I Became the Sun God

Chapter 30 Going Abroad

Lao Zhang?

Looking at the caller ID on his phone, Qin Ran pressed the answer button and smiled:

Director Zhang?

Why did you remember to call me?

Unlike Qin Ran's relaxed tone, Lao Zhang's voice was hoarse:

Hey...are you afraid that something will happen to your kid?

I was officially fired today, and I won't be able to find out much information. Please be careful these days.

Lao Zhang's voice was a little tired.

At this age, without a job, the pressure of life suddenly comes.

The mortgage has not been paid off, the children still have to spend money, and the parents are old... As the breadwinner of the family, Lao Zhang is under a lot of pressure.

But even so, Lao Zhang didn't complain about Qin Ran, but was worried about him.

This is very particular.

Facing Lao Zhang's concern, Qin Ran patiently replied:

Don't worry, Lao Zhang. I'm not a fool. I can't do anything that could lead to losses.

But then again, what's his plan?

He... wants to hit you with a car...

Lao Zhang hesitated for a moment, but still said everything.

Kill me?

Qin Ran raised his eyebrows but was not relieved.

He's just a mortal, with only a few connections and money, how can he kill a god?

I overheard the news outside his office.

He just arranged someone yesterday and fired me by the way. I should be going abroad today.

As if afraid that Qin Ran wouldn't believe it, Lao Zhang quickly explained the source of the news.

Going abroad?

Qin Ran's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but asked quickly:

He went abroad?

Old Zhang, do you know where he went?

Lao Zhang had no doubt that he was there and said subconsciously:

That means he went to Egypt. The company has business there. Xiao Qin, you should also know.

Egypt...is a good place...

Qin Ran muttered to himself.

After chatting with Lao Zhang for a few words, Lao Zhang finally felt relieved, and Qin Ran finally hung up the phone.

If the real world can give birth to the extraordinary...

When he thought of the ancient myths of ancient Egyptian civilization, Qin Ran suddenly showed an eager expression:

Then in a place like Egypt with ancient mythology, wouldn't it be unexpected for a transcendent person to be born?

Extraordinary people have been born. It is reasonable for a rich second generation to die because of extraordinary people, right?

Kill two birds with one stone, perfect!


Qin Ran snapped his fingers, and light burst out from his fingertips, like the first ray of sunshine at dawn.

It can not only verify your guesses, but also solve a small trouble.

Such a good opportunity must be seized.

Qin Ran quickly turned on his mobile phone and prepared to buy a flight ticket to Egypt.

Is it so troublesome?

After a while, Qin Ran gave up booking the tickets.

The great sun god doesn’t even have a visa.

I don't have a visa...then don't blame me for having sex for nothing!

It's impossible for Qin Ran to wait for a visa. Can a living god kill him by suffocating his urine?

After returning home and packing his luggage, Qin Ran took a taxi to the airport.

As the god who holds the power of the sun, Qin Ran relied on his optical invisibility ability to easily get on the flight to Cairo.

Qin Ran even got a first-class prostitute for free because of the lack of people.

As for why you went to Cairo?

As a former employee of Li Fei's family, Qin Ran knew that the Egyptian branch was in Cairo.

After all, we are engaged in logistics, and we must deal with import and export.

Alexandria Port in Cairo is one of the most famous ports in the world and is also where the Li family's branch is located.

finally reached…

After more than ten hours of flying, Qin Ran successfully arrived in Cairo.

As soon as he left the airport, Qin Ran canceled his optical invisibility, which attracted a lot of attention.

There is no way, Qin Ran looks pretty good.

After becoming the Sun God, Qin Ran continued to transform under the constant transformation of his divine power.

From the perspective of appearance alone, Qin Ran is almost at the ceiling, almost the same as a genuine reader.

Seeing that someone was already taking pictures of him, Qin Ran quickly put on a mask and quickly disappeared into the airport along with the flow of people.

There is no faith in the real world, at least not the faith of Qin Ran, the sun god.

Qin Ran's divine power recovered very slowly just by relying on his divinity to absorb dark energy.

But even so, by the time Qin Ran arrived in Alexandria, his divine power had been completely restored.

In the final analysis, Qin Ran's current level is too low.

Is this Alexandria?

Standing outside Alexandria, even Qin Ran was a little shocked.

It's so big here!

Countless containers, towering cranes, countless buildings, cargo ships as huge as hills...

The entire Alexandria is filled with the atmosphere of human civilization.

From cutting-edge technology to as small as a grain of rice...

It can be said that anything in the world can be found here.

There are even a lot of shady things, which may be hidden in which container.

However, these things are not very attractive to Qin Ran.

He didn't come here for tourism.

He wants to verify whether extraordinary things can be born in the real world.

At the same time, Qin Ran also wanted to take this opportunity to completely solve Li Fei's little trouble.

Ye Heifeng Gao is doing well!

He glanced at the sky above his head, and saw that it was already covered by dark clouds.

Even the bright lights of Alexandria could not dispel the darkness of the disappearing sun.

Qin Ran took a deep breath, his fiery divine power started to work, and his figure disappeared like a dreamy bubble.

Under the influence of divine power, Qin Ran was suspended in mid-air, looking down at Alexandria.

The nature of a divine creature gave Qin Ran an astonishing five senses, and his eyesight was comparable to that of an eagle.

In a short while, Qin Ran locked onto Li Fei's possible location.

With his whole body shrouded in divine power, Qin Ran flew towards a building.

He was very familiar with the logo on the building. It was the logo of the company he had worked for for several years.


There is actually a different world?

As soon as he stepped into the company building, Qin Ran stopped and looked at the ground under his feet.

Although Qin Ran did not have clairvoyance ability, the spiritual sense of the gods still made him realize that there was a cave underneath this building.

Mental power swept across like a storm, and Qin Ran quickly found the entrance.

This security specification is a bit interesting...

Looking at the security guards with live ammunition, Qin Ran felt as if he had discovered some great secret.

Easily bypassing the security personnel, Qin Ran walked down the stairs.

Before reaching the basement, Qin Ran heard Li Fei's roar:

They are like a bunch of dogs. Does the company belong to your family or mine?

Such things happen in China, and also in branches.

It's as easy for me to kill people like you as it is to kill an ant.

Do you really think that I, Li Fei, have never killed anyone?

Listening to Li Fei's roar, Qin Ran suddenly became happy:

Oh, you have quite a temper.

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