【Although these six people are the absolute top ones in the Heaven Realm,】

【But in front of my Tathagata Palm, they were still like chickens and pottery dogs. The six of them combined their strongest moves, but none of them could stop my Boundless Buddha Dharma.]

Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Changan's house, inside the room, Yao Yue had a blank expression on her face, but she snorted in her heart:"Huh! Last time you said you would teach me the Tathagata Palm, but you ran off to the Song Dynasty and never came back!"

"Wait until you come back, and see how I deal with you!"


I thought that killing a Heaven Realm Supreme Master with one palm strike was already amazing enough.

This time, six top Heaven Realm Supreme Masters joined forces, but they were still defeated by this palm strike!

The most important thing is that this guy is a Grandmaster of martial arts! Is this martial art so amazing!

The girls couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and were extremely shocked. It took them a long time to continue looking at the diary in their hands.

【Just as I attacked the six of them with my second palm strike, the old man Huang Shang finally couldn't help but attack.】

【Just when I was secretly proud of myself for finally forcing that old guy to take action, something I didn't expect happened. After Huang Shang blocked my Tathagata Palm, he was actually ready to make peace and take a step back from me.

In the palace of the Yin Yang Family in the land of Daqin, Dong Jun's eyes could not help but condense. After a moment, he opened his red lips and said,"Master of the Great Song Dynasty! His Excellency Dong Huang once said that that person is not weaker than him!!"

"How could his Tathagata Palm make even such a powerful person so fearful?"

"No! The Great Song Dynasty's Imperial Master must be afraid that his actions would trigger the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, thus damaging his luck!"

"However, it can be seen from the side that the power of his Tathagata Palm is so great that even the immortals on land dare not ignore it!"

"What kind of martial arts is this that can actually allow a great master to compete with the immortals on earth!!"

"It's incredible!"

Dongjun couldn't hide his surprise. After a moment, he continued to look at the diary in his hand.

【I was shocked at the time】

【I have some doubts whether this Song Dynasty Imperial Master is fake】

【How could a great dynasty's imperial master not even have the courage to attack me? He is too cowardly.】

【Tell me, I just want to find a land immortal to fight, why is it so difficult? 】

In the thatched cottage in Xueyue City, Cangshan Mountain, Beili Dynasty, Li Hanyi held the diary and snorted coldly:"Arrogant and ignorant guy~!"

"Even the powerful immortals on land don’t know that they are bound by the rules of heaven and earth!"

"Only a truly invincible strong man like Master can be unrestrained and roam freely in the world!"

"But there are not many such strong people!"

Ye Changan, can you listen to what you said?

The land immortals don't have the courage to attack you?

You just pray that the land immortals don't attack you!!

They are just worried about the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth.

You also said that you just want to find a land immortal to fight!

And you said that he is a coward!

What an arrogant guy!

Many women who were reading the diary rolled their eyes.

【However, even though he is the Imperial Master of the Song Dynasty and a powerful immortal on land, he has put down his airs and said he would take a step back. I cannot but give him face.】

【So, I asked him: How can we both take a step back?】

【Guess what?】

【He actually told me to cooperate with him in putting on a show for the world, to pretend to be arrested and thrown into the prison, and then release me after three days, in exchange for him not pursuing the matter of my destroying the Quanzhen Sect.】

【Listen to me, is this human language?】

【I, Ye Changan, was a child......Ever since I got the diary system, I have never suffered such injustice.】

【They arrested me and put me in jail for three days. I refused to go in even if they invited me to.】

【Unless there are 17 or 18 beauties like Chun'er, Long'er, Wuqing, Yuyan, Wanqing, and Ling'er in there, I might go in and rescue them, otherwise, forget it.

Ming Dynasty, Huashan, in the room, Yue Lingshan curled her lips and said,"Humph! This bad guy is still so lustful!!"

Ning Zhongze on the side couldn't help but think in his heart,"As long as you don't covet......That's good!"

In the Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Changan's house, in the room, Qingqing said helplessly:"Seventeen or eighteen as soon as he opened his mouth!"

"You guys can handle this.......?"

"I heard Shui Sheng and the others whispering that this guy is as strong as......"

"Oh! Qingqing! What are you thinking about?"

"You are so shameless!"

Qingqing's pretty face turned red, and she picked up the diary and read it shyly.

In the Song Dynasty, Bianjing City, Liufenbantang, in the room, Lei Chun, Wang Yuyan and other girls saw that they were named, and they couldn't help but show a hint of shyness, and all looked up at Ye Changan.


Big pervert! Playboy!

There are still seventeen or eighteen of them. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I'm afraid there is one, you run faster than anyone else!

The girls showed disdainful expressions.

【I wasn't happy at that time.】

【I said: Old man, is this what you mean by"each taking a step back"? In my opinion, I am the only one who took a step back, but you didn't.】

"old man?"

"To call a land immortal an old guy, I’m afraid only you, Ye Changan, can do that!"

"How daring!"

The girls looked strange and thought to themselves.

But when they thought that Ye Changan was still looking for the immortals on land to fight, they were relieved.

【I was so rude, but Huang Shang was not angry at all. He even asked me: How do you want to quit?】

【If you ask me, I will say what I think, right?】

【So, I said, first kill the Nine Nether Lord whose laugh is disgusting.】

【Unexpectedly, Huang Shang was unwilling to do so, saying that he had borrowed the person and that I couldn't kill him, and he interrupted me.】

【In that case, why would I bother talking to him? I overturned the table, pulled out my Iron Horse and Ice River, and with one move of the Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique, I split that Nine Nether True Lord in half.]

In the thatched cottage in Xueyue City, Cangshan Mountain, Beili Dynasty, Li Hanyi's eyes turned cold and he gritted his teeth and said,"Bastard! What's your Iron Horse and Ice River! That's mine!""

"I will definitely come back to you!"

"I want to see how powerful your Heaven-Slashing Sword Skill is!!"

There are not many Heaven-Realm Realm strongmen, even in a great dynasty, if you count them on your fingers.

Moreover, there are even fewer who are employed by the court!

How can you kill one so easily!

This time.........This guy's purpose of fighting with the gods of Lu (Ma Li Zhao) must have been achieved!

The women were speechless.

【Don't get me wrong, I have no personal grudge against Master Jiuyou.】

【It's just unbearable to look at】

【Also, that old man's laugh is too ugly.

He laughs so ugly.

Just because of this, you killed him?

I don't believe you! []

That Jiuyou Zhenjun must have provoked this guy!

The women said in their hearts with certainty.

【Of course, the most important thing is that he not only despises me, but also wants to grind my bones and scatter my ashes. Do you think I can tolerate this?

I knew that the Nine Nether God must have provoked this guy!

And this Nine Nether God must be very ugly!!

It's okay if he is ugly and laughs unpleasantly.

You also said in front of this guy that you want to grind his bones and scatter his ashes.

That's really a good death!

If he could tolerate it, he wouldn't be called Ye Changan! He deserved to die!!

The women couldn't help but curl their lips and said in their hearts..

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