126 – into her arms

Upon contacting the savior, Yulken’s party immediately turned their horses’ heads and headed for the place where Edgar was left.

At this level, even if they are intact, they must be at a level where they can guarantee victory.

It’s a rare case, but it’s only the hope that Edgar will be able to get him back if he’s alive.

“We must go ASAP!”

Fortunately, Bignes, who was quite proficient in magic, undid the magic that had been held in Yulken and Elfelt’s shackles, so Yulken personally ran in the lead this time.

For some reason, Yulken felt that the distance was not decreasing at all compared to when he was running away a moment ago.

Perhaps it was because she valued the life of the young man who would protect her daughter more than his life.

Just like that, the surrounding background changed again, the huge canyon that stretched out behind it disappeared before anyone knew it, and by the time the snow-covered vegetation reappeared, Yulken saw a familiar bridge.

It was the bridge he had crossed right after parting ways with Edgar.

“It will be soon after passing there! Be alert to the presence of the enemy and be prepared to engage in battle!”

“Yes! Majesty!”

His vassals, including the soldiers who followed, shouted as if putting their palms together in unison.

Soon after passing the bridge and arriving at the corner of the road where the traces of the carriage remained, they finally caught the sight of a group of people gathering openly.

A man was lying in the snow in front of the group, and as soon as he saw it, Yulken ran like crazy and let out an angry roar.


“… You came back after saving your life.”

For some reason, Kellag, who was out of breath, sat down on the snowy field and greeted the members of the Loveheim family who approached at close range with sharp eyes.

The blood-stained snow was piled up around them, and it was a part that showed how fierce the bloody battle between the two was.

Even Kellag and Edgar, who could be seen right in front of them, had unusual scars on their bodies.

“Still, thanks to him, his life was saved.”

“He… What?”

“The guy lying there. His name was Edgar Bilhark.”

Yulken’s eyes widened when he heard of Kellag’s nonchalant words.

Doesn’t that mean that Edgar’s life is not yet lost?

Then, what I had to do now was to save him rather than focus on the enemy in front of me.

When he reached that point, Yulken immediately called Bignes who was standing behind him and asked for him.

“Vignes! Ed, check Prince Edward’s condition first and take him to the base!”


Bignes stepped forward and, with the help of the soldiers, brought Edgar to the group and cast a spell to check his condition.

Fortunately, Hide was still attached.

The problem is that because of the amount of blood loss, you don’t know how long you can survive if you leave it as it is.

However, as Yulken said, there was a possibility if he was immediately taken to the headquarters and treated.

“You guys follow me! Go straight back to base!”

“All right!”

After getting Edgar into the wagon that had brought Yulken, Bignes headed straight for the headquarters with a small group of soldiers.

He himself climbed into the carriage and tried to heal Edgar as best as he could even on the way.

A high-ranking mage might be able to save his life even in this state, but he wasn’t well versed in healing magic, so every second was in a hurry.

The carriage carrying Edgar then left, and Yulken, who was left behind, stared at Kellag without a word.

What is his purpose?

Judging from Edgar’s condition a little while ago, he could have taken his own life.

Besides, more than anything else, the point of invading Whitewood. That part stuck with me from the beginning.

“What was the reason you saved him?”

“You really like to ask questions to your enemies beforehand.”

“Stop talking nonsense and answer me.”

At Yulken’s frosty demeanor, Kellag glanced at him, then shrugged and shrugged.

“He was a funny guy. I didn’t mean to save you, though.”

“… What do you mean?”

What did he mean by saying that he had no intention of saving his life even though he obviously did not end his own life?

Yulken frowned at the question, and Kellag, who had been bandaging his body with the help of his subordinates, smiled deeply.

“Because he would have died just by looking at the amount of blood loss anyway. I was going to leave it as it is and leave it to chance, but you were a step faster.”

“That’s an excuse that doesn’t work. Isn’t that the same as saying that it was already a mindset to save?”

“You could see it that way. Well, I’ll leave that up to you guys.”

Taking Yulken’s words lightly, Kellaag stood up with the support of those around him.

Abdomen, chest, shoulders and legs. There was no place where the sword scar was left, so a moan filled with pain naturally flowed out.

‘A young guy is quite good.’

I hadn’t even been informed of her age, but at most she was probably not even twenty.

Nevertheless, I wanted to highly appreciate the fact that he confidently confronted himself and pushed his sword against him.

Most of all, I really liked that there was no hesitation or even hesitation in each blow.

‘I didn’t care. That would mean that he’s on par with me in terms of skills.’

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Kellag never lets go of tension when he recognizes his opponent as a warrior.

It was not only a courtesy for the other person, but it was also a good attitude to become a prey that could always be eaten among the tribes that were based on the rule of thumb.

That’s why, even against Edgar, even though he exchanged swords with him without a moment’s carelessness, an equal fight broke out.

In other words, except for the fact that he was still young and lacked combat experience, he was on a level comparable to him, the best warrior in the tribe, in terms of pure skill.

“Tell him when he wakes up. At least in the time I’ve fought, there’s no opponent I’ve had to give my all to as much as he did.”

“In that case, I can give it to you directly. Of course, you will be held captive.”

At the point of saving Edgar, the intended purpose had already been accomplished, but there was no reason to let them live.

The number of enemies is good enough, and above all, the commander, Kellag, is in a state where he is close to being unable to fight.

If not now, when would be the right time?

Even as he drew his sword and showed blatant hostility, Kellag’s demeanor remained relaxed nonetheless.

“You’d better quit. This side will come back soon.”

“… You did quite a bit of thinking.”

“It’s the work of our bookshop. Nevertheless, I am willing to deal with you if you want to do more.”

As Kelaag stood there holding back his sword, which he had dropped on the ground, Yulken, looking at his back, had no choice but to click his tongue and turn away.

If time drags anyway, Hujin will arrive and this side will lose.

It’s just a pity to let them live, but I’m satisfied that I saved Edgar, and now it’s time to go back.

“I will come back to get Whitewood back. Then don’t expect me to be benevolent like you.”

“Even if I didn’t mean to save you. No matter how much I tell you, you won’t listen. Is that a characteristic of Imperial bastards?”

“I have no intention of arguing, so I will go back.”

Yulken carelessly turned around, mounted his horse again, and set off the soldiers.

It’s time to forget the bitterness of defeat and the humiliation of being held captive for a while and focus on saving a man.

‘Anyway, those high-nosed guys admit it. It’s something to live for a long time.’

Foreigners basically have a lot of hostility towards the imperial people.

Nevertheless, Kellag, who is called the leader of the alien race and the best warrior, recognized the man who had just undergone the coming-of-age ceremony.

That alone was enough to gauge how far Edgar’s value had risen.

Of course, that would be an issue that could only be praised when Edgar woke up, so Yulken could only hope for his recovery right away.

“Your Highness, the young master… … .”

“It will be fine. I should stand up for Ariel.”

“… Yes, I hope so.”

Cutting off Elfelt’s words of anxiety, Yulken smiled with effort.

I have to wake up.

Only then would she have the courage to face him and face her daughter.

If he does not wake up like this, Yulken will not be able to offer even a single flower for condolences on the day he is buried.

* * * * * * *

Even in his dreams, Edgar blamed himself as he recalled the last battle.

number one. There really was just one number missing.

Could this be the difference in combat experience? Even though I thought I definitely deserved to win, I was so disappointed that I lost.

‘It’s fortunate that Her Highness was saved, but it’s still a pity.’

If possible, I wanted to return to Ariel alive.

If the battle had been won and Kellag’s head managed to be taken, it might have been possible to get the body out somehow while the enemy panicked.

It was regrettable when I felt that I had come a long way even though I had not neglected training because I thought I was lacking, but what should I do now? In the yard where everything is over.

Closing your eyes and resting like this is the last task given to him.

At least, if I had a last wish, I wanted to see at least a daughter who was like a rabbit while living with Ariel, but thinking about it differently, I also thought that it was fortunate that I did not make her a widow.

– … de! Ed!

‘Even though he’s dying now, I can still hear his voice.’

Maybe this is a kaleidoscope?

Even as his consciousness sank below the surface, Edgar focused on the last thing he wanted to hear: her voice.

It wasn’t exactly what it sounded like, but it was clear that he was desperately looking for him.

At least, I wanted to convey at least an empty word of thanks, saying that even if you are not confident, get along well.

Still, I felt like I could close my eyes with great satisfaction, thinking that this was a plausible end for a life that had little to do with it.

In this way, Edgar’s consciousness gradually fell below the surface of the water and eventually reached the bottom of the water.

Suddenly, something warm touched his body, as if something had snatched his arm.


“Ed! Ed… … !”

“… Oh, Riel?”

It takes about 3 seconds to feel that it is human warmth.

And it took about 5 more seconds to recognize the opponent who clung to the familiar voice heard later.

Edgar, in disbelief, reached out and touched Ariel’s back.

It’s not like a dream or an illusion. It’s definitely a reality.

This touch, the warmth, even the crying voice. The last thing he wanted to see was Ariel Loveheim’s.

It truly came alive.

into her arms.

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