After a while,

Qingqing said,"Sir! Qingqing can stay!"

"But as Deputy Leader Dongfang, I can't force her!"

"Deputy Dongfang Sect Leader, can you let her choose freely?"

Hearing this, Ye Changan glanced at Dongfang Bubai who was glaring at him, laughed, and said,"Deal!!"

"You can go see your grandfather now."

After that, Ye Changan turned to look at Shui Sheng and said,"Shui Sheng! Qiu Xiaolou and your father are in the same house, you can take Qingqing with you!"

"Oh, right!"

"Take two beads from the dragon and give one to the old man. It will speed up the growth of his legs!"

"The other one will be given to Qingqing's grandfather."

After hearing Ye Changan's words, Shui Sheng and Qingqing were touched and said in unison:

"Thank you, Master!!"

Shui Sheng took the two beads as she was told and took Qing Qing to another house.

Huang Rong, who was standing by, saw this scene and couldn't help but curl her lips and said:

"This guy really knows how to spend money!"

"On Peach Blossom Island, Daddy captured so many villains and collected countless treasures, but nothing could compare to this treasure!"

"He just gave away two such precious treasures so lightly!"

"You are really generous to women!"

At the same time,

Qiu Lingsu stared at Ye Changan, her beautiful eyes full of obsession, and she couldn't help but secretly said:

"Sir, you are so good to your woman!"

"I, Qiu Lingsu, can devote myself to you, young master, which is also the blessing I earned in my previous life!"

Ye Changan watched the two women leave, turned to look at Dongfang Bubai, and said jokingly:"How will the Eastern Sect Leader choose?"

"Do you plan to stay here, or return to the Sun Moon Sect?"

Dongfang Bubai turned his head away and snorted coldly:"I will stay here for a while, but don't think too much, I just want to accompany Yilin!!"

Looking at the arrogant Dongfang Bubai, Ye Changan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a playful look in his eyes.


I like arrogant people.

The more arrogant, the more excited this young master will be!

Wait until you lower your head, that will be exciting!!

Immediately, Ye Changan shrugged and smiled:"Okay!"

"Yilin has moved into your previous room. You can live with her or choose another room."

"Please do as you please!"

After saying that, Ye Changan lay down on a recliner, took out his diary, and started writing

【Haha! Today is a really good day】

【Good things keep coming】

【This day is so damn promising, haha]

The girls who took out their diaries again frowned.

What happened to make this guy so happy?

With his personality, he probably wouldn't be interested in ordinary things.

Could it be that......Which stunning beauty came to the door?

The girls looked puzzled and continued to look at the diary.

【Are you curious about what happened?】

【It's nothing! It's just that the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world found me.

The most beautiful woman in the martial arts world?

I went to find him.

No wonder this guy couldn't stop smiling.

This is a fat sheep delivered to the wolf's mouth.

How can the big bad wolf not be happy!

I don't know which beauty is so depressed!

Before, this guy said that the Princess Yaoyue of Yihua Palace in the Ming Dynasty was the most beautiful woman in the world in"The Twins of the Red Lotus".

So where did this most beautiful woman in the world come from?

The girls became even more curious.

【Her name is Qiu Lingsu. She is the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world in the"Legend of Chu Liuxiang" written by Gu Long, and also the most beautiful dream lover in the martial arts world.】

"The most beautiful woman in the martial arts world, the most dream lover in the world?"

"But she is very beautiful!"

"I don't refute!"

"But so what? My cooking skills, Huang Rong, are unparalleled in the world!"


In the Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Chang'an's house, Huang Rong held the diary and hummed secretly.

It turned out to be another beauty written by Gu Long!

However, how beautiful is this woman to be called the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world and the most dream lover in the world?

Judging from the reaction of this lustful guy, she must be extremely beautiful!

The women thought to themselves.

In Ye Chang'an's house.

The women couldn't help but look up and look at Qiu Lingsu's peerless face again.

Just now, when Qiu Lingsu came out of the room, they were already amazed.

Now, looking at her again, they still secretly praise her beauty.

However, there is no woman in this courtyard who is not beautiful. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although the women were amazed in their hearts, they were not too moved.

At the same time,

Qiu Lingsu felt very sweet when she saw Ye Chang'an praising her so much in the diary. She couldn't help but reveal a hint of pride.

Fortunately! Fortunately!

It seems that I, Qiu Lingsu, still have some status in the eyes of the young master.

Qiu Lingsu smiled lightly and continued to look at the diary in her hand.

【However, Qiu Lingsu's fate in the novel is not very good.】

【In the Legend of Chu Liuxiang, she has the most beautiful face in the world, but because of her beauty, a female demon is jealous of her and finds her to force her to destroy her own appearance.


Forcing someone to destroy their own appearance because of jealousy!

This is something that only a demon can do!

How desperate must this woman be at that time!

The other women couldn't help but sympathize with her.

【You should all understand how much a woman cares about her appearance.】

【Especially for a woman with a peerless beauty, you can imagine how much of a blow this was to her.】

【Qiu Lingsu, who was living a life worse than death, suffered for many years. Knowing that she could not restore her appearance, she chose to commit suicide and ended her life.

Seeing this, Qiu Lingsu's eyes were filled with tears and she could not help but feel sad.

Then, she looked up at Ye Changan who was writing in his diary and showed gratitude.

【Now, in this world, she encountered the same plot.】

【The purpose of her coming here,���Simple】

【Just restore your appearance, learn martial arts, and seek revenge on that female devil.]

There are many female devils in the world!

Who did it?

The gossipy women showed their curiosity.

【This female devil is called Shi Guanyin.

In the Ming Dynasty, Qixingtang in Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi's expression became stern and he said:

"Stone Guanyin?"

"As expected, it was her!"

"However, in recent years, she has been entrenched in the desert and rarely comes to the Central Plains to cause trouble!"

In Jingzhou, at Ye Changan's house, Qiu Lingsu's eyes flashed with anger, and she secretly said:


"Stone Guanyin! You wait!"

"When I follow you and learn the peerless martial arts, I will definitely seek revenge on you!!"

Shi Guanyin!

It turns out that she is the one whose name contains the word Guanyin, but she does vicious and cruel things. She is a complete female devil.

The women looked surprised.

【Shi Guanyin is not only a martial arts master, intelligent and calm, but also cruel and vicious. She is also considered the most beautiful woman in the world.】

【Gu Long described her like this: Her beauty is unimaginable, because her beauty has completely occupied people's imagination.】

【You can see how beautiful she is.】

【But Shi Guanyin is a psychopath】

【She can't stand seeing people prettier than herself. Anyone prettier than her will be disfigured by her.】

【Qiu Lingsu was one of the people who was disfigured by him】

【I can’t understand why many extremely beautiful women become female devils?】

【For example, Yunmeng Fairy......】

Yunmeng Fairy?


It's been so long, and you still haven't forgotten?

What a lustful guy! Greedy ghost!! The girls were stunned and rolled their eyes..

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