I Became the Sun God

Chapter 15 Purchasing Materials

Although the corpse of the god has lost its divinity, it is still a treasure.

After all, Qin Ran was just a crane driver, so naturally he couldn't bear to part with such a treasure.

But in another world, Qin Ran couldn't think of what he could do, so he could only take it back.

Real-world refrigerators should be able to keep food fresh.

Although the frozen extraordinary flesh and blood may lose certain nutrients or energy, this is the best way at present.

When you learn how to make potions in the future, this god's corpse will be useful.

Qin Ran's idea is simple.

It is impossible for him to let believers eat the corpse of a god, even if the god is just a huge python.

That would shake the image of the gods as supreme.

But it would be a waste if such a good thing is not used.

After thinking about it, Qin Ran could only save it for later use.

When he masters a method similar to refining medicine, he can completely refine the giant python's corpse.

When the time comes, it will not affect awe, and believers can also receive gifts from the gods. This is a win-win situation, right?

But before we go back, there is one more important thing.

Qin Ran suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the tribe, his eyes far away.

The evil god has fallen under the light of the sun.

My devout believers, our compatriots who are dominated by evil gods still need your salvation.

I will give you a magical weapon that can travel thousands of miles every day.

The oracle followed the mysterious line of faith and came directly from Qin Ran's place to the distant tribe.

The content of the oracle is simple.

Although Qin Ran packaged it well, but to simply understand, it means that you come over quickly and collect it.

Plundering followers from fallen old gods is not something the gods themselves should do.

Defeating evil villains and then accepting everyone's worship is what a superhero does.

As a superior god, Qin Ran should keep himself mysterious.

God is not to be taken lightly.

Letting your own believers do the expedition on your behalf is undoubtedly the best way.

The process of expedition to other tribes can not only enhance the believers' sense of honor, but also play a role in spreading their faith.

In this primitive and wild forest, the simplest and crudest law is that the weak eat the strong.

And when Qin Ran's followers conquer with a powerful gesture, it is time to show the superiority of their faith.

For these barbaric and backward humans, preaching can sometimes be understood as pretentiousness.

Woven bag clothes that are as brilliant as water.

Crystal clear rice.

There are also chariots given by the gods.

Can you be so awesome if you believe in the sun god?

Then I believe it too!

Faith is sometimes that simple.

It can be a gift from God, or it can be a pyramid scheme spread by word of mouth.

If nothing else, let’s talk about the former Yellow Turban Army.

Can General Tianbao really spread the beans into an army?

Isn’t it a pyramid scheme based on word of mouth?

But it was this kind of pyramid scheme that directly destroyed the Han Empire in that era when the people were still ignorant.

The meaning of missionaries and ascetics is actually like this sometimes.

Through their actions as humans, they guide similar people to believe in gods.

And the gods themselves... will only appear as a savior when they are most desperate.

In Journey to the West, why are the Heavenly Courts always moved to recruit soldiers? Is it not to establish supreme majesty in front of ordinary people?

Although Qin Ran is just a new god, he also knows these methods.

To put it bluntly, it’s just pretentious.

After issuing the oracle, Qin Ran's consciousness communicated with the white fog in his mind, and suddenly a thick fog filled the air.

As the fog in front of him dissipated, Qin Ran returned to the real world.

Returning with him was the huge body of Thunder Lord.

Facing such a huge body, Qin Ran showed a look of helplessness on his face:

The power of the sun I control can easily roast it into crumbs, but it cannot cut it.

At least not now. The light cannot be turned into a light knife under my control.

The Thunder Lord's body is too huge.

Even after death, he still exudes a breathtaking aura.

Just being thrown there is enough to terrify any living being, such is the nature of the extraordinary.

I have to do a lot of shopping anyway, just buy some tools on the way.

Qin Ran shook his head.

After locking the door, Qin Ran swept a shared bicycle and rode towards the city.

Shared bicycles sometimes become more tiring the more you ride them. After all, they are not designed for comfort.

But this is not a problem for Qin Ran.

The powerful physique transformed by divine power allowed Qin Ran to ride the shared bicycle like a motorcycle and run wildly on the remote and uninhabited road.

This means there are no witnesses.

If someone takes a photo and posts it online, it may turn into a blue legend like the delivery boy.

Riding a shared bicycle, Qin Ran came to the farmer's market in the city, next door to the Auto Trade City.

“What a great place!”

Qin Ran smiled brightly as he looked at the farmers' market where people were coming and going.

It would be best to solve it once and for all.

The farmers' market sells not only chickens, ducks and mutton, but also household appliances and commonly used tools.

Qin Ran just walked around and bought what he wanted.

Freezer, electric boning machine, and a large box of butcher knives!

Although Qin Ran has an outstanding temperament and a handsome face, he seems incompatible with a butcher.

But he couldn't stand Qin Ran's generous spending and refused to negotiate the price.

Soon many people knew that a young boss Qin had come to the market.

But these had nothing to do with Qin Ran. After buying what he wanted, Qin Ran turned around and went to the Auto Trade City.

Since he agreed to give chariots to believers, Qin Ran, the sun god, must be honest and trustworthy.

Anyway, when I first traveled to another world, my believers had already regarded the truck as a chariot, so why not give the believers a big truck?

Although trucks are not suitable for walking in the forest, Qin Ran can definitely open a path for them.

Opening a road is not a hard job, but a miracle like Moses parting the sea.

After buying what he needed, Qin Ran skillfully sat in the driver's seat and drove away without even getting a license plate.

When passing by the market entrance, Qin Ran bought a few boxes of instant noodles and took them with him after a brief hesitation.

When those potential believers are conquered, you should give them some warmth, right?

For them, who drink blood from raw materials, what else can be more fragrant than instant noodles?

Especially this instant noodles is Qin Ran’s favorite braised beef noodles!

There is no price increase for increasing the quantity, and it will taste better if you add bags of mustard.

Before becoming a god, Qin Ran, a truck driver, often relied on this to satisfy his hunger.

The smell... almost makes me sick.

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