I Became the Sun God

Chapter 12 Correct Use of Lightning Rod

Streams of thunder fell from the sky, accurately bombarded those metal spikes, and were introduced to the earth by wires.

The dense thunder is like a heavy rain, and it can be released in just one breath.

The thunder cloud that originally contained divine power seemed to be overdrawn at this moment, unable to shoot out even a drop.


The giant python's scarlet vertical pupils suddenly opened wide.

It had no idea what was going on.

The thunder he has brewed is the thunder condensed by divine power, and it is completely under his control.

But before he could order the thunder to strike, the thunder was released like a slut, wildly and joyfully.

what's the situation?

A flash of confusion flashed in the python's eyes!

Having transformed from a ferocious beast into a god, it obviously doesn't know about science, let alone the existence of lightning rods.

Lightning Rod is a poorly chosen name.

Because the function of a lightning rod is not to protect against lightning at all, but to actively attract lightning!

Therefore, the lightning rod has another name - lightning rod!


A confused python flashed in his eyes, and soon became ferocious again.

With a roar, its bloody mouth suddenly opened and spit out a thick bolt of lightning.


Everything in heaven and earth seems to be covered with electric charge!

But even so, the thick lightning branched strangely after approaching Qin Ran.

The thick thunder light dispersed into countless electric guns and accurately bombarded the top of the lightning rod.

what's the situation?

The giant python is almost questioning life!

He had brewed so much divine power, and the thunder he sent out was actually scattered?

This is like a man going to pee. He wanted to reproduce the style of peeing ten feet in the wind, but ended up with bifurcated pee.

But the giant python is a god after all, not an ignorant beast.

It didn't take long to realize the source of the problem.

Those thin metal wires can actually actively attract thunder and lead lightning to the earth.

Realizing this, the giant python's whole body began to glow, and once again spit out a bolt of lightning.

This time, the lightning gathered more divine power and was completely controlled by the giant python.

Sure enough, that attraction appeared again, but facing the prepared giant python, the thunder and lightning was no longer attracted by the lightning rod, but instead hit Qin Ran.

Facing such a scene, Qin Ran had already expected it.

The other party is a god, a god who controls thunder and lightning with his will, but he has never expected that the lightning rod can completely defeat it.


Thunder bombarded him, but was blocked by the shadow of the sun surrounding Qin Ran, and terrifying energy exploded.

The earth shattered under the sputtering thunder, and the blazing light turned everything into charcoal.

That's right!

The giant python found a way to restrain the lightning rod, but Qin Ran smiled.

The duel between gods is often a duel between authority and divine power.

Whoever has strong authority is powerful.

And the basis for using authority is the divine power controlled by the gods.

Normally, when the giant python spits out a bolt of lightning, the lightning will be invincible.

But now that there is a lightning rod, the giant python has to expend more divine power to actively control the lightning.

Invisibly, the consumption of the giant python increased, and the gap in divine power between himself and it was evened out.

As for the gap in authority?

It's not that Qin Ran is bragging. Although he is a mind, the person of the Sun God is there, coupled with his imagination, it is enough to compete with the giant python.

Solar storm!

With Qin Ran's low roar, the sun surrounding him surged, and a large number of prominences surged out.

The violent and fiery power erupted under the power of the solar storm, turning into an impact visible to the naked eye, and swept towards the giant python. ,

Every scale on the giant python's body was glowing, and it resisted Qin Ran's attack with its terrifying body.

Feeling the heat and pain coming from the scales, human sarcasm flashed in the python's eyes.

That's it?

Qin Ran's attack failed to break through its defense, which made the python realize its advantage.


The powerful defense of a giant python!

I can fly...

Damn ants, I'm going to eat you!

Looking at Qin Ran with ferocious eyes, the giant python uttered human words for the first time, and then saw the lightning all over its body surge, turning into a bolt of thunder and lightning.


Amidst the roar of thunder and lightning, the giant python rushed towards Qin Ran at an incredible speed.

Feeling the terrifying pressure, even Qin Ran's expression changed slightly, and he quickly retreated with the help of the power of the sun.


The giant python hit the ground roughly, causing a large crater to explode.

Then, like a normal person, the giant python still had electric light surging across its scales, turning into a thunder dragon and biting Qin Ran.

Qin Ran, shrouded in the shadow of the sun, rose into the sky like the rising sun.

In the force field generated by the sun, countless boulders rose into the sky.

With Qin Ran's sudden wave of his hand, the boulder hit the giant python like a meteorite.


The giant python roared, opened its bloody mouth and sucked hard, and all the stones were sucked into its mouth.


I just don't know how you taste!

A sarcastic smile appeared on the giant python's face.

It has discovered that it flies faster than Qin Ran.

Faster and physically stronger, the giant python has determined that it is invincible.

Just like strangling those prey, this god will eventually become his food.

At the thought of gods becoming his food, a flash of greed flashed in the python's eyes.

God...the same spirit as myself!

As long as you absorb his divinity, you can become more powerful.

Under this greed, the giant python took advantage of his body and fought Qin Ran more fiercely.

The giant python's whole body was glowing, and the breath of thunder and lightning even penetrated the air, destroying everything in its path.

Like a world-destroying thunderbolt, the giant python killed Qin Ran regardless.

Qin Ran's expression was calm. He was shrouded in the shadow of the sun and kept retreating, keeping the distance between him and the giant python.

Huge boulders flew up and hit the giant python with terrifying force.

But the giant python is like a tank, and those huge rocks can't do anything to it.

Either it was destroyed by the lightning on its body, or it was roughly swallowed by the giant python.

As a god, a god who transformed from an extraordinary ferocious beast, the giant python's digestive ability is unparalleled.

Even stones can be easily digested.

However, the giant python did not expect that Qin Ran, as the sun god, could actually make the boulder burn.

I'm going to eat you!


After chasing and escaping, the giant python finally caught up with Qin Ran and looked at him condescendingly.

Qin Ran raised his head with a triumphant smile on his face:

Eat me?

You should cure your indigestion first.

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