138 – The princess is no longer a princess

The night of the succession ceremony.

As today’s guests gathered in one place, the spacious hall quickly became crowded with crowds.

“Sigh… … .”

And Ariel, who can be said to be the protagonist of this event, was calming her beating heart outside the hall.

“It’s no big deal that you’re all nervous.”

“Yeah. I’m a bit curious too.”

Ariel, who responded with a wry smile at Edgar’s words, nodded in deep sympathy.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t particularly nervous, but she was the type to take care of things big and small.

But today, perhaps because it was the first public occasion after inheriting the family headship, even Ariel Robeheim felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

It was true that from today onwards, her face would soon become the face of the Loveheim family, so she had to be careful with her words and actions.

“This is true. My daughter is suffering a lot.”

“You did well at the succession ceremony, so what happened?”

“ah… father, mother.”

In the midst of Ariel’s breathing, the Loveheim couple approached from nowhere and started talking.

In particular, Yulken had a much lighter face than usual, but Edgar judged that it was the leisure he had gained by giving up his title as family head.

“Don’t worry too much. Even if all nobles like to gossip about others, it’s not like there’s only that kind of person.”

Since Yulken also went through the same process as Ariel, her feelings were understandable.

However, contrary to her worries, it was a big mistake to think that they were gathered only by arrogant people who only judged others.

When people are gathered, there are those kinds of things, and there are opposite kinds.

This is the same whether you are aristocrat or commoner.

And among the nobles Yulken experienced, there were many who tolerated some mistakes and looked at those who took their first steps with generous eyes.

In particular, there were many cases like this for those who inherited the title of head of household, and they thought it was natural because they thought it was a growing pain they had also experienced.

“Yes, your father is right. Besides, aren’t you the owner of the Loveheim family now? No one will criticize you carelessly, even behind your back.”

“My honor is fine. But I don’t want to dishonor the family for my mistake.”

Ariel wasn’t the type to care too much about someone criticizing and judging her behind her back.

Rather, it was a personality that did not even pay attention to the bugs chattering and the animals barking.

However, it was different when it came to family.

She was the one who cared for and loved the Loveheim family more than anyone else, and that’s why she felt the weight of the position she was entrusted with.

It was something that should never have happened to her that her family’s reputation would fall because of a mistake she had made.

“Heh heh, your mindset is better than me when I was young. That one would be enough. If I saw you now when I was young, I wouldn’t even raise my face in shame.”

“Yes? what is that… … .”

Ariel, who did not understand her father’s words, showed a puzzled reaction with her eyes wide open.

At this, Yulken secretly looked at his wife and began to laugh and recited the chimes of his youth to his daughter.

“I still remember when I had the succession ceremony. That day, unlike now, I arrived at the wedding hall first and greeted the guests.”

“Huh, I was by your side at that time.”

Hearing her husband’s words, Helen agreed as well, feeling that her memories were coming up again and again.

“As I was talking to many people with your mother, I heard a strange noise.”

“If it’s noise… … ?”

“It’s not something to talk about here, but you can think of it as a rumor about your mother. If you’re clever, you’ll understand what I mean.”

“ah… … .”

It was Edgar, not Ariel, who sighed at Yulken’s words.

He was probably a person who knew Helen’s position better than Ariel.

I don’t know if it was a trivial story that could be simply dismissed as a ‘rumour’, but I thought it was certain that it was something that would twist Yulken’s heart in an instant.

“What do you think this father would have done at that time?”

“… If it was your father, wouldn’t you have tried to pretend you didn’t know, and then later give a separate word or punish?”

At least, the Yulken that Ariel had seen so far wasn’t the type to scold or punish someone in front of many people.

Even if she had been like that a long time ago, it was simply a performance that wasn’t like him, so it should be left out of the question.

So, when I carefully spit out my guess, Yulken and Helene met their eyes at the same time and smiled bitterly.

It was a reaction as if he knew how to say it.

“I immediately drew my sword and pointed it at his throat. I wanted to keep my neck and torso separate, but your mother was a step ahead.”

“Yes… … ?”

Ariel, who couldn’t believe it, blinked her eyes blankly, then sent her eyes to Helen as if it were true.

“Yes, your father was like that too.”

Although now he is the head of such a solemn family, at that time he was a fairly self-indulgent man.

In a way, it could be said that her personality was closer to that of an infant and independent person than the present Ariel.

“It was a bit irritating, but I have no regrets. Rather, I still think it was an action I should have taken.”

Certainly, it may have been a rather light response for a family head.

The position of the opposing family also exists, and no matter how much the grand duke’s family is one of the three most prominent families in this country, there’s nothing good about making enemies.

did it nonetheless

And Yulken didn’t have the slightest bit of regret about his reaction at that time.

I can assure you that even if he cut off the head of the man who was cursing his wife on the spot, his feelings would not have changed.

“A person who simply wields the power of a grand duke is rude, but if you can wield it appropriately, it is a proper action. Got it? Ariel.”

“… Do you mean that it is okay to do whatever you like?”

Seeing his daughter hesitantly ask, Yulken silently nodded and gently brushed her hair.

“Yes, just like it was during the succession ceremony.”

“Ah, father… … !”

All in all, the father’s inconsiderate behavior reminded me of the memory of making the futon cold several times before.

As Ariel blushed and raised her voice, Yulken removed his hand from his head, saying that he meant that.

“Please take good care of me by my side. Although he is clever, he is a dangerous child, so I am asking for advice in many ways.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind. Majesty.”

“This person is too. Feel free to call me now.”

The title ‘Your Highness’ is no longer used for him.

Edgar also realized this belatedly and was rolling various titles out of his mouth when Helen sneaked in and offered him a proposal with a characteristic smile.

“Huh, then how about your father? Or your father-in-law?”

“… Yes?”

When Edgar, who had not been able to follow his consciousness for a moment, made an uncharacteristically stupid sound, Ariel said that he was right and stabbed him in the side.

“Except what? You can call me that now.”

‘Of course, if only my father would allow it.’ She added, then cast a glance towards Yulken.

Then he smiled as if he couldn’t help but nodded his head broadly.

“It’s something I would welcome. It doesn’t matter even from today.”

“ah… … .”

Edgar scratched his cheek in embarrassment, but thought it was a good opportunity.

After all, he was looking into the distant future with Ariel, so he would be happy to call him that if only Yulken and Helene would allow it.

“then… May I call you father?”

“Good. very good. Speaking of which, will you call my wife that way too?”

“Oh, are you calling me too?”

It was an unexpected reaction, but Edgar could tell at a glance that Helene had been hoping for that.

In the first place, she had a history of Edgar telling her to think of herself as her adoptive mother from a young age, and that her mother, even though it was difficult, would not call her aunt.

However, Edgar never dreamed that such a day would come, but as expected, nothing in the world went as predicted.

“Is there anything difficult, Mother?”

“… … .”

Helene, who had been watching Edgar blankly for a moment at Edgar’s low words, suddenly took out a handkerchief and pretended to wipe her eyes.

Of course, it wasn’t that the tears were really flowing, but it was because I was so thrilled.

As the person who has been watching the two for the longest time so far, I feel like I have finally achieved fruition.

“I didn’t know that this day would come so soon… When Ariel couldn’t hold her heart for you and was confused, I thought it was wrong now.”

“Mother… ! I-what did I do… … !”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, her name popped up, and Ariel jumped forward in a fit of fuss.

Of course, it wasn’t that there weren’t any stings, so I just wanted my mother to keep her mouth shut, but unfortunately that seems impossible.

Helene, without a hint of mercy, brought up the past and told Ariel’s back story when she was more careless than now.

“Don’t you remember? You often ask your mother, ‘Aren’t you going to Ardenum?’ That’s what I asked.”


Ariel screamed out loud, not paying attention to the gazes around her, and rushed straight to Helene, trying to cover her mouth somehow.

Although it ended in a futile dream because he was stopped by Yulken, who was guarding his side.

“Even so, to say that Mom has no interest in Edgar… Still, if you want it over there, you’ll think about it… … .”

“Oh, Mom! Why do you keep doing that in front of Ed!”

“Look, since you’re in a hurry, your tone of voice is back to how it was before, right?”

Probably because she had accumulated quite a lot, Helene started pouring out stories about her daughter during her immature days.

The attack was so fierce that even Edgar did not tease Ariel for the weakness, but rather comforted her with a pat on the shoulder.

“Stop it, Mom! I need to go in with Ed… … !”

“Are you going to run away? Yes, there are many opportunities, so even tomorrow… … .”

“Ed! Mom looks tired, so let’s go in by ourselves!”

Ariel, who eventually gave up on stopping Helen, grabbed Edgar’s hand and strode into the hall.

Even though it was the appearance of the owner of the Grand Duchess, the Loveheim couple smiled bitterly at the dignified and innocent appearance of the back.

“Don’t you think you’ll do just fine? honey.”

“It is not natural. It’s you and my daughter.”

Yulken wrapped his arms around his wife’s shoulders and moved to the other side of the hallway.

As these two are the main characters tonight, it wouldn’t be bad for the supporting actors to enter a little later.

So, even until then, I wanted to soothe the tiredness of the day by spending quality time with my wife.

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