I Became the Sun God

Chapter 42 I feel it

I don't know if there will be artifacts here.

After spending money to buy a ticket, Mark pretended to be a tourist and entered the museum, but his eyes were blank.

There are too many cultural relics here, and Mark doesn’t know if any artifacts exist.

If you want to find artifacts from countless collections, you can only hit the jackpot and wander around blindly.

Unlike other tourists, Mark was just looking at the museum.

It took Mark more than half an hour to finish visiting the first floor.

Unfortunately, there are no artifacts on the first floor.

There is no such feeling from the soul, and it doesn't even react when touched.

If there's nothing upstairs, then we have to give up temporarily.

Mark's expression was not very good-looking, and he was disappointed and a little natural.

Although he had known for a long time that artifacts were not easy to obtain, such a result still made Mark feel disappointed.

Let's go to the second floor and have a look. If it's not there yet, we'll go somewhere else tomorrow.

Anyway, the police haven't locked me in yet. I still have enough time to move around.

Mark shook his head and sighed, and then walked to the second floor as if he were coping, but he had no hope in his heart.

This is…

Not long after wandering around the second floor, a mysterious feeling made Mark freeze there.

His body was trembling a little, and he was staring at the display cabinet not far away, his heart beating violently.

I feel it! I really feel it!

The sacred breath originating from the god Ra!

It's an artifact!

A flash of ecstasy flashed in Mark's eyes, and his mood was as exciting as riding a roller coaster.

Just like buying a lottery ticket, Mark came with the feeling of having finished buying the lottery ticket.

Although I knew it was impossible to win the lottery, I still couldn't help but fantasize about it.

After finding nothing on the first floor, Mark felt like he didn't win five yuan in the lottery, and he accepted the fact that he had known for a long time.

But now?

The first prize of Nima Lotto!

Although I don’t know what’s in the showcase, the sacred aura is unmistakable.

An artifact given to the Sun Knight by the god Ra in the age of myth!

Mark, whose mind was filled with artifacts, walked straight towards the display cabinet.

Facing the tourists blocking the way, Mark didn't bother to get out of the way and pushed them away easily.


What are you going to do?

Who is so incompetent?

Mark is the Sun Knight after all, and his strength is enough to make ordinary people lose their balance.

Everyone who was pulled away by Mark was shocked and cursed.

But as if Mark couldn't hear it, he walked straight to the display case and looked down at the mummy in the display case.

Ramses II?

Yes...the greatest pharaoh of Egypt is qualified to be the spokesperson of the god Ra.

Looking at the label next to the display cabinet, a flash of realization flashed in Mark's eyes.

Ramesses II's achievements in Egyptian history were enough for him to become a lucky man who was noticed by the gods.

I'm offended, my ancestors.

The younger generation of Sun Knights need the power you left behind.

Facing the mummy in the showcase, Mark took a deep breath and softly confessed to him.

Ignoring the angry looks of those behind him, Mark slowly raised his fist.

What is he going to do?

Is he a madman?

Quickly inform security, there is a madman here.

It's really unlucky. I was pushed by a madman. I will never come to Egypt again.

The group of people who were originally glaring at each other lost their original anger because of Mark's crazy behavior.

Who in the right mind would argue with a madman?


Before anyone could find the security guard, Mark punched the display cabinet, causing a huge muffled sound.

After all, it was Egypt. The first reaction of almost everyone was to squat down with their heads in their hands.

After confirming that there was no subsequent attack, the men began to search for the source of the sound.

Soon they saw Mark standing in front of the showcase.

Mark's face showed a painful expression, and his clenched fists were swollen.


Secretly gasping, Mark's old face turned red:

You're careless, this is bulletproof glass.

The radiance flowed in his blood, allowing Mark's fist to recover quickly.

But even after he recovered, Mark would no longer smash the display cases with his fists.

You still have to use tools.

Mark turned around and glanced around, finally settling on a chair.

Ignoring everyone's gaze, Mark directly picked up the chair and then slammed it down.

With a click, the explosion-proof glass instantly shattered.

Ring ring ring!

As the explosion-proof glass was smashed, a piercing siren sounded.

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.

What are you doing!

Don't move!

Hold your head with your hands and squat down, or we will shoot!

All visitors please retreat as soon as possible!

Museum security rushed over immediately.

Looking at Mark standing in front of the showcase, these security guards were notified by their superiors and immediately took out their weapons.

Riot batons, riot shields, and even pistols!

More than ten security guards surrounded Mark, and the remaining security guards began to evacuate the crowd.

But after all, people like to watch the fun.

Seeing that Mark was unarmed, these people were unwilling to leave.

But in the face of strong security guards, they could only be driven to the back and blocked by a human wall of security guards.

But even so, many people still took out their mobile phones and started recording the scene.

Is the movement too loud?

Seeing that he was surrounded by people, and some people even started filming him, Mark subconsciously touched his mask.

Wear the mask securely and your face should not be exposed.

Squat down! Otherwise we will shoot!

Damn it! Do you know how precious that artifact is!

The security guard holding an explosion-proof shield slowly approached, and in the middle of the explosion-proof shield were several pistols aimed at Mark.

As they slowly approached, the security guards were also trying to get Mark to give up his resistance.

It was not that they were afraid of Mark, but that they were afraid that Mark would destroy cultural relics.

That's the mummy of Ramses II!

Put in the ancient East, it is almost equivalent to Li Er's corpse. How precious is this?

Faced with the tense situation, Mark slowly retreated to the mummy and put his hand on his arm.


The resonance of the soul made Mark shiver subconsciously, and he could feel the bandages wrapped around the mummy reviving.

Damn it! Don't let him touch the cultural relics!

Shoot! If you don't shoot, something will happen!

Seeing that Mark touched the cultural relics and even shivered as if he had finished urinating, the boss of the security department gritted his teeth and gave the order to shoot.

Bang bang bang!

With a harsh sound, bullets shot out one after another.

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