I Became the Sun God

Chapter 28 Saints of the Sun God

The starry sky is deep and dark, but also extremely bright.

Being in the illusory starry sky, all the believers subconsciously held their breath.

So beautiful!

Everything in the starry sky is so beautiful!

It is a scenery that ordinary people cannot see in their lifetime, but it is breathtakingly beautiful.

In the magnificent starry sky, believers can still feel the warm breath of the gods because the sun is in the center of the starry sky.

Like a golden fireball, the sun exudes light and fiery power and is the center of the entire starry sky and universe.

All the stars revolve around the sun.

God divided the stars in the sky into eighty-eight constellations.

Qin Ran's voice echoed in the starry sky and universe.

Along with Qin Ran's voice, the nebulae and stars in the universe were also connected by light.

The steeding Pegasus, the gorgeous peacock, the burly bear, the noble Aries, the innocent girl...

In the illusion arranged by Qin Ran, everyone seemed to be traveling rapidly through the universe, witnessing the birth of constellations one after another.

Countless stars and nebulae, connected by bright lines, turned into gorgeous constellations.

The concept of constellations is so easily understood by believers.

As all eighty-eight constellations have evolved, believers once again returned to the sun.

Standing in front of the sun as huge as the world, all believers found that the universe became different.

The sun...the palace of the great sun god is actually surrounded by these constellations.

It's eighty-eight constellations!

These eighty-eight constellations are all revolving around the sun. Is this the greatness of our Lord?

Standing in front of the sun, it is as if they are standing in the center of the world, with everything in the world rotating around them.

Such a discovery made everyone couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

At the same time, Qin Ran's voice continued to sound.

A devout and fearless believer can inherit the power of the constellations and become a saint warrior guarding the sun.

Their fists can pierce the sky, and their kicks can crack the earth.

God saw that there were many evil gods in the world and their minions also had extraordinary power, so he gave the holy clothes to the saints.

The Holy Cloth contains the power of the constellations. Only those who possess the Holy Cloth are the true Saints.

Bronze, silver, gold...

With Qin Ran's voice, the illusion of the starry sky and universe changed again.

Among the distant constellations, as the bright stars lit up, pieces of holy clothing unexpectedly emerged.

The appearance of those holy clothes is 80% similar to the corresponding constellations, but they are full of metallic texture.

And the most important thing is!

As the believers look at the holy clothes, the holy clothes can transform into armor.

Mysterious and cool!

Especially the zodiac signs closest to the sun, each piece of golden holy clothing exudes the divine brilliance of the sun.

Ah...that one...with wings!

It was the centaur, the one who appeared on the altar that day!

I see!

The one who came that day was not God. The great Sun God was just watching us. The one who really came was the Saint Seiya!

As divine and bright as the sun, this should be the Golden Saint, right?

Twelve! There are only twelve Golden Saints!

It would be great if I could become a Saint, but it's a pity that I can't pierce the sky with my fist.

Perhaps... Aru can do it in the future? The power he showed today is really incredible. It is a bit similar to the extraordinary power bestowed by our Lord.

Could it be that... Aru has been blessed by our Lord?

Eighty-eight pieces of holy clothing placed in the universe have brought an unprecedented impact to believers.

Especially after they discovered the Sagittarius Golden Cloth.

Because on the day Qin Ran traveled through time, he was wearing the Sagittarius Golden Saint Cloth.

Fortunately, this BUG was solved by believers themselves.

What came to the world that day was not a god, but a Sagittarius Golden Saint with the will of the Sun God.

Creation, creation, transcendence, constellations, saints...

The picture Qin Ran showed was enough to shock any believer, and it was enough for them to remember for a lifetime.

Such realistic pictures allowed them to understand the so-called history.

The extraordinary people who appear in history are connected with Aru.

Many believers are speculating whether the great sun god gave Aru extraordinary power as he did in ancient times.

Looking at the believers who were immersed in fantasy, Qin Ran decided to continue blindly... improvise.

The sun god distinguishes between light and darkness, but the darkness also breeds evil gods.

When the evil god breaks free from the prison of darkness, the entire earth falls into disaster.

God sealed countless evil gods at the cost of sleeping, but civilization was divided as a result.

The ancient extraordinary bloodline is getting weaker and weaker, and the saints who were once the sun god have also fallen one after another.

Until one day, the sun god woke up at the call of believers...

Qin Ran's remarks were carefully considered.

Since there must be more than one god in the world, I will make up a reason.

The sun god once fell into a deep sleep for the sake of world peace, and the new god became the new master.

It's just that they are not as great and benevolent as the Sun God. Their appearance makes the whole world more turbulent.

In a cinematic flash scene, the gods are fighting on the earth, and human civilization is forced to be separated.

The extraordinary beings once blessed by the Sun God gradually disappeared because of this turmoil.

In the end...only a thin bloodline was passed down.

For example...Aru's bloodline!

I'm such a genius!

“If you don’t write novels, you’ll be blind!”

Looking at the shocked believers, Qin Ran showed a proud smile on his face.

Although this set of rhetoric has many imperfections, it ultimately summarizes the worldview of the Sun God Universe.

With a basic framework in place, there is no need to worry that the entire worldview will not be perfected.

As intelligent beings, human beings have a talent called brain supplementation.

Especially when combined with faith, Qin Ran believes that the worldview he has induced will eventually be impeccable through brain augmentation.

Even if it contradicts the history known to others, the worldview belonging to the Sun God is destined to be the true historical text.

This is the power of faith!


This power of faith still needs to be perfected from generation to generation.

It requires the cooperation of many aspects such as education, force, culture, etc., so that the entire civilization and faith can be integrated together to truly achieve immortality.

This is why Qin Ran showed the so-called human civilization in ancient times.

The purpose is to let believers know that human civilization should be like this, instead of just drinking blood like you.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

That godlike man once said this.

“The seed has been planted.”

Then it depends on your understanding.

Qin Ran smiled slightly, and the illusion in the sky disappeared.

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