Very sleepy…

Am I going to die?

My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and my head is buzzing.

Mark, who was almost unconscious, just wanted to have a good sleep.

Go to sleep...

You can rest after sleeping...

And there seemed to be a gentle voice beside him, making Mark, who was dying, more and more relaxed.

Good night...Daisy...


Before Mark could completely loosen the string, the name Daisy shocked him.

No! I can't die!

I still want to protect Daisy!

I don't think I'll let that bastard succeed!

The power of family affection made Mark wake up, and then the piercing pain overwhelmed him.


It hurts so much!

The severe pain made Mark's face instantly distorted.

Holding back the severe pain all over his body, Mark struggled and crawled toward the door.

His limbs were brutally broken, and his head was still bleeding.

As soon as he moved his body, the heart-piercing pain amplified countless times, making Mark almost faint.

However, relying on the will in his heart, Mark still moved his body with difficulty.

If your forearm is broken, use your elbow; if your calf is broken, use your knee.

Warm blood flowed from Mark's head, blurring his vision so that he could only see blood red.

hold onto!

I want to go out and save Daisy...I...I can't die here...

Relying on this perseverance derived from family affection, Mark's body crawled slowly.

Time has no meaning in this hellish torment.

Mark didn't know how long he had been crawling, but he finally reached the exit of the basement.

I want to go out…

I'm going to save Daisy...

With the continuous loss of blood, Mark's consciousness became extremely blurred, like a walking corpse.


He raised his twisted arm with difficulty, trying to touch the switch that was simply out of reach.

But his arm was completely twisted, and as soon as he lifted it, he fell down weakly.

Click... click...

Mark was like a robot, repeating his actions again and again.

I don’t know how many times I repeated it, but finally the electronic door made a dinging sound.

The door opens...

A glimmer of light seemed to rise in Mark's vague consciousness, and hope was born in his heart.

Not dead yet? Still thinking about crawling out?

You guys carried him back to me and poured cold water on him to wake him up.

I can't wait any longer!

But before Mark could see anything clearly, Li Fei's devil-like voice extinguished all his hopes.

elder brother!

What’s wrong with you!

Brother, wake up quickly!

You bastard, let me go, what did you do to my brother?

Then, Mark heard a familiar voice.

That was Daisy's voice.

Although he no longer had the strength to raise his head, Mark could still imagine what happened.

Daisy...were they caught?

Looking at Mark with disgust, Li Fei grabbed Daisy's wrist with one hand:


Show me clearly, this is the price for offending me!

Daisy was roughly dragged into the basement by Li Fei. Her youthful face was full of panic and helplessness.

She didn't know how it could become like this.

Why did this happen suddenly?

Let my brother go!

Don't touch him!

Before Daisy could figure it out, she saw the security guards dragging Mark away roughly.

Mark was thrown back under the statue like garbage.

Daisy wanted to chase after her, but was roughly dragged to the ground by Li Fei, and her long legs were suddenly covered in bruises.

Put that loser's eyes open for me!

I will let him see with his own eyes how I collect debts today!

Li Fei stepped on Daisy, unbuckled his belt, and gave orders to the security guards at the same time.

No one dared to refute Li Fei.

Although Li Fei is a foreigner, he has his own connections in Cairo, which is enough to make them fearful.

In the basement full of history, Li Fei looked like a devil with an excited smile on his face.

The others are minions of the devil, and no one present is innocent.

Trash like this doesn't deserve to live!

Qin Ran glanced at Li Fei with disgust.

If he hadn't already had a plan, he would have slapped this thing to death.

But the result is the same. You must die here today.

Qin Ran turned to look at Mark.

Mark, whose eyes were forcibly opened, looked at all this with despair and anger, but he could do nothing.

I don't have any strength left, and I can't even curse.

He could only watch this happen.

If he could... Mark would rather turn into a devil himself and drag these people to hell.

As a god with power, Qin Ran can feel Mark's emotions.

His heart was filled with despair and anger.

If a demon appeared in front of him now, he would sign any contract without hesitation.

It's a pity that there are no demons in this world.

But luckily, a god with power over the sun was watching over him.

I feel your despair...

I can give you the power to change everything...

Just when Mark was dying, an ancient and majestic voice suddenly sounded.

The ancient and unknown language echoed directly in Mark's mind, but it happened to be understood by him.

The power to change everything...?

Like a drowning man grasping the last straw, Mark, who was unconscious, subconsciously asked:

Who are you?

who I am?

The ancient and majestic voice sounded again, and the world was filled with light at this moment.

Shrouded in warm light, Mark's consciousness became clear, and he also saw his miserable body.

Am I dead? It turns out that people really have souls.

Seeing his body next to him made Mark realize that he was dead.

For a moment, fear, confusion, confusion, unwillingness...all kinds of negative emotions arose in his heart.

But these emotions quickly dissipated under the warm light.

Mark instinctively looked towards the source of light.

He saw the sun.

I also saw the great figure in the sun.

Mark's full view. They are all filled with a golden sun.

And in that golden sun, there was an ancient and majestic figure sitting upright.

In the dazzling and then blazing light, Mark could vaguely see his appearance.

The human-like body is as dark as obsidian.

Perfect muscle lines can eclipse any sculpture.

The battle clothes made of gold and gemstones have a strong atmosphere of ancient Egypt.

The falcon-like head wears an ancient golden crown.

The hands like eagle talons hold the golden scepter, and the bare feet like eagle talons are stepping on the light.

Those golden eyes seemed to be burning with blazing flames, and endless brilliance bloomed from him.


In the bliss of his soul, Mark said that ancient name.

Xiao Transparent wanted to send a picture of the Easter egg stamp, but it turned out that this function is not available. It’s too difficult for me. Can you guys take me to take off?

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