I Became the Sun God

Chapter 40 Predecessor’s Artifact

Gods give mortals power and change their destiny.

This is enough in Qin Ran's opinion.

He had given Mark enough.

Qin Ran doesn't like getting something for nothing, so Mark has to pay a corresponding price for what he gets.

And the price is to be a tool.

As the Sun Knight of Ra God, Qin Ran did not allow Mark to keep a low profile.

I, the god, am the mastermind behind this, okay?

Under such circumstances, Qin Ran used the ground as a prison to limit the scope of his activities.

Centered on the pyramid complex with the dying power of the god Ra, the Sun Knight can only move within this range.

Once beyond this range, the soul without the protection of Ra will soon be wiped out.

This annihilation is real.

No one can prostitute a god for nothing.

I've given you so much, and if you still don't obey, then I'll have to find someone else.

Of course, in order for the tool man to better fight monsters and level up, Qin Ran also gave him a promotion route.

The weapons Mark saw in his consciousness were Mark's future advancement capital.

In Qin Ran's setting, the collections in the museum belong to the former Sun Knights and contain extraordinary power.

When the new Sun Knight obtains them, he can become more powerful with the blessing of that power.

There is a novice area, there is an upgrade route, and Mark is gone.

Leaving Egypt meant death, and if he didn't leave, he would be exposed sooner or later.

Not to mention anything else, just the crime of murder is enough to give him a headache.

And once his extraordinary power is exposed, trouble will continue to come.

Then...it's time for me to harvest.

Qin Ran turned on optical invisibility and flew towards the port with a smile on his lips.

Mark, a tool man, is not as simple as causing trouble.

He is the Sun Knight.

The tool man goes to play, and I'm responsible for winning.

After all, Ra's faith already belongs to me.

Ever since he discovered that he could easily steal faith, Mark was no longer as simple as a test subject in Qin Ran's heart.

He is the tool man he pushed to the forefront, and he is also the beginning of the return of the gods in the real world.

Although his research on the extraordinary is not thorough enough, Mark alone is enough in a short period of time.

After all, the time ratio is there.

Brother...what's wrong with you?

I was driving fine, but suddenly there were advertisements all over my body, and there was no response no matter how I called.

Daisy was shocked by Mark's change.

Fortunately, this change did not last long, and Mark regained control of his body.

He stopped the car immediately, then turned to look at Daisy, and said with a gloomy expression:

Daisy, I can't leave with you.

Why? Didn't we agree to leave together?

Daisy's voice suddenly rose an octave higher.

Mark shook his head helplessly and said in a deep voice:

If I leave Egypt, I will die immediately.

My soul cannot live without the protection of Ra. This is the price Ra paid for letting me be reborn.

When Daisy heard that Mark would die, she was immediately at a loss. After a while, she said:

What should I do...

Mark sighed, looking a little reluctant:

What else can be done?

You should leave Egypt by yourself first. I can't send you any further.

Daisy's expression changed and she subconsciously grabbed Mark's hand:

No, if you want to leave, let's go together.

If you don't leave, I will stay with you.

Mark rubbed Daisy's head and said in an unusually doting tone:

You will only be my weakness if you stay.

Don't you want me to be a superhero?

Then I'll become a superhero in Egypt.

Mark's explanation calmed Daisy down.

Indeed...if he stayed, he would definitely be his brother's weakness.

He is obviously an invincible superman, but how did he let his girlfriend trick him?

Mark is a Sun Knight, so as long as he is careful, nothing should happen to him.

Batman, an ordinary person, doesn’t hide his identity very well?

Egypt is not a country in the East, but there are not so many messy surveillances. As long as Mark is careful, he will be fine.

Countless thoughts flashed through her mind, and Daisy looked at Mark suspiciously:


Mark nodded heavily, pointed to his head and said:

Absolutely true.

And I just saw some footage.

The Sun Knights of the mythical age, who were the pharaohs and priests, still have weapons left behind.

As long as I get them, I'll be stronger.

Even some of their abilities can help me hide my identity.

The first few sentences Mark said are true, but the sentence about hiding his identity is false.

What Qin Ran wanted was a tool man pushed to the front desk. How could he deliberately help Mark hide his identity?

Mark said this just to reassure Daisy.

Daisy never thought that Mark would lie to her. After listening to Mark's explanation, she finally felt relieved:

Then...then I'll go to my aunt's house for shelter first. You must keep in touch with me and call me every day.

Mark saw that Daisy had been moved by his words, and his expression relaxed a lot.

After taking a deep look at Daisy, Mark pretended to be relaxed and got out of the car:

Okay, call me when you get there.

I'll go back to Cairo to find a place to live first, and then I'll find a way to get the equipment.

I'll be a superhero then.

After watching Daisy leave, Mark couldn't help but sigh:

My soul belongs to the god Ra, so that's what it means.

If that's the case...then I will become the Sun Knight and spread the name of Ra before he returns.

When the gods return, maybe the god Ra will see my achievements and bless Daisy.

Mark had no choice.

Qin Ran's painting was a prison, so he had to level up in Novice Village.

Since it's leveling, there must be a goal, otherwise wouldn't it be better to lie flat?

After a while in the car, Mark figured it out.

Compared with the great gods, I am just a tiny ant.

Instead of passively waiting for the gods to return and then being accountable for their sins, it is better to take the initiative to express yourself.

When the time comes, as he is a knight of God, he may be able to rely on his merits to let Daisy also receive God's gift.

The gauze wrapped around the mummy...

Mark looked in the direction of Cairo, his eyes slowly becoming firm.

When his power was out of control, Mark saw a lot of ancient equipment, one of which was a bandage.

A bandage that was wrapped around the mummy after the gods disappeared.

The only problem is...that thing can only sense me during the day.

Mark shook his head helplessly.

It seems that even trying to keep a low profile is no longer possible.

Thanks to reader 1478327346057490432 for the 5,000-coin reward, and to book friend 20210222183850125 for the 600-coin reward. I'm so excited that I don't know how to express it. How about... I'll show you a cute show?

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