“Aren’t you a middle-aged man who looks a little greasy?”

“Yes, no. He was a young wizard.”

Was there a young mage I didn’t know about in this estate? Among them, if there is a strange one, there is Wither. But on the outside, it would look fine, wouldn’t it?

From noble mtl dot com.

“Are there any characteristics?”

Eltis eagerly explained his appearance. But it doesn’t seem to be the Wither. Fortunately, the characteristics are clear, so I think I know who Eltis is describing.

“One of the magistrates is Vernant Hakor. He looks strange because he’s big for a wizard, but he’s a normal guy.”

Vennant is one of the talents that Wither recruited. A little weird guy is right. He is almost 2 meters tall and has excellent physical abilities, but he is not a knight but a wizard. However, he is more talented in management than magic.

“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. Do you know about the ancient species?”

“Yes, I know.”

Who knows better than I, who inherited the knowledge of Drakan?

“There are ancient races like elves, dwarves and vampires, but there were also ancient humans. I must say there was no. All of the pure-blooded Ancients have disappeared. In any case, even ordinary humans have inherited the blood of the ancients. Sometimes, it transcends generations and expresses itself boldly. This is related to blood, so unless you are a vampire, you cannot feel it.”

This is unknown knowledge. So, does that mean that Vennant is a human with a strong expression of ancient blood?

“What’s the difference if the blood of that ancient person is thick?”

“Hmm, I hate to say this, but it is very delicious. Oh, of course I have no intention of vampirizing anymore.”

Blood is delicious, it’s a useless ability beyond imagination.

“Is there anything else?”

“The lineage of the ancients itself is very precious. I saw it for the first time after waking up, but it was very rare even a thousand years ago. It’s the third time I’ve seen it in my life. According to the knowledge handed down among vampires, the lineage of the ancients sometimes exerts power beyond imagination.”

It is not expressed and maintained continuously, but is it displayed once in a while? It’s an ambiguous ability.

It seemed like something would happen if I gathered the lineage of the ancients, but I’m not a vampire, so I can’t detect it even if it’s right in front of my eyes.

“Are there any other rare bloodlines?”

“Yes, there are several. First of all, there was a thing called cursed blood and holy blood.”

This is also the first time I’ve heard of it. After all, the ancient species have their own knowledge.

“Unfortunately, both lineages disappeared long ago. Unlike the lineage of the ancients, it doesn’t seem to appear from generation to generation.”

“What were their abilities?”

“Cursed blood brings unhappiness around. Everyone around you becomes unhappy except yourself. Conversely, holy blood brings all the bad luck around you to yourself. For that reason, it must have been inevitable. My grandfather told me that both strains were very tasty.”

Why do you keep talking about the taste of blood? In any case, it will be difficult to survive whether the surroundings become unlucky or if you become unhappy.

In any case, it was good to find out the ability of a subordinate that I didn’t know and to gain new knowledge. I thought about whether or not I should transfer Bernant’s position. It was because in the position of administrator, it seemed that I would not be able to see the power that transcends imagination that sometimes appears even if I live my whole life.

Then Bastet sneaked through the window and sat down in her usual window seat and began to tidy her hair. Bastet sometimes grooms her fur like a real cat, but why is it necessary when she doesn’t even have real fur anyway?

While looking at Bastet, Eltis’ eyes felt red for a moment, then returned to their original eyes.

“You know?”

“No, I’m not sure. Not a normal cat. I can’t feel the blood.”

I didn’t feel a godhead, but I felt like I felt the absence of blood.

“He is the strongest person in the Akasha estate. And in the Akasha county, cruelty to cats is punishable by death. Please keep that in mind.”

“It is an unusual law. Do other animals matter?”

“Yes, but it is a law that must be followed.”

It is probably the most important law in our territory. Eltis said a few more things and then went back.

The next day, an official was sent to establish the official identities of Eltis and Violetta, the girl he was protecting, and introduced them to a pub prepared near Akasha’s mansion.

When Eltis registered his identity, he registered Violetta as his daughter. Eltis said that he would only take care of Violetta until she became independent and then leave, but is there really a son-in-law that the true-blood vampire father-in-law would like? Maybe the two of you should live together longer than you think.

After dealing with Eltis’ problem, he found a region of the Neos Kingdom where almost the entire country had become a battlefield. I came here to save one person. Looking at his alter ego, he is not a particularly talented person.

This was the castle of a count family where the Yeongjijeon was taking place. It was not a war for supremacy like other places in the Neos Kingdom, but a territory war that was being waged for really trivial reasons.


As usual, most people are very surprised when I suddenly appear in front of them. The young maid next to her used magic to put her to sleep before screaming.

“Did you kill him?”

But she wasn’t surprised and asked calmly.

“I was just going to sleep.”

“thank god. He’s a good kid. I’ll do as you say, so please don’t hurt me. Where are you from?”

“My name is Count Germain Akasha. Shall I call you Mrs. Lily White?”

But when she heard my name, she didn’t respond. It seemed like he didn’t know me.

“Just call me Lily. So the fact that Count Akasha came all the way here means that Count White is dead?”

“no. We are still fighting hard.”

“okay. Did Count Akasha come to take me too?”

“Well, actually it is.”

A shadow fell on her face.

“But, I swear, the reason is different from the others.”

“What is different?”

“I’m not trying to seduce you for your appearance.”

she is very beautiful She was probably one of the most beautiful women in the entire continent. The age is now 21 years old, and the water has risen for a long time.

If that’s the only reason I’ve come to take her, of course not. It is me who sees the elves almost every day through the eyes of an alter ego. I saw other beauties to the point of getting sick of it.

Lily’s now husband, Earl White, is her fifth husband. Until now, every time Lily’s husband changed, many people, including her ex, died. The territory war that took place just now was also an invasion from the neighboring territory to occupy Lily.

The talent that seems to be a soul is not outstanding. She is simply a woman who was lucky enough to wear her shell well. But there was something about her that was inexplicably demonic.

“A lot of people have said that.”

“It’s to take it for the many people who die every time your husband changes.”

Lily lifted her head for the first time and looked me straight in the eyes. The moment I met Lily’s blue jewel-like eyes, I felt something hazy, but I immediately came to my senses. It was different from when I watched it as an alter ego. When I met her in person, it was clear that she had abilities beyond what she seemed.

“This is my first time.”

“What do you mean?”

“The one who caught my gaze and came to his senses so quickly.”

“Then would you like to follow me?”

I am neither a kidnapper nor a human trafficker. I won’t take her unless she agrees.

“Am I going to be Countess Akasha’s wife?”


“Then are you a concubine?”

“Not even that. I should have told you that I do not want your body.”

In fact, I had no intention of making her do anything. I just wanted to prevent many people from dying because of her ability, and I also wanted to help her in her miserable life. But when I came and saw it in person, it was a really dangerous ability. It felt like anyone else would fall for her if it weren’t for me.

“Then what are you going to have me do?”

“Um, would it be okay to work as a maid for now?”

Keeping this dangerous woman near me would be the safest for me and for others.

“Are you doing the work yourself?”

“I don’t think there will be anything difficult, but you have to do basic things.”

“Then fine.”

It seems like the first time I see someone who likes to work.

“I’ll give you a little time, so if you have any important items, take them. I’ll use magic to move, so it’s okay if the amount is a bit large.”

“There is nothing like that. No, can I take this child too?”

Lily pointed to the young maid who had fallen asleep. Obviously, if only Lily disappeared, the young maid would be killed by Count White.

“It is.”

I put the little maid on my shoulder and started moving, holding Lily’s hand. Soon after arriving at my office, Lily’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Where is this?”

“It’s Countess Akasha in the middle of the northwestern part of the Aether Empire.”

But Lily didn’t seem to know how far this place was from where she was.

“But do you really not know me? It is also called the second saint.”

“I don’t know much about the outside world. No one told me.”

He called someone to take the little maid he had brought with him and to prepare a room for Lily to stay. I had a very foreboding feeling when the maid who just entered the room looked at Lily and me alternately with very surprised eyes and then left.

I made the tea myself, gave it to Lily, and had a cup myself. Lily watched with great wonder as I magically heated the kettle and brewed tea.

“I don’t know if it will fit in your mouth. This is raspberry tea, a specialty of the Akasha estate.”

Although it is a specialty of our territory, it was well suited to my taste, so I enjoyed it often. Lily carefully put the tea to her lips and smiled brightly.

“it is delicious.”

It was just a moment of danger. Should I tell them to cover their faces with something like a mesh? Then, as Lily sat and sipped her tea, a black shadow fell over her.

Bastet jumped onto Lily’s lap while meowing and looked at me with a somewhat greasy look.

[Did you hunt the female this time?]

Isn’t that Bastet?

“Oh, what a cute cat.”

Lily stroked Bastet and put on a very happy expression. Bastet seemed to like Lily as well, so she settled down on her lap and closed her eyes.

What will come after a while has come. I already knew this would happen since the maid left a moment ago. I just let it be because it wasn’t blocked by blocking it.

I heard the sound of the wind cutting outside. Now, as the level has risen, the sound of footsteps is not as loud as before. The door burst open and men poured in.

From noble mtl dot com.


Jake looked at me with a very thrilled expression. Argin looked distraught and Howard nodded happily behind him.

“Strictly speaking, it is not like that. This is Lily. For the time being, she will serve as my exclusive maid.”

As soon as Lily stood up and greeted them elegantly, everyone’s eyes widened. It is absolutely not a phenomenon that happens simply because you are beautiful. Among them, Argin was completely mesmerized and approached Lily step by step. Lily, accustomed to stepping back, looked at me with a frightened face. No matter how much experience you have, there are some things you just can’t get used to.

When I tried to use my hand on Argin, a black shadow fell upon Argin first.


As Bastet jumped up and hit Argin’s forehead with his front paw, Argin threw his head back and flew off into the wall. Thanks to everyone, everyone came to their senses.

Howard glanced at Argin and shook his head. Could it be that he died?

“Not dead.”

But why are you shaking your head?

Argin and Jake, who came to their senses, knelt in front.

“He showed an impossibility of ugliness.”

“Gwa, it’s okay.”

Lily stuttered a little, wondering whether it was because of Argin or because of Bastet. Seeing that he was stroking Bastet on his lap again, I don’t think it was because of Bastet.

“I am not fine. As punishment, the two of them will be banned from entering the office for a while. No, all men are banned from entering.”

“All right.”

The two answered that, but Argin’s last glance caught my heart. Maybe it was because he had little tolerance for women, but even if he was bewitched, he seemed to be firmly possessed.

I remembered something, so when night fell, I called Eltis. This time, Eltis, who had arrived formally rather than through a window, saw Lily sitting on the sofa on the side and stroking Bastet as soon as she entered the office, and smiled while showing her teeth. The fangs looked very sharp.

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