Energy Developer Cheolwoo Lee (2)

In the meantime, I made a lot of effort to study Soromin.

While grasping the characteristics of each element, what characteristics the structure of the molecule will achieve and how to achieve a stable structure.

And that wasn’t all.

Which elements are good at combining, and which elements must be synthesized at what magnification for a catalytic reaction to occur.

I studied a lot about chemistry.

Thanks to this, I was able to understand why the unstable spectrum phenomenon occurs as soon as I saw the research results given by Dr. Park Kyung-ho of CCHF.

The mixing ratio of boron and iridium.

Dr. Park Kyung-ho tried various combinations, but he didn’t seem to know the exact mixing ratio. There were also problems with the method.

“……. Mixing ratio and method are the problem? Isn’t the method I experimented with the best? When I looked at the level electrons of boron and iridium, I properly distributed them in the most ideal ratio of 225:1. As for the method, there is no other way than ultra-wide-angle UV synthesis. What?”

Although he was pretty accurate.

“Well, I missed a very important point. One of the properties of iridium is something called wide-angle molecular phenomena.”

“The wide-angle molecular phenomenon? I’ve never heard of such a phenomenon?”

He looked at me with suspicious eyes and said.

Just a moment ago, you praised me so much that it was an honor.

“I’m sure you haven’t heard of it. It’s a phenomenon I discovered a while ago while developing Soromin. Iridium has the property of generating additional electrons when 541 atoms come together.”

“……? yes?”

he said in bewilderment.

“Well, if you don’t believe it, you can experiment with it yourself. We haven’t studied exactly what principle it is by, but it’s already been proven that such a phenomenon occurs.”

At that time, I did not study in detail because I was in a hurry to develop Soromin.

But just because you don’t know the cause doesn’t mean you don’t know the phenomenon.

“No, it can’t be… is that something like that happened?”

“Yes. It was an accidental discovery for me too.”

“Then… I guess I’ll have to change the compounding formula. Let’s see… He said 541.”

He made a formula based on the information I gave him on a computer.


I could do it later.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I stopped without realizing it.”

“No. Listen to the story and go to the lab to do it.”

“all right.”

“And catalysis. There’s one more way besides ultra-wide UV synthesis.”

“……? What is it?”

“It is the oxidation of iridium using the aggregation effect of boron.”

After hearing my words, the doctor was silent for a moment.


“Now do you understand?”

“Yes! I understand. When boron’s aggregation effect appears, if iridium is combined, an oxidation effect will occur naturally…”

“Yes. Then you can get chemical energy instead of thermal energy from the combustion of methane gas.”

The word energy refers to many things.

Electrical energy, thermal energy, kinetic energy, chemical energy, light energy, nuclear energy, etc.

Thermal energy was obtained with the existing methane gas.

However, if a newly created catalyst is used this time, it will be possible to obtain chemical energy rather than thermal energy.

“That’s right! This is a new discovery of methane gas!”

Methane gas was a troublesome substance in many ways.

It is also processed into LNG and used as a natural fuel, but only a small part of the amount obtained in the crude oil drilling process was possible.

Methane gas, which is in a gaseous state at room temperature, is also a major cause of global warming.

Increasing the utilization of methane gas is a long-standing task for scientists.

However, if new chemical energy was obtained through this research, it was a great discovery and invention.

“hahahaha, but it’s still only theoretical.”

“No, if you use that method, I’m sure. Our humanity will get a new energy source thanks to Mr. Cheol-Woo Lee’s great discovery!”

… … . Was it true when you said it was an honor?

“Oh, um… it’s not that grandiose.”

“No, how could this not be grandiose? The discovery of using methane as a chemical fuel! This discovery is truly historic.”

“hahahahaha, it’s just a theory, so go and do some research.”

In the end, if the experiment doesn’t succeed, it’s like drinking only kimchi soup.

“Aren’t you going with me? I’ll invite you to my lab.”

“Thank you for your kind words, but I have more research to do on my own.”

“…… Is that so? Then I’ll contact you right after the experiment.”

“Yes. I understand. Then please do so.”

“Yes! Then I will go back first.”

He bowed politely and left my room.

Well, once the work of using methane as new energy is over… … . The problem is the fuelization of methane hydrate.

How to process methane hydrate in solid state to efficiently obtain methane?

How can chemical energy be used effectively?

From noble mtl dot com

It seems reasonable to obtain methane as chemical energy that is much more efficient than conventional thermal energy.

However, how to use chemical energy efficiently was still a challenge.

* * *

Dr. Kyungho Park has returned to his laboratory at CCHF.

“Chief, are you here? What did Mr. Lee Cheol-woo talk about?”

When he returned, his assistant researcher asked.

“Don’t be alarmed, listen.”


“So, Professor Cheol-Woo Lee was interested in the energy conversion of methane that we were researching.”

“Really? Professor Lee Chul-woo was interested in our research?”

“Don’t be surprised and listen, I’m already surprised.”

“No, it’s surprising that Professor Lee Chul-woo is interested in our research.”

“So that’s what I mean. Anyway, the more surprising thing is from now on.”

“……? What else is there?”

“Of course. Why is there no progress in our research now?”

“Isn’t that not stable because of the unstable spectral phenomenon?”

Unstable fuel cannot be used. There is a risk of exploding at any time.

“That’s right. I showed the research data to Mr. Lee Chul-woo, but no, he just looked at the data and immediately pointed out what the problem was.”

“……? Is it real? Did Mr. Lee Cheol-woo know about the problem?”

“So, how can you find out how to solve a problem by looking at only research data? He deserves to be called a real genius of the century.”

“Wow, to know that only by looking at research materials… So what did you say was the solution?”

“First of all, it’s the compounding formula. There was a property of iridium that hasn’t been revealed yet.”

“Yes? Characteristics of iridium?”

“Uh, iridium has the property of generating one more electron for every certain number of elements.”

“Is it really?”

“Oh, it’s not like this. Let’s do an experiment right away and I’ll explain in detail.”

“Yes! I understand. I will prepare right away.”

The assistant researcher immediately prepared for the experiment.

“First, the compounding formula for iridium. Let’s see, for every 541 mg of iridium…”

He used the characteristics of iridium that Lee Cheol-woo had told him about and created a new formula.

“Then can we adjust it like this?”

The formulation formula was completed, and the assistant researcher used the formula to adjust the amount of iridium and boron.

“Okay, that’s right.”

“Is this all? Is it only the formula that we studied that is wrong?”

“No, Mr. Lee Cheol-woo also pointed out the method.”



“Is there any way?”

“Oxidation of iridium using boron coagulant effect.”


After hearing Dr. Park’s words, the assistant researcher felt as if he had been hit in the head.

“Why didn’t we think of that method? If we use the condensation effect, of course, iridium will be oxidized. Then it will combine with methane and burn.”

“I’ll need a condenser for that. I’ll prepare it right away.”

The assistant researcher immediately went downstairs and borrowed an experiment tool.

Then, the final preparations were completed.

“I’m ready.”

“Then let’s begin.”

First, it was to melt the boron. The melting point of boron is 2,076°C.

It was necessary to raise the temperature to 2,200°C to achieve the coagulation effect.

“It has reached 2,200℃.”

“Considering that it’s getting cold, turn it up a little more.”


They stopped raising the temperature only after raising the temperature of boron to near 2,500 degrees Celsius.

After that, liquefy iridium according to the formula.

“I’m ready.”

“Then pour!”


The existing liquid boron caused a chemical reaction and a blue flame rose.

“……It’s a blue flame.”

“Wait a little longer.”


Originally, here, various colors such as blue, green, and red were supposed to come out.

It was a typical unstable spectrum phenomenon.

But this time, the blue light was still maintained even after time passed.

“……How many minutes has passed?”

“I think it’s been about 5 minutes.”

“Seeing that it’s still maintaining its blue color… Really, it looks like it’s made properly.”

“Is the methane gas catalyst really complete?”

What they want to research is the energy conversion of methane gas. And the completion of the catalyst, the core of the research, was just around the corner.

“I don’t know yet. Let it cool, then let it react with methane.”


While the catalyst cools down, methane gas is prepared.

And after a while, after the catalyst cools down.

“I think this is enough.”

“Then… try reacting.”


Methane gas and the newly created catalyst were reacted with each other.


Methane gas glows and begins to form a completely new molecular formula.

* * *

A few days later, Dr. Park Kyung-ho contacted me saying that the research went well.

The production rate of the existing carbon-hydrogen bond activation reaction has been raised from 2 to 3% to almost 52%.

In other words, the chemical energy that can be obtained from existing methane was boosted by about 25 times through a catalytic reaction.

In terms of the total amount of energy, if 1J is obtained as thermal energy by burning methane, about 25J is obtained as chemical energy by catalysis.

“By the way, what exactly is chemical energy? Why are you making such a fuss? As far as I know, there are not many places to use chemical energy in industry…?”

Researcher Jung’s question was natural.

The dictionary definition of chemical energy is energy that is conserved in chemical bonds within matter.

Chemical energy is also called the potential of a chemical substance to transform another substance through a chemical reaction.

“Isn’t chemical energy the same as food?”

Researcher Jung kept asking.

“Well, chemical energy is just too big of a range to be like food.”


“A battery is also chemical energy.”

“Batteries? You mean batteries?”

“Yes. A battery is a device that converts the chemical energy of chemical substances inside into electrical energy through oxidation and reduction reactions. All fuels can be seen as chemical energy.”

“Ah, since you said that, it reminds me of what I learned. Uh… then?”

“Yes. It’s safe to say that what we’ve created is a completely new fuel.”

“……? No, how could that be? Just because methane reacted with a new catalyst, what difference does that make?”

Researcher Jung still couldn’t believe it.

“Yes. It will be different. Maybe methane will be reborn as a new fuel through a catalytic reaction.”

“……. Nonsense.”

“hahahaha, isn’t it strange that methane gas was turned into a new fuel through a chemical reaction?”

This was the world of chemistry.

“Wow, it’s not some kind of alchemy, but the world of real chemistry is amazing. Then, how much efficiency has increased in terms of total energy?”

“25 times.”

“…… Crazy? What?”

“If you design a new engine using the newly created fuel, it will be 25 times more efficient than the old natural gas.”

“Everyone has a reason to make a fuss…. I guess there was one. After all, a genius.”

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