I Became the Sun God

Chapter 25 Tons, tons, tons

Open the banquet!

After the pious prayer ceremony, the old patriarch gave an order with a red face.

Immediately, the believers, who had been so greedy that their eyes were red, rushed towards the iron pots like hungry tigers rushing for food.

Keep order, no chaos!

This is food given to us by the great Sun God, and we should enjoy it with gratitude.

Ada, bring someone to control the situation!

Seeing the chaotic situation, the old patriarch stamped his feet and shouted loudly to maintain order.

Fortunately, the sun god is supreme in the hearts of believers.

The old patriarch carried the Sun God out, and the believers had to calm down no matter how greedy they were.

After restoring basic order, the old patriarch began to distribute food.

Everyone holds cutlery and lines up to receive instant noodles and beer.

The tableware in the tribe is also very simple.

Rough bowls made of clay and burned paper, and chopsticks made from tree branches, are the common tableware of the tribe.

The golden noodles were picked into a rough earthenware bowl, and a few ladles of golden noodle soup were scooped out with a wooden ladle. The rich sound hit your nostrils.

Everyone held the pottery bowl as if they had found a treasure.

After a big bowl of noodles, the believers took the pottery bowl and found a place to squat, and began to eat the noodles.

Bliss! Bliss!

After a while, the whole tribe was filled with the sound of yelling.

“It smells so good!”

I have never tasted such delicious food in my life.

Seniors in the Kingdom of God must be able to eat food like this every day, right?

God of the Sun, thank you for giving me food.

The impact of instant noodles on the taste buds made every believer look satisfied.

The old man in the tribe had his beard stained with noodle soup, but he couldn't help but wet his hands with it.

The food given by the gods is so delicious that not a single bit should be wasted.

The satisfaction of taste buds brings spiritual satisfaction.

The believers of the Yanyang tribe, while immersed in the delicious taste of instant noodles, are grateful to the gods in their hearts.

And those new humans are almost in the same state.

Even instant noodles have a greater impact on them.

They never imagined that gods could be so kind.

They never imagined that one day they would eat food from the kingdom of God.

All this is given by the great sun god.

So with this kind of taste buds satisfied, many people began to praise the gods from the heart, and began to believe in the gods from the heart.

This kind of belief is far more pious than normal.

What is normal time?

Normally, in this wilderness, it is impossible to survive without the protection of gods.

Whether you are on weekdays or going out, you need to offer sacrifices to the Sun God and pray for the Sun God’s protection.

In this unique context, as long as people are deceived, they must believe in themselves.

But that kind of faith is not as good as it is now.

With a meal of instant noodles, he successfully conquered their hearts and made them respect him from the bottom of their hearts.

What a lovely group of believers...

Qin Ran looked at all this with a smile.

From a modern perspective, it is simply incredible that a meal of instant noodles can conquer a group of people.

In a modern context, if the gods give you a bag of instant noodles, how would you feel inside?

But it’s different now!

For everyone, instant noodles are a delicacy that they have never experienced before.

These new believers were already at a loss.

And at this time, the supreme sun god came and gave them food regardless of their closeness or distance.

This kind of tolerance and blessing should be remembered in everyone's heart.

I just don't know what will happen if you drink.

Qin Ran sat on the pyramid and watched everything quietly.

Tons, tons, tons!


In Qin Ran's eyes, a big man with big arms and round waist quickly set his sights on liquor.

The transparent and fragrant liquid made the big man's saliva secrete crazily.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Realizing that no one was paying attention to him, the big man quietly picked up the wine bottle and poured tons of it into his mouth.

But after just a few sips, the spicy yet mellow taste in his mouth made him blush.

For those who have never drank liquor before, who would not be cautious when drinking liquor for the first time?

And this stupid thing only lasts three mouthfuls.

The energy of the liquor came to him all at once, causing his big face to turn red instantly.

What is this and why is it so spicy?

The burning feeling in his mouth made the big man subconsciously want to spit out the wine.

But when he thought that this was a fine wine given by the gods, the big man endured the discomfort and drank it.

It was like a fire flowing from his throat to his stomach, and the refreshing feeling that only high-quality liquor can have was felt instantly as he swallowed it.


Is this the wine given by the gods!

The big man couldn't help but shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Feeling the gazes from around him, the big old man blushed, and then said timidly:

The wine given to us by the great sun god...

It's really delicious. Why don't you try it too?

Tons, tons, tons!

Tons, tons, tons!

Tons, tons, tons!

With the attitude of giving it a try, many people began to follow suit and were naturally conquered by liquor.

As alcohol began to affect the brain, the atmosphere of the entire tribe began to become lively.

Brother, I'm telling you, you can hang out with me from now on.

Our tribe is not so particular. From now on, we will be a family.

I see that you are tall and powerful. Will you go out hunting with me from now on?

Hehehe, the new little girl is quite seductive.

Brother, don't you have a place to live? Come to me tomorrow and I will bring a few brothers to build a house for you.

Let me tell you, our Sun God is so great.

Even if I tell you, you may not believe it. The true form of the Sun God has come to our tribe.

Hahahaha, we are the descendants of the sun!

The liquor went up quickly.

The people who were affected by alcohol completely lost their previous barriers and began to drink together side by side.

This is the result Qin Ran wants to see.

Integrating into a new group is definitely not that simple.

This involves people's hearts and interests.

Although the will of the gods is supreme, it still cannot change people's hearts.

But liquor is different!

This thing is the first choice for breaking the ice culture!

The will of the gods and a big drink were enough for the two tribes to break the barriers as quickly as possible.

As for what will happen in the future, it depends on the ability of the old patriarch.


Qin Ran, who was watching all this with a smile, suddenly frowned unconsciously.

He found that many people had begun to have the urge to urinate.

This is not the point. Drinking will make you want to go to the toilet.

But what do you mean by peeing everywhere?

I started peeing in front of so many people, and there were people around me booing.

Damn it!

It’s even more outrageous!

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