After a while, under the leadership of Lei Chun, everyone came to a courtyard.

When they arrived at the courtyard, they immediately saw the wellhead in the center of the courtyard.

Ye Changan walked straight forward, sensed it slightly, nodded secretly, and said to the women:"I will go down first, and you can jump down when you hear my voice!"

Several women nodded.

Ye Changan jumped and slowly floated down into the well.

When he landed halfway into the well, Ye Changan stopped his descent and looked at a hole on the wall of the well.

There was a secret room inside the hole.

Through the hole, Ye Changan could clearly see a figure bound by iron chains.

Guan Qi!

Ye Changan's heart moved, and he was sure that this person was Guan Qi, then he turned his head and glanced at the side of the well wall. He immediately found a knob mechanism, stretched out his hand and turned it gently, and there was a rumbling sound, and at the same time a stone door opened on the wall of the well. His figure flashed.

Ye Changan had already appeared in the secret room.

At this time.

Guan Qi in the secret room also raised his head and looked at him. His pair of sharp and intimidating eyes emitted a cold light in the dark secret room.

"Who are you?"

Ye Changan smiled softly, and did not answer, but shouted to the outside of the well:"Come down!"

While speaking, a powerful internal force emanated, permeating the well and forming a barrier.

At the same time.

A figure had already landed and stood firmly in front of the open door.

Lei Chun looked at his feet in surprise, there was nothing, but it seemed like he was standing on the ground. He couldn't help but smile slightly and said:

""Young Master! You are so amazing!"

Then, he walked towards the secret room.


, one figure after another jumped down.

In a moment, all the women came to the secret room, and they all looked at Guan Qi who was bound by the iron chain with curious eyes.

""Who are you?" Guan Qi asked again.

Ye Changan smiled faintly, pointed at Lei Chun and said,"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is who she is!"

"She? Who is she?"Guan Qi looked at Lei Chun and asked in confusion

"She is your daughter!" Ye Changan said.

Hearing Ye Changan's words, Guan Qi's eyes widened, staring at Lei Chun, and said in a deep voice:"My daughter?"

"I have been imprisoned here, how can I have a daughter?"

"You lied to me! I'm going to kill you!"

"I hate being deceived the most!!"

"I will kill all those who deceived and betrayed me!"

Looking at Guan Qi who was somewhat insane, Ye Changan sighed softly in his heart.

It seems that Guan Qi was just like in the original book, with a brain injury, and his half-crazy and half-stupid state was so serious that he forgot that he had a daughter.

However, he had expected this.

The next moment.

Ye Changan disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Guan Qi. At the same time, his palm was already printed on Guan Qi's back.

To put it bluntly, Guan Qi's current state is that his brain nerves are injured, which has led to confusion.

The resurrection effect of the"Shen Zhao Jing" he had obtained before is actually a powerful ability to activate brain nerves and repair brain cells.

Five minutes after a person dies under normal circumstances, the brain begins to die.

In"The Untold Story", , Di Yun had been dead for an hour, but Ding Dian was able to revive him, which fully demonstrated that the ability of the"Shen Zhao Jing" was inclined to this point.

Now, Ye Changan, who has practiced the"Shen Zhao Jing" to perfection, naturally knows this better.

So before coming here, he had already thought of using the"Shen Zhao Jing" to treat Guan Qi.

He will leave the Song Dynasty soon.

Although the reputation he gained in the previous battle is enough to make anyone dare not touch Lei Chun.

But things are unpredictable.

Especially the rivers and lakes of the Song Dynasty, because it has been integrated into the world of Master Wen's novels, the plot has collapsed seriously and the water has become very deep.

If Guan Qi can be cured and let him protect Lei Chun, then after he leaves, Lei Chun's safety will be foolproof.

"Boy! What are you doing?" Guan Qi noticed something strange behind him and struggled and roared.

Ye Changan was too lazy to pay attention to Guan Qi. He concentrated on running the Shenzhaojing and injected his internal force into his body.

Not long after, the somewhat crazy Guan Qi stopped struggling, and his eyes gradually regained clarity.

Ye Changan retracted his palm, walked to the front, looked at Guan Qi and smiled:"Do you remember?"

Guan Qi did not answer Ye Changan, but stared straight at Lei Chun. After a while, he said:"You, you are Chun'er?"

Lei Chun, who was full of doubts just now, was frightened by Guan Qi's stare at this moment, so he had to turn his head to look at Ye Changan, wanting to get an answer.

Ye Changan nodded and said:"He is indeed your biological father, the former leader of the Mi Tian League, Guan Qi!"

"As for the reason, it cannot be explained in one or two sentences." Ye Changan gestured to write a diary, indicating that he would explain it in the diary.

Although Lei Chun was very confused, he still nodded obediently and stopped asking. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Guan Qi suddenly looked at Ye Changan and asked in a deep voice:"Boy! How did you know?"

Ye Changan said lightly:"Don't worry about it!"

"Chun'er is my woman now, and you are her biological father. Your martial arts skills are not bad. I will leave Song Dynasty soon, so I want to rescue you and protect Chun'er's safety."

"What? My martial arts are only so-so?" Guan Qi's expression froze, then he burst into laughter and said,"I thought I, Guan Mudan, was arrogant enough, but I didn't expect you to be even more arrogant and arrogant than me!!"

Ye Changan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, without further explanation, and continued,"But after you get out, you are not allowed to take revenge within one year!"

"The only thing you have to do is to protect Chun'er secretly!"

"As for a year later, maybe in less than a year, I won’t need you anymore."

"When......"Do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Ye Changan looked at Guan Qi quietly.

He rescued Guan Qi to protect Lei Chun, but he didn't want him to go on a killing spree for revenge as soon as he came out.

With Guan Qi's current martial arts, although his combat power is not bad, he might be suppressed again in the current Song Dynasty.

Lei Chun might also be implicated.

This is not what he wants to see.

Guan Qi looked at Ye Changan with sharp eyes, and after a while, he said:"Okay! I promise you! No revenge within a year!"

Hearing this, Ye Changan raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile...[]

The next moment, the Wuxiang Divine Needle was released as he wished.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!......!

The iron chain that bound Guan Qi broke instantly.


Ye Changan waved his arm gently.

The two iron hooks that pierced Guan Qi's scapula were also removed.

The restraints were released, and Guan Qi immediately let out a low roar, and a majestic aura emanated from him.

""Hahaha! Boy! Chun'er is my daughter! If you want her to be your woman, you have to ask me if I agree or not!" Guan Qi laughed wildly, then looked at Ye Changan with a sharp look and said

"Half a step to the immortal realm on land!" Ye Changan chuckled nonchalantly, then his face straightened and he said domineeringly:"The woman I, Ye Changan, like only needs her own consent. Whether others agree or not is not important to me!!"

"The same goes for you, Guan Qi!!"

"Believe me, I can save you and I can suppress you!"

"What I, Ye Changan, am going to do, even a land immortal cannot stop me!! Not to mention you, a half-step land immortal!"

"Land immortal?" Hearing Ye Changan's words, Guan Qi's face changed, and he said in disbelief:"The commotion outside just now was caused by you?"

Although Guan Qi was imprisoned and his scapula was pierced, he could not use his power.

But as a half-step land immortal, his sensing ability is still not comparable to that of ordinary masters.

He naturally sensed the fluctuations caused by the fight between Ye Changan and Huang Shang.

Ye Changan smiled disdainfully and said lightly:"There is no way! The old guy Huang Shang insisted on fighting with me!!"

"I can only teach him a lesson."


Where did this kid come from?

He was able to fight with Huang Shang, the national teacher of the Great Song Dynasty!

And it seemed that he not only won, but also won very easily!!

Could this kid be a land immortal?

Guan Qi secretly took a breath of cold air, and was shocked.

He thought he was gifted and had the ability to kill enemies above his level.

But he had never thought about defeating a land immortal above his level.

Ye Changan looked at Guan Qi's shocked expression and smiled,"Why? Do you want to give it a try?"

Guan Qi came back to his senses, showing a hint of embarrassment, then turned around, put on an attitude of a master, and snorted coldly,"I'm injured, so it's inconvenient for me to fight. Let's talk about it after I recover from my injury!!"

The girls saw that Guan Qi, who was so aggressive just now, was now embarrassed, and they couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh.

Ye Changan also smiled slightly, a little disappointed.

He really wanted to see Guan Qi's"Innate Body-breaking Invisible Sword Qi".

However, it doesn't matter, there is no rush.

Soon, Ye Changan looked at the girls and said,"Then let's go out!"

After a while.

Ye Changan led the girls out of the dry well. Guan

Qi said hello to Ye Changan and Lei Chun, and left Liufenbantang silently.

Ye Changan no longer cared about him, took the girls back to the room, and began to write a diary.

: Mặc Dạ

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