I Became the Sun God

Chapter 23 Liquor and Instant Noodles

Human beings in the real world fear and blaspheme gods.

When they long for salvation or gifts from the gods, they are the gods' favorite believers, the kind who can pray to the gods wholeheartedly.

But more often than not, people do not fear gods.

When humans conquered the sky and the earth and were able to use science to explain all natural phenomena, gods would no longer be so scary.

The omniscient and omnipotent God can become the villain among evil forces and eventually be deprived of all divine power.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who symbolizes bravery, can also be defined as an alien or even a fat nerd.

Today I am cheering for Sun Dasheng, but the evil mist has returned again.

Even the Great Sage, who was highly regarded by the great men of his generation, could become the Thirteen Taibao of Huaguo Mountain.

This is the attitude of humans towards gods in the real world.

When I beg you or when I am afraid, I treat you like a god.

As for normal times?

That's about it.


If I were exposed as the Sun God, I might not be the enemy of the whole world.

Qin Ran, who returned to the real world, thought of the piety of believers in the other world and the situation in the real world, and shook his head helplessly.

A god born in the 21st century may not be the object of everyone's thoughts.

It's safest to hide behind the scenes.

Even if he has the power to dominate the world, Qin Ran still thinks so.

Isn't it good to be a mastermind?

Do you have to jump out and become the enemy of the whole world?

Although he has become a god, Qin Ran is very aware of his situation.

The power is very strong, but it is not strong enough, at least not to withstand nuclear bombs.

As for wisdom?

Perhaps after long years of accumulation, Qin Ran will become the wisest being in the world.

But now...

With Nimbus' tricks, Qin Ran might not even be as good as a village cadre.

So...the people in their system have dark hearts.

Who in the right mind would try to figure out whether you meant this or that in your words?

Things in the real world are not urgent.

After I get familiar with the use of divine power and solve Mr. Li's problem, I can start trying to lay out the plan.

Qin Ran shook his head slightly.

The real world is still very sensitive. If you want to take action, it's best to resolve the trouble first.

As an ordinary freight driver, Qin Ran's only trouble is Mr. Li.

Since the other party threatened not to call the police, I just waited for his method.

For a mortal's means, the gods have ten thousand ways to deal with it.

It's nothing more than a simple, crude and silent thing.

The most important thing right now is my followers.

Qin Ran returned to the real world and ran towards the supermarket immediately.

Under the cashier's shocked gaze, Qin Ran threw down a stack of hundred-yuan bills:

Bring me a hundred boxes of liquor and a hundred boxes of instant noodles.

We need it now, load the car immediately.

By the way, I also need a hundred iron pots.

How obsessed is this with instant noodles?

Have you finished eating one hundred boxes?

Under the messy gaze of the cashier, Qin Ran frantically scanned the supermarket like a wolf among sheep.

There was no need to change, Qin Ran pushed the trolley and left in a hurry.

Driving the truck back to his warehouse, Qin Ran immediately communicated the fog in his mind.

As the thick fog filled the air, Qin Ran quietly disappeared from the real world with these supplies.

Different world.

Even after such a short time, nearly a day had passed in the other world.

Fortunately, it hasn't been too long, it's still not too late.

Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the Yanyang tribe.

I saw that the originally dirty and messy tribe became even more crowded and dilapidated due to the addition of outsiders.

Even... Qin Ran could smell a stinking smell while standing on the pyramid.

This is not okay...

As a believer of the Sun God, I must know etiquette, justice and integrity.

Qin Ran shook his head in disgust.

Although the living standards of these believers in front of them are not as barbaric as those in the Middle Ages, they still cannot meet Qin Ran's bottom line requirements.

What was it like in the Middle Ages that many sheepdogs dream about?

The enemy can attack from the outside by stepping on the shit mountain outside the castle.

And the interior of the castle?

Open the window and pour excrement and urine into the street. The whole castle is full of excrement and urine.

So high-heeled shoes were born. Are you a noble? Don’t you know etiquette, justice and shame, and don’t you know how to avoid stepping on shit?

Compared to the West, the East is undoubtedly much more civilized.

Not only have there been manure pits since the Spring and Autumn Period, but manure was also discovered early.

When these people are fully integrated, we will begin to educate them.

Qin Ran shook his head slightly.

Such a group of barbaric and primitive believers really had to be guided by the god himself.

After all, his goal is to build the first human city in the wilderness.

The establishment of a city does not rely on large numbers of people.

Believers need civility.

A civilization of its own was born around sun worship and the sun god.

Just like Orientals in the real world.

Even in the era of prosperous science and technology, they still regarded the dragon as their totem and worshiped it for five thousand years.

What Qin Ran wants to do is to guide the civilization development of these barbaric humans and make them always believe in the sun god.

The sun god is the starting point of civilization and the core of civilization.

This is what Qin Ran wants.

But obviously, this is a very long process.

The road has to be walked step by step.

“The most important thing now is to integrate the foreign population.”

Not only to integrate into the Yanyang tribe, but also to completely integrate into my faith.

Qin Ran took a deep breath. In the invisible state, his eyes turned golden, as bright as the sun in the sky.

Divine power permeated from his whole body, turning into a divine light that enveloped everything.

Under Qin Ran's magical power, all the liquor and instant noodles were suspended.

It was as if countless invisible hands began to open bottles and tear bags in a uniform manner.

Blah blah blah!


Amidst the tinny sound, a large amount of liquor and instant noodles were opened by Qin Ran with his magical power.

Fortunately, the pyramid is high up, so the noisy believers cannot hear these sounds.

In the rich smell of blood, the young men of the tribe were dividing the prey, while the women set up a fire stove in the open space.

Regardless of whether they knew each other before, the children started playing together after they went crazy, jumping up and down in the tribe like skinned monkeys.

The old men of the two tribes gathered together and watched all this with smiles. They boasted to each other about their youthful skills, and at the same time, they were impressed by the greatness of the Sun God.

Everything seemed harmonious, except for the vague smell of odor.

And in this harmony, a great will descended like the rising sun.

That will is enough to illuminate thousands of miles and dispel all darkness.

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