I Became the Sun God

Chapter 19 I Believe You Ghost

Things haven't been going well for the tribe lately.

With the death of the Thunder Lord, the divine aura that enveloped the tribe also dissipated, and the ferocious beasts began to prepare for action.

In just the past two days, there have been several incidents of ferocious beasts breaking in.

If the tribe had not set up a trap long ago, I am afraid that the entire tribe would have been slaughtered.

But even so, several people in the tribe died.

The strong smell of blood will eventually attract more predators.

Without the deterrence of the divine aura, these predators would tentatively attack the tribe after testing.

After all, people are born weak.

Even though human wisdom is the best weapon, in this primitive forest, the effect of wisdom is not great.

Facing the threat of countless ferocious beasts, the entire tribe fell into panic.

People try to offer sacrifices to the gods and pray for their protection.

But the Thunder Lord never responded.

Even though the tribe prepared more human sacrifices, the Thunder Lord still showed no reaction.

The land abandoned by God!

We have been abandoned by the gods!

Without the gods protecting us, we would all die here.

It's over...it's all over.

I'm so reluctant. My child can't speak yet. I don't want him to die.

An atmosphere of panic and helplessness spread throughout the tribe.

But man is an unyielding creature after all.

Knowing that it is difficult to continue, people still choose to resist, or have to resist.

The entire tribe was mobilized.

They set up a large number of traps around the tribe, and warriors patrolled them both night and day.

It's daytime again.

Compared to the dark night where ferocious beasts are rampant, daytime is undoubtedly much safer.

But even so, the person in charge of guarding did not dare to slack off at all, even if his eyelids were fighting.

I don't know how long I can hold on.

The walls in the village can't stop the ferocious beasts at all, so we can only rely on traps.

The great Lord of Thunder has abandoned us.

In the past, only a few people died every once in a while, but now so many people die in just a few days.

At the entrance of the tribe, two powerful young men were whispering.


At this moment, a low and terrifying voice suddenly sounded, making everyone's hearts tighten.


Everyone, be careful, a vicious beast is coming!

Prepare the ballista and shoot it to death!

The unheard sound made everyone's hair stand on end and their spirits trembled.

In front of everyone's nervous eyes, a huge truck roared past, its headlights bright and dazzling.

my eyes!

What is this, why is it so scary!

Oh my god! Just the sight of him is too much for me!

The truck, which exuded the aura of steel, could only be seen as a blurry and huge shadow against the headlights.

On the contrary, it was the truck's headlights that gave this group of people an unprecedented impact. ,

Attack! Attack!

It's too scary! We must not let such a vicious beast break in!

Let the elders and children in the tribe prepare to evacuate!

The shouts one after another startled the entire tribe.

At the command to attack, the ballista fired powerful arrows towards the truck.

The arrows fired by the ballista are still quite lethal to trucks.

After all, the strongest parts of a car are its frame, chassis and bumpers, while other parts are just iron sheets.

The ballista was already considered the ceiling of combat capability in the cold weapon era, enough to allow trucks to break through defenses.

But the driver of this truck is the sun god hiding in the dark.

Then everything will be different.

In the invisible state, Qin Ran's eyes instantly turned golden, and his divine power was attached to the truck.

Ding ding ding!

With the blessing of divine power, the thin layer of iron skin suddenly increases the defense power.

Hard and long-lasting hot!

All the arrows hit the iron sheet and were violently bounced away without leaving even a trace.


A ballista is useless against this monster!

It's over! Only God can conquer such a monster!

What should we do?

The most powerful weapon of the tribe turned out to be useless on the crossbow, which made everyone despair.

At this moment, Qin Ran turned off the dazzling high beam and replaced it with daytime running lights.

The warriors led by Ada also quickly arrived in front of the truck.

it's useless!

This is the steel behemoth given to us by the great Sun God!

Your arrows can't hurt it!

Looking at the panicked crowd, Ada shouted to them.


Why did a group of people come out of the belly of the vicious beast?

What is he saying?

Steel behemoth? Sun God?

The appearance of the same kind made the people of the tribe a little stunned, especially because the steel giant did not attack them.

But after all, they were strangers, so the tribe remained vigilant.

Seeing this, Ada took a step forward with a butcher's knife in his hand:

We are from other tribes.

Guided by the great Sun God, come to save the same kind who are dominated by the evil god.

The evil god who controlled the thunder has turned into ashes and disappeared under the glory of the great sun god.

You... are safe!

? ? ?

Am I safe?

You came in a ferocious beast, with terrible weapons in your hands, and you still told me that I was safe?

I believe you!

Co-author: Was the Thunder Lord killed by the Sun God? No wonder our tribe is so miserable now!

Of course, they just thought about this idea.

Facing unknown and powerful similar creatures, everyone can only remain silent.

The opponent is too strong!

The gods they believe in can kill the Thunder Lord.

What they are holding in their hands must be magic weapons, right?

What's even more frightening is that such a terrifying steel behemoth is just their means of transportation.

This...this is completely a dimensionality reduction attack!

No one knows what to do when faced with the same kind of people.

Seeing that the other party remained silent, Ada was also a little confused, but he still continued to shout at the top of his lungs:

We are really here to save you.

You are qualified to bask in the glory of the Sun God.

It is the mercy of the Sun God to allow you to join us.

Of course...if you are unwilling, we can only use force to solve it.

As he said that, Ada took a few steps forward, faced the wooden fence, and slashed it down with one knife.

In front of the sharp butcher's knife, the tribe's fence to block the wild beasts seemed to be made of paper.

Everyone was silent.

Is such a sharp weapon enough to kill an entire tribe?

But... who can guarantee that what he said is true?

Once you go with them, your destiny will be out of your control, right?

Brothers, please vote and invest. The little seedlings need your nourishment to grow. I want it.

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