Above the sky, thunder rumbled, endless lightning flashed across the sky, dark clouds rolled and pressed towards the ground, and a huge golden beam of light descended from the sky, as if the sky was falling!


"The imperial teacher actually mobilized the dynasty’s resources!"

"It seems that the national teacher was really irritated by this kid!"

"This trump card has not been used for many years, but now, it is actually used on a young boy!"

"Even a true land immortal couldn't handle such an attack, that guy is dead!!"


Yuan Shisanxian, Zhuge Shenhou and the other five strongest men all spoke with horrified expressions.

At this moment, everyone in the entire Bianjing City who saw this scene couldn't help but tremble all over. A fear from the depths of their souls arose spontaneously. The huge pressure made everyone feel suffocated. They felt that they were as small as a humble ant and could be crushed into ashes by the terrifying power of heaven at any time!!

Countless people shouted silently in their hearts:

"Is this a punishment from heaven?"

"Damn it! Who angered the gods?"



At the gate of the Shenhou Mansion,

Wuqing, Lei Chun, Mu Wanqing and the others all looked terrified, and looked worriedly at Ye Changan's tall back.

But this time, they didn't make any sound, but just watched quietly, waiting.

Ye Changan looked up at the golden dragon that stretched across the sky, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Lucky golden dragon!"


"I'll see if I can blow you away!"

""Call the wind!"

The next moment, the immortal art of calling the wind was directly performed.

At the same time that Ye Changan performed the calling wind, the sky suddenly filled with an endless black tide, and the sky and the earth instantly dimmed. A black dragon that was several times thicker than the golden dragon appeared. As soon as the black dragon appeared, it opened its mouth and roared silently. At the same time, endless black wind blew out, covering the entire sky in an instant.

An endless breath of death filled the sky and the earth.

"Am I going to die?"

Everyone felt a sense of despair at the same time.

The golden energy beam that penetrated the sky and earth was blown into pieces the moment the black wind blew, and disappeared in an instant.

Then, the black wind whistled past and enveloped the golden dragon without stopping.

The golden dragon seemed to sense the crisis, and suddenly golden light shone around it. It twisted its dragon body wildly and spit out golden dragon breath after breath.

Then, the golden dragon breath was blown away by the black wind as soon as it was sprayed out.

At the same time, the golden light around the golden dragon was also eroded by the black wind and disappeared in an instant.

"not good!!"

"The dragon of luck is in danger!!"

Huang Shang's face suddenly changed. Seeing the golden dragon's body suddenly become transparent and thin, he was horrified beyond words. He flashed and appeared behind the golden dragon.

Suddenly, claws and fists bombarded the black wind one after another, trying to stop the golden dragon from being eroded.

At the same time.

In the imperial palace of the capital, a purple figure also soared into the sky and appeared beside Huang Shang.

A shrill voice sounded.

""National Master! We are here to help you!"

The next moment.

A purple barrier appeared in the sky.

However, under the black gloomy wind, the purple barrier also shattered in an instant.

The purple figure suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, looked at Huang Shang with horror, and said:"National Master! This boy's methods are too against the sky!! We can't stop him!! The Golden Dragon of Luck cannot be damaged any further, otherwise the Song Dynasty will be in danger!!"

Huang Shang's face was extremely ugly at this moment, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The purple figure continued:"National Master! Can we make the decision on this matter?"

Huang Shang pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:"Okay, let the ancestor make the decision!!"

The next moment, the shrill voice of the purple figure rang in Ye Changan's ears.

"My friend! Stop it! We admit defeat, can we talk?"

Ye Changan looked at the purple figure that suddenly appeared in the sky, his face cold and unmoved.

"My friend! If you stop, we will give you a golden lotus of luck!"

""The Golden Lotus of Luck?" Ye Changan's eyes moved, but he still stood quietly.

The shrill voice in the sky came again.

"Two! Two golden lotuses of luck at most! If you don’t agree, even if the two of us risk the decline of our national fortune, we will fight to the death!"

Ye Chang’an raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing an unknown smile.

Although he didn’t know the specific function of the golden lotus of luck, it must be a good thing!

From the sound of the purple figure gritting his teeth, it can be heard that this thing is extremely precious! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Since there is something good to be gained, we can talk about it!!

Ye Chang’an’s mind moved, and the black dragon in the sky immediately stopped spewing black wind, and then said lightly:"Who are you?"

The purple figure said:"I am the ancestor of sunflowers!!"

At this time, Yuan Shisanxian, Zhuge Shenhou and others looked at the purple figure with amazement in their eyes

"The Sunflower Ancestor who founded the Song Dynasty is still alive!!"

"This is unbelievable."

"Could it be that Patriarch Sunflower has reached the realm of immortality on land?"

"I'm afraid so!"

"Hiss!!! Even the immortals on land couldn't do anything to this young man!!"

"The young man's method just now was beyond imagination! We were so far away from the black wind, and we all felt extremely desperate! If we were to face that kind of power (abab), I'm afraid we would be wiped out in an instant!"

"What kind of monster have we encountered?!"

Zhuge Shenhou frowned, looked at Ye Changan on the ground, then looked at Wuqing at the gate of Shenhou Mansion, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart:"How does Wuqing know this mysterious boy?"

"There was no such person in the Song Dynasty before. How come he suddenly appeared and came to Shenhou Mansion to treat Wuqing's leg disease? And he cured it in such a short time!"

"This young man's methods are beyond the scope of mortals!"[]

"It's incredible!"

"Sunflower Patriarch!" Ye Changan was slightly shocked, but he remained calm and said,"Two golden lotuses of luck, it's my turn to stop!"

"But how should I settle the account for attacking me this time?"

The old ancestor of Sunflower frowned slightly, and then said:"I will give you a unique skill, is that okay?"

A strange color flashed in Ye Changan's eyes, and he asked:"Oh? I don't like ordinary skills!"

"This skill is called"Sunflower Manual". I have perfected it countless times. When I practiced it to perfection, I could enter the immortal realm on land!" said the Sunflower Patriarch with a proud look.

Enhanced version of Sunflower Manual?

Ye Changan had a strange expression and asked,"If you want to practice this skill, you must castrate yourself first?"

The Sunflower Patriarch said lightly,"This is the only shortcoming of this skill! But for women, it is a perfect skill without any flaws!"

The Sunflower Patriarch glanced at Wang Yuyan, Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling, and Xiaolongnu at the gate of the Godly Mansion intentionally or unintentionally.

Looking at the proud look of the Sunflower Patriarch, Ye Changan said disapprovingly,"If there are flaws, there are flaws. What's the point of explaining! The value of a flawed skill will be greatly reduced!"

"Not enough!!"

Upon hearing this, the old man of the sunflower darkened his face, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. This kid actually looked down on my"Sunflower Manual" so much.......However, the skills this kid has are indeed no worse than my Sunflower Manual!!!

Especially the method that can transform into a black dragon, the terrifying black wind it spews out, and the power of death contained in it are simply not the power that should exist in the world!!

At this time, Huang Shang suddenly said:"Is it enough to add my Nine Yin Manual?"

"My"Nine Yin Manual" integrates countless Taoist classics. If you practice it to perfection, you can also become a land immortal!"

Ye Changan raised his eyebrows and said lightly:"Nine Yin Manual? In this case, it's barely enough!"

"But I have one condition!"

Huang Shang frowned slightly and asked,"What condition?"

Ye Changan's eyes were stern, and he said in a sonorous and powerful voice:"The area within a hundred miles of Zhongnan Mountain will belong to the private property of the Ancient Tomb Sect in the future!"

"Listed as a forbidden area in the martial arts world!"

"No one is allowed to trespass!"

"Violators will be killed without mercy!"

"This matter will be announced to the world by the imperial court of the Great Song Dynasty!!"

Huang Shang's face suddenly became embarrassed.

It was for the sake of the reputation of the imperial court of the Great Song Dynasty that today's matter happened.

If he did this, wouldn't he lose face? After being slapped, he still had to smile and loudly praise the slap!

At this time, the old ancestor of Kuihua on the side sighed softly and said,"National Master! Agree to him!"

"Those are all insignificant things!"

"As long as we are here, the Song Dynasty will not cause much trouble!!"

Huang Shang nodded and said,"Okay! I promise you!"

"Good! Our account is settled!"

"But how should we settle the accounts of those five people?"

Ye Changan had a wicked smile on his face, and looked at Zhuge Shenhou, Yuan Shisanxian and the other five people in the air with ill intentions.

���Although I have the advantage, I must not forget to grab any wool! He wanted to kill a few people to vent his anger, but now that he has gained a lot, he doesn't think it's necessary.

: Mặc Dạ

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