

There must be a price for the god Ra to resurrect himself and give himself strength.

And this price is likely to be to win more faith for the God of Ra before the return of the God of Ra.

For Daisy and for me...

After muttering softly to himself, Mark jumped down from the tall building.

Cairo is not glamorous New York.

There are more dark things happening here and there.

In a narrow and dark alley, several tattooed men surrounded a young girl and kept approaching her.

What are you doing?

I'm warning you not to mess around!


The girl also knew that the situation was not good, and while continuously retreating, she suddenly gritted her teeth and rushed to the side with her head down.

She wants to escape from here!

As long as she ran to the main road where there were people, these people would not dare to do anything to her.

But how could a thin girl be a match for a group of strong men?

Before the girl could take a few steps, a huge force suddenly hit her, followed by severe pain in her wrist.


Let's see where you can run!

A strong man held the girl's wrist tightly. With just a slight exertion on his arm, the girl was roughly thrown to the ground by him.

Go guard the entrance and don't let anyone disturb me.

The big man untied his belt and walked towards the girl.

There was only fear in the girl's beautiful eyes. She fell to the ground and kept retreating helplessly.

But this is a dead end!

Soon the girl was unable to retreat and could only look at the strong man with a horrified face as the tall shadow engulfed her.

I have never seen any dark girls since I was a child, so I just feel that this is my darkest day.

His world, like his current self, is shrouded in a large shadow.

There is no hope, only darkness and despair.

In this desperate fear, the girl's mind went blank and she didn't know what to do.

God be upon you.

Do you believe in the light?

At this moment, a magnetic voice sounded, giving birth to a glimmer of hope in the girl's heart.

She subconsciously raised her head and saw a man who looked like a mummy and was wrapped in bandages, looking down at her.


The girl's beautiful eyes widened subconsciously.

How can a person stick to a strong body like Spider-Man?

Unlike the girl who was shrouded in despair and fear, the big man immediately raised his head when he heard Mark's voice. Although there was confusion in his eyes, he was also fierce.

He immediately took out the pistol hidden under his clothes, raised his hand and pulled the trigger towards Mark:

I believe in your mother! Stop pretending to be a ghost with me!


The moment the gunshot rang out, Mark's feet kicked hard and his body suddenly flew to the side.

Seeing that he missed his shot, the weirdo jumped behind him again, and the big man quickly turned around and raised his gun.

But this time, before he could take aim, a white bandage flew towards him.

It seems you don't believe in light.

With Mark's calm voice, the bandage hit the big man's chest, causing him to scream and fly backwards.


Mark and the big man landed almost at the same time.

However, Mark slowly stood up the next moment, but the big man could only bow on the ground.

There are three more...

After taking a look at the girl who was stunned there, Mark felt some resonance in his heart.

I used to be as desperate as she was.

But luckily, both he and she saw the light in despair.

But this time, he is the light that the god Ra shines on the world.

After scanning the girl, Mark turned around suddenly, his eyes filled with light, and his divine heat vision exploded instantly.

Under the impact of the sacred beam, the remaining three big men were unable to resist and were bombarded one after another.

Before their bodies landed, Mark raised his hand to activate the bandage and rolled their bodies back up.

Ra says you are guilty.

But I think human sins should be handed over to the law.

Eyes full of light, looking at the three people close at hand, Mark ignored the panic of the three people, raised his hand and threw them out.

They were just a few dregs of society, so Mark wasn't interested in them.

Of course...the most important thing is that Mark can't ignore life yet.

Although these are not good things.

Whether you call him a holy mother or a coward, Mark is a person who grew up in this era after all.

Mark still has a reverence for life.

After dealing with the four scum, Mark walked towards the girl.

The girl who fell there was once again blocked by the shadow.

Looking up blankly, the girl saw the light.

Unlike when she was blocked by the big man before, she was shrouded in shadow. When she looked at the big man, she seemed to be seeing an abyss.

But now when she looked at Mark, she seemed to see light.

Mark is also shining.

When the power of the Holy Shroud is activated, the entire body will emit a faint light.

This makes it impossible for Mark to be a Dark Knight like Batman.

How can there be a Dark Knight who is as bright as a light bulb?

Who are you?

The girl's spirit relaxed. Facing the glowing Mark, she subconsciously asked.

Mark thought for a while and finally answered:

I am the Sun Knight.

The light that Ra sheds on the world.

If you believe in light, please believe in Ra.

The light of Ra is with you.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mark raised his arm and he flew high into the sky.

Looking at the disappearing white figure, the girl who still fell to the ground muttered to herself:

The light that Ra sheds on the world.

So...does the god Ra really exist?

There seemed to be light in the girl's eyes.

And in the level that only the gods can peep into, a shallow faith was born out of thin air, heading towards Alexandria across the void.

Alexandria, where the true form of the god resides.

The update is late because I almost don’t believe in light today and feel that life is meaningless. I’m sorry.

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