Antariel is a magician. He’s of a similar type to me, but he’s far superior in terms of combat except for authority. And among magic, he formed a family in healing magic, which is what made him what he is today.

By maximizing the effectiveness of healing magic, he maintained combat power with greater regenerative and physical strength than trolls, and modified his body by transforming healing magic.

Even if it wasn’t Antariel, other humans with high combat power also had some similarities with Antariel.

The crazy wizard Ben Bezalel, whom I rank second in combat power, is conducting a terrible human experiment. Only the ones I’ve seen so far have kidnapped hundreds of people and used them for experiments.

The purpose of his human experiments is to create stronger humans. An enhanced human who has already made significant progress and only listens to his commands is very strong.

In other words, Antariel is trying to become a god by reshaping his body, and Ben Bezalel is trying to become a god by reshaping someone else’s body.

And Alchemist Fulca Nelias, who occupied the third place, was making an all-powerful substance. It is a substance that can become a superhuman beyond human limits if eaten, and can freely use huge magic when used in magic. This isn’t perfect yet, but we’ve made some progress.

Fulcan Nelias is challenging the realm of the gods by creating new materials. If the Heretic Judges knew about it, they would have run right away, but even if they didn’t know it, it would be difficult to defeat them with the power of the Heretic Judge.

“Let’s see”

After saying that, I returned to Count Akasha. The body transformation did not happen so quickly, and it was just a matter of leaving the alter ego behind and watching, so I couldn’t wait endlessly.

Bastet opened her eyes from sleep, looked at me with a meaningful look, and then closed them again. I just want you to wake up and tell me if it’s a complaint or if there’s something else going on.

While observing Antariel’s body modification for several days, he discovered something new at the southern end of the East Continent. this should go right I stopped recording and stood up.

[A good male should bring his game when he returns home.]

Just as they were about to move, Bastet said a word and closed her eyes again. But isn’t that the standard for cats? what should i get? I wondered if I should stop by the Great Forest in the middle and catch something.

What I found on a small island at the southern end of the eastern continent were four half-corpse dwarves. These are the two friends who arrived first. As soon as I moved and arrived, I used the power of healing to save them and took out alcohol and food to share.

“Thank you. human.”

“It is a good drink. I’ll make you at least a sword later.”

I kept him alive and fed him, and he was very cocky. I wondered if this was the basic habit of dwarves. Drakan, you are not wrong. It’s easier to push this kind of class out stronger.

Just as the two dwarves in front succumbed very easily, when I mentioned Drakan to them a little, they became very docile sheep.

“Gran Goldbasher and Dural Baldveer are already living in my estate, building airships to return to. It is a place where there are no humans.”

Well, the new continent is also my land. That’s it.

“Is that true?”

“Then how do I know their names?”

“Those guys are alive!”

For a moment, the Dwarves were so moved that they shed tears and made a fuss. When their emotions subsided, they spoke up.

“Are you going there too?”

“of course. Please take me with you.”

I started moving in space with the dwarves. And then, deep in the Great Forest, it stopped. Like the previous two dwarves, these dwarves suffered from severe motion sickness. It seems that some of the dwarves’ organs have characteristics that are weak to space movement, but it was worth researching when time permits.

There is a slightly unusual demon living around here. It resembles a combination of a rat and a bear, but since it lives deep in the great forest, it has never been discovered by humans, so it has not been given a name.

Anyway, I came here thinking that Bastet would like it if I caught something similar to a rat.

Dwarves sniffed as they took out sweet-smelling food from the subspace and spread it around.

“You are not going to eat it.”

“By the way, where is this place?”

“Deep in the Great Grove”


The dwarves are astonished. It seems that the notoriety of the great forest is still being handed down to the dwarves.

After a while, the witch who smelled the sweet smell appeared. He has the body of a bear, the tail of a mouse and the agility of a mouse. It is a large monster that exceeds 10 meters in size. Of course, it was said that living deep in the Great Forest is as strong as it is.



The Dwarves who saw the beast screamed. Aren’t the dwarves a brave race? Either that or not, I tied my feet with earth magic and stopped my heart by blocking the blood flow using the power of disease.

The Witchbeast collapsed powerlessly. Other methods are faster and simpler, but this is what happened because we tried to catch them without trauma as much as possible.


When the Demon Beast fell, the Dwarves let out a shout of victory as if they had caught it. Even in the midst of that, I did not go near the Witchbeast.

“Don’t scream, the others are coming too.”

At my words, the Dwarves immediately shut up. I stored the beast’s corpse in the subspace and started moving again.

The place I arrived was my office again. To go to the new continent, you need to take a break here.

After the dwarves collapsed from motion sickness, I moved back to the yard of the mansion, took out the magic beast, gave a word to the butler, and returned. If it was a large monster like that, it would be a lot of money even if you just peeled off the skin and sold it. Furthermore, since it is a monster that has never been discovered, it will be of great value to scholars.

[Will this be okay?]

[You’re a great male]

First of all, I received a pass stamp from Bastet. That’s it.

After the Dwarves came to their senses and I regained some of my strength, I started moving again. There was nothing good about dwarves standing out in the eyes of ordinary people.

And finally, the six reunited Dwarves embraced each other and made a fuss.

“Wouldn’t this make production a little faster?”

“of course!”

What I wanted was this. However, it seems that the house needs to be increased a little more, but there are still many materials left, so I will take care of it.

This time, he stopped in the sea and caught a big tuna and returned to the mansion. Secretly catching this prey is fun even though it is burdensome. Ingredients had to be replenished anyway, so it seemed like it would be better to focus on what to eat in the future.

When I returned to the manor, put the tuna in the pantry, and went back to the office, Bastet meowed at me for the first time.

[Give me tuna, tuna.]

I haven’t eaten anything up until now, but was it simply that there wasn’t anything that suited my taste buds?

[How should I give it?]

I didn’t know whether I should cook it or give it raw tuna since it’s a cat, so I asked.

[Of course, isn’t it raw tuna?]

He quickly ordered a servant to spread the tuna meat, and Bastet sat down in front of the pile of tuna meat and chewed it piece by piece. Bastet likes tuna. Let’s put it on the record.

A few days later, Antariel’s body modification was finally about to come to an end. When he removed his own heart and transplanted a mysterious heart, something like a thread came out of the unconscious Antariel’s body and formed a cocoon. Looking through the alter ego, the body was changing as a whole within it, and now it seemed that the end had come.

Just in case, I took Howard and moved to Antariel’s cave. If you lose your reason and become an alien being, it is likely that you will act corruptly, then remove it.

“What is that?”

“He was the strongest human being”

When Howard, who was brought in without knowing why, asked a question after seeing the huge cocoon, he gave a simple answer. Then Howard glared at the cocoon.

“Right. It must have been.”

Antariel had already become an outsider. He is no longer human.

“Argin will like it.”


“You went from being 7th to 6th, right?”

“Oh, sure.”

If you just inform them that you have reached 6th place, they will think that you have become stronger as a result of training and will train harder.

We sat down, took out our drinks, and waited patiently. There were times when I roughly expected it to be a burst of energy or something like that.

Eventually, after a few hours, the cocoon cracked open, and Antariel’s form finally began to emerge.

Purple hair, a pair of horns sticking out from between them, dark gray skin, fangs protruding a little like a vampire when vampiric, and a pair of bat wings. That was Antariel’s appearance now.

“Are you satisfied?”

Antariel did not answer my question. I was just busy looking back at myself. Antariel was obviously stronger than when he was human. But what about god? I couldn’t even get close. In conclusion, he failed in his purpose.

“Are you satisfied? Antariel”

To the second question, Antariel gritted his teeth and answered.

“I got stronger.”

“Yes, I am stronger than when I was a human. But that’s all. When you were human, you were the strongest human I’ve ever known. But what about now that humans have been abandoned? Among the non-human beings, your strength is insignificant. You, who are neither a demon nor a human, can live in the human world? Or can I live in the world of demons?”

I wondered if Antariel’s gray face had turned darker, and then he suddenly lunged at me.

“Don’t mock me!”

The speed was very fast, but there was a very strong escort next to me. Antariel’s sharp claws flicked helplessly at Howard’s gesture. Then, with one kick, it bounced off the ground like a water swallow, flew off, and crashed into the wall.

From noble mtl dot com.


Antariel, who was holed up in the wall, vomited blood in shock. But you won’t have to worry about dying. Even when he was a human, his ability to regenerate was his long-term ability. Now, that ability would have doubled.

Suddenly, Howard started undressing. I know what I’m trying to do, but every time I see it, it’s burdensome. With Howard’s power, it wouldn’t be difficult to deal with Antariel even without transforming. It seemed like he was trying to show off on purpose.

Howard, who lived as a demon regardless of his will, but always wanted to remain a human, would not look good on Antariel, who threw off his human self.

In an instant, Howard’s appearance changed to that of the Demon Beast King, and Antariel, who was still clinging to the wall at that overwhelming majesty, watched with his mouth open.

oh oh oh oh!

The demon king’s roar exploded inside the narrow cave, and his life force and energy raged like a storm.

Antariel couldn’t close his mouth dripping with saliva.

“Did you see? This is an extraterrestrial being.”

Of course, the monster king is special, but isn’t it a world where there are more alien beings than the monster king? Even the cat that rolls around in my room every day is stronger than the Demon Beast King.

Antariel was half out of his mind. It was the moment when the life he poured into was denied.

“Me, what am I for…”

However, I did not think that Antariel was completely at fault. Humans are challenging creatures, and the results were not wrong. Although he did not become a god as he had intended, Antariel created a new species. Being the founder of a new race, isn’t that wonderful in its own right?

After a while, Antariel, who came to his senses, returned to his human form and asked Howard, who was wearing clothes.

“who are you?”

“It’s Howard Calista.”

“her! How many strong beings like you are in the world?”

Howard tilted his head, thought for a moment, then replied.

“Ask that friend.”

Why did you think that you would postpone it to me anyway?

“There are about five strong alien beings similar to Howard. And there are at least three in the world stronger than Howard.”

“Oh yeah?”

I don’t know where I was surprised, but Howard was rather surprised.

“Rather than that, Antariel, what are you going to do now?”

The plan failed and the goal was lost.

“Well, I don’t know. I just want to be quiet for a while.”

“This place isn’t bad either, but why don’t we move to a place where there are no people?”

“Is there such a place?”

“New Continent”

That’s how the seventh inhabitant was born in my new continent. Antariel deliberately assigned them to a place quite far from where the dwarves live. The story of the dwarves had been told in advance, and it was the result that Antariel wanted.

Now that he had wings, he could always go to the dwarves or come back to the continent if he wanted to.

While Antariel was looking for a new cave, settling down, and decorating the cave, I arrived at the battlefield in the southern part of the Western Continent again to meet another person.

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