Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, in the courtyard.

Ye Changan closed his diary, stretched his body, and submitted the diary in his mind.

The next moment, a mechanical and cold voice sounded in his mind.

【The host has completed today's diary. Rating for this diary content: three and a half stars】

【Rewards are being distributed......】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Secondary Job Card (Array Master)*1】

【The items have been stored in the system space, please check and retrieve them by yourself】

"Huh.....Deputy job card?"

"This reward is interesting!"

"Grandmaster of formations!"

"Haha! Withdraw!"

Ye Changan smiled secretly and withdrew the reward.

In the system space, the secondary job card disappeared at the same time.

Ye Changan's mind instantly gained countless array knowledge, and he mastered it.

Similarly, he also learned how to set up arrays and break arrays.

At this moment, his attainments in arrays are the best among the grandmasters who are proficient in arrays.


Ye Changan raised his hand, picked up a few pebbles, and then waved his hand.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The pebbles with internal force scattered around a tree in the courtyard.

The girls who had just closed their diaries were also curious about Ye Changan's strange behavior.

However, the next moment.

They all showed surprise.

The tree......Suddenly disappeared~!

"This is a formation!!"

"You are actually proficient in formations!"

Huang Rong, who was standing by, exclaimed when she saw this scene.

The formation was profound and extremely complicated.

Daddy has been immersed in the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams and Qimen Dunjia for decades, but it seems that he can't arrange the formation so easily!

How can this guy have such attainments in formations?

That's right!

He just finished writing his diary. Could he be rewarded for the diary?

That's right.

It must be like this!

The girls on the side also showed a look of surprise when they heard Huang Rong's exclamation.

It turned out that the young master was arranging a formation just now.

However, this is too magical.

Just throwing a few stones casually can make a tree disappear out of thin air in front of everyone!

Ye Changan looked at Huang Rong and smiled slightly.

He was not surprised that Huang Rong could see through it.

After all, Huang Yaoshi is proficient in this.

With Huang Rong's cleverness, she has been exposed to it since she was a child, so she is naturally not unfamiliar with it.

"That's right! This is the reward I just got."

"From now on, I am also a master of formations, haha!!"

Ye Changan looked at the girls and laughed.

"Is this the master of formation?"

"What a pervert!"

Huang Rong couldn't help but muttered to herself when she heard this.

She recalled the painful experience when Pharmacist Huang forced her to study all kinds of books on the Five Elements, Eight Diagrams, and Formation Techniques since she was a child, and she couldn't help but feel sad.

I studied so hard, but I have only gotten a glimpse of the basics.

This guy just wrote a diary and surpassed me.......My dad!


It's so unfair!

Hearing Huang Rong's muttering, Ye Changan raised his lips slightly, shook his head and sighed:"Alas! How lonely it is to be invincible!!"

After that, he slanted his eyes and looked at Huang Rong, and said sarcastically:"I said to the one who calls himself Huang Rong, this young master is a little hungry, when will this meal be ready?"

"you......"You only know how to eat. Humph!"Huang Rong turned away angrily.

Seeing Huang Rong leaving, the girls couldn't help but smile.

Qiu Lingsu walked behind Ye Changan very sensibly and massaged his shoulders.

"Okay! Now that I have finished reading the diary, you can start practicing!"

"Don't be lazy!"

Ye Changan looked at Qu Feiyan, Yilin, Shui Sheng and others and said.

Hearing this, the girls continued to practice obediently.

Ye Changan looked at the place where the formation was just set up, and with a wave of his hand, the disappeared tree reappeared.

It is best to use items with special powers to set up the formation.

Only such a formation can last longer and be more powerful.

Even if such ordinary stones are attached with internal forces, the formation will dissipate soon.

There is another situation, which is to use the geographical advantages of nature to set up the formation.

For example, Peach Blossom Island uses countless peach trees as the base to form a formation.

The advantage of this is that there is no need to look for a formation base, because nature itself is the power of the formation. Source.

However, these are ordinary means.

A true master of formations can generate formations with a wave of his hand relying on his own strength.

With a thought, the formation disappears without a trace.

At this moment, Ye Changan is in this realm.


It was already evening. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ye Changan wanted to get into Qiu Lingsu's room.

But unexpectedly, Yin Susu knocked on his door first.

In the room.

Ye Changan looked at the girl's shy and decisive eyes. As a normal man who was unreasonably strong, how could he bear it!

Not long after. The girls in the surrounding rooms blushed, their heartbeats accelerated, and they all covered their heads with quilts.

"What a pervert!"

"Do you tell Yilin this every night?"

"Yilin, how about I take you away from here!"

Dongfang Bubai, who was sleeping with Yilin in the room, said hatefully.

Yilin, who was beside her, blushed and was extremely shy, but still whispered,"Sister! I still want to stay here!"

Hearing this, Dongfang Bubai could only sigh helplessly. She had already expected this result. Not to mention Yilin.


Even she herself, in her spare time, for some reason, always had this guy in her mind.

When they met, she felt strange and her heart was pounding.


Why did I, Dongfang Bai, have feelings for this damn guy?

Could it be that my two sisters......

The next day,

Qiu Xiaolou left Ye Changan's house.

I don't know what Qingqing said to him.���

Even though he knew Qingqing stayed here, he didn't go looking for Ye Changan desperately.

Qiu Xiaolou looked at his granddaughter Qingqing who came to see him off.

He looked at the house in the distance again.

He turned and left.

However, from the look in the old man's eyes when he left, he knew that he was extremely afraid of Ye Changan at the moment.

One day passed quickly.

Nothing happened.

Ye Changan wrote casually and submitted the diary.

As expected.

One-star rating.

Got a bottle of Peiyuan Dan.

Not very useful.

But it is still very beneficial for the cultivation of people like Qu Feiyan, Yilin, and Qiu Lingsu. For Qiu Lingsu.

Ye Changan directly opened up her meridians and helped her practice the first level of Jiuyin Yimai Dafa to lay the foundation for martial arts.

Then, he began to learn Mingyu Gong. In just one day, her martial arts cultivation has entered the level of a second-rate master.

But she, like Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu, has only cultivation but no actual combat experience.

But these things can't be rushed.

They can only be honed slowly.

However, as long as the martial arts skills are improved, there are so many masters in the courtyard, and they can quickly improve by just feeding them some moves. Soon

, another day came.

Ye Changan was lying lazily on the recliner as usual, tasting the cakes made by Huang Rong and praising them.


There was a crackling sound of fighting outside the courtyard. From the sound, you can tell that it was a fight between top masters.

Everyone couldn't help but look outside..

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