Huang Yaoshi looked at the young man who had no respect for him at all, and he couldn't help but feel angry.


Even if you are a genius, you can surpass others in martial arts.

But the art of formation requires time and painstaking study.

Even if you have been learning the art of formation since you were in your mother's womb, how much can you understand?

At such a young age, you have already lost your sense of awe!

Then I, Huang Laoxie, will let you know that there are always people better than you!

Thinking of this, Huang Yaoshi looked at Huang Rong and said,"Rong'er, stay away!"

Huang Rong hesitated, glanced at Ye Chang'an, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and then turned and walked aside

"Boy! Today, I, Huang Lao Xie, will let you see what a real battle formation is!"

"Watch out!"

After saying that, Huang Lao Xie spread out his palm.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!...!

Several stones shot towards Ye Changan.


Everyone instantly felt a strange power emerge.

But they could not see anything unusual.

Yao Yue and Lian Xing, who had the strongest perception, clearly felt that a mysterious power had enveloped Ye Changan.

At the same time,

Ye Changan immediately found himself in a peach forest.

In front of him was an endless field of blooming peach trees, magnificent and magnificent.

"Illusion array?"

"Haha! That's too easy!"

Ye Changan's Qi surged.


A sound like a bubble being popped rang in everyone's ears.

The 667 stones that fell around Ye Changan shifted to varying degrees.

The next moment, the familiar scene appeared in front of Ye Changan again.

Yaoyue and Lianxing also immediately sensed that the strange power had disappeared without a trace.

"Huh......It’s not easy!"

"You actually broke my Peach Blossom Illusion Formation!"

Huang Yaoshi's face suddenly showed surprise, and he said

"Then try my Shocking Waves Killing Formation again!"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

A few more stones fell around Ye Changan.

Suddenly, the scene in front of Ye Changan changed again.

He found himself in a vast ocean, surrounded by endless huge waves, sweeping over.

He could be beaten into a pulp by the waves at any time.

Ye Changan's eyes lit up.

This formation is quite interesting.

The huge waves around are not pure illusions.

Instead, they contain offensive power.

If someone falls into the formation and cannot break the formation or respond effectively, he will inevitably be attacked endlessly.

It seems that this is the highest achievement of Huang Yaoshi in the formation over the past decades.

It's really good!

But in my eyes, Ye Changan, it's just good, far from amazing.

"Let's end it!"

With Ye Changan's mastery of formations, he only needed to sense it briefly to find dozens of flaws in the formation.


True Qi burst out!

The formation was broken in an instant!


"It actually broke my Jingtao Killing Formation in an instant!"

"How is this possible?"

Huang Yaoshi's face changed drastically, full of disbelief, and he couldn't help but exclaimed

"Boy! Who are you?"

However, Ye Changan did not answer him, but chuckled and said:"Now it's my turn to make a move!"

""Look carefully!"

After saying that, Ye Changan waved his arm.

A blazing force burst out and enveloped Huang Yaoshi.


"You can set up the formation at will!!"


Huang Yaoshi cried out in surprise, but before he could finish his words, his voice stopped abruptly.

The next moment, everyone saw Huang Yaoshi with a look of shock on his face. He jumped and moved around in the area of several meters around him, as if he was avoiding something.

This was not over yet.

After a few breaths,

Huang Yaoshi's clothes, hair, and eyebrows were all on fire.

Huang Yaoshi dodged in a panic, and kept patting his body to put out the fire.

Huang Rong, who was standing aside, was anxious.

What kind of formation did this bad guy set up?

How could he let Daddy catch fire?


If this goes on, Daddy will probably be naked. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With his arrogant personality, how can he face people in the future!

Huang Rong's eyes moved, and she looked at Ye Changan. After hesitating for a moment, she said,"Young Master!"

"Can you......Withdraw the formation!"

"I admit defeat to you on behalf of my father!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Ye Changan's half-smile, and she was immediately furious.

I have already bowed to you, and you still have this expression....

Huang Rong was about to lose her temper when she saw a fire on Huang Yaoshi's body. She immediately made up her mind, gritted her teeth, and said:

"Let my dad out!"

"At most, I can cook for you for free for another month!"

Ye Changan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:"Deal!"

After that, he waved his arm.

The formation surrounding Huang Yaoshi disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Huang Rong hurriedly ran up and helped Huang Yaoshi pat the flames on his body.[]

The people around were also looking at Huang Yaoshi, who was smoked black, in amazement.

The formation was so powerful!

The young master just waved his hand casually, and actually made a great master so embarrassed!


It's not the formation that is powerful.

It's the young master who is powerful!

Wasn't Huang Yaoshi's formation still unable to do anything to the young master?

It's the same with martial arts.

The strength of martial arts is only one aspect, and it also depends on who uses it.

Ye Changan looked at Huang Yaoshi, who had long lost his graceful demeanor.

He couldn't help but laugh.

He just used the blue flame power of the fierce flame to arrange the flame formation.

Obviously, Huang Yaoshi was powerless against this formation.

"Boy! You are so cruel!"

After a moment, Huang Yaoshi put out the flames on his body, turned his head and looked at Ye Changan, and said in a deep voice.

Then, he looked at Huang��:"Girl! This guy you like is quite capable!"

"Good vision!"

"Just stay here!"

""I'm leaving!"

After saying that, he used his Qinggong skills to jump over several roofs, and disappeared in a flash.

Seeing Huang Yaoshi's figure disappear, Huang Rong turned her head and glared at Ye Changan fiercely, then turned back to the yard angrily.

Ye Changan couldn't help but touch the tip of his nose, revealing a hint of embarrassment.

It's not my fault!

Your father looked like a hermit when he came.

Who knew that he couldn't even break the formation I casually set up!

At the same time.

The girls on the side stopped watching the fun.

They also turned around and returned to the house.

Ye Changan looked at Xie Yanke who was standing aside, and said,"Come with me!"

"This young master will teach you a technique to help you break through the realm of heaven and man!"

During this period, he also saw Xie Yanke's loyalty.

Naturally, he would not be stingy with his own people.

Hearing this, Xie Yanke trembled all over, and his heart was suddenly excited.

Then, with a respectful look, he bowed to Ye Changan and said:"Thank you very much, young master, for the gift of merit!!"


Ye Changan nodded slightly and walked towards the courtyard.

After returning to the room


Ye Changan soon taught Xie Yanke the first four levels of the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa.

After Xie Yanke bowed and left,

Ye Changan took out his diary again and wrote down what happened to Huang Yaoshi just now.

Soon, Ye Changan closed the diary and submitted today's diary.

The next moment, a mechanical reminder sounded in his mind.

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