【The Tomb School originated from the book The Return of the Condor Heroes written by Jin Yong.】

【In the book, the Song Dynasty declined, the Jin people invaded the south, and the people were displaced and lived in misery.】

【At this time, Quanzhen ancestor Wang Chongyang wanted to serve his country on the battlefield and save the people from disaster, but the Song Dynasty court was corrupt and the rulers were content to live in a corner.】

【Wang Chongyang then organized an army to fight against the Jin army and defend his homeland. He also built a tomb of the living dead in Mount Zhongnan to store weapons, armor, food, and other supplies.】

【But in the end, he was alone and weak. After the failure of the anti-Jin war, Wang Chongyang was disheartened and hid in the Tomb of the Living Dead.

It turned out that in the novel, the founder of Quanzhen, Wang Chongyang, had such a righteous act!

It is really admirable!

The women could not help but stand in awe

【There was a woman in the Jianghu who heard about Wang Chongyang and admired him very much, so she found the Tomb of the Living Dead.】

【This woman's name was Lin Chaoying. Her martial arts skills were as good as those of the five greatest martial artists in the world at that time.】

"A female martial arts master whose skills are not inferior to the five greatest masters in the world?"

"This woman's talent and talent are probably the best in the world!"

"Could it be that this woman founded the Tomb Clan?"

The women were shocked and thought to themselves

【In order to get close to Wang Chongyang, Lin Chaoying made enemies with him many times. She also insulted Wang Chongyang who was living in the tomb outside the door of the Tomb of the Living Dead for seven days and seven nights. Finally, Wang Chongyang could not bear it anymore and came out of the tomb to fight with her.】

【After he came out, he realized that this was Lin Chaoying's plan to provoke him to come out of the tomb because she felt sorry that his great skills were buried in the tomb.】

【After this incident, the two turned from"enemies" into friends and joined hands to venture into the world.】

【After reading this, do you think this is a good story? 】


Isn't it?

Did something happen when the two of them were traveling together?

The girls were immediately puzzled and continued to look down.

【Lin Chaoying admired Wang Chongyang very much and was very fond of him. She wanted to devote herself to him and marry him.】

【The constant quarrels between the two of them were also Lin Chaoying's deliberate attempt to get close to Wang Chongyang, but she was too proud to express her feelings first.】

【Later, Wang Chongyang naturally understood】

【However, he used the excuse that the Song Dynasty had not yet been recovered and the affairs of the country had not yet been resolved, and pretended to be stupid and ignorant of Lin Chaoying's deep affection.】

【Lin Chaoying thought Wang Chongyang looked down on her and was filled with resentment.】

【The two had turned from enemies to friends, but they became enemies because of love, so they agreed to compete in Zhongnan Mountain to decide the winner. Wang Chongyang felt guilty and was unwilling to give his all. After fighting for thousands of moves, it was still difficult to determine the winner.】

【Lin Chaoying was very angry and made a bet with Wang Chongyang that if he beat Wang Chongyang in carving words on the stone, he would have to choose between becoming a Taoist monk or living with her in the ancient tomb.】

【Guess what the result is? 】

Ming Dynasty, Huashan, in the room, Yue Lingshan blurted out,"Writing on the stone with your hands?"

"Is there any need to think about it?"

"Wang Chongyang's martial arts is better than Lin Chaoying's, so Wang Chongyang must have won."

Ning Zhongze, who was standing aside, glanced at Yue Lingshan, shook his head, and sighed secretly:


"This girl has forgotten the lesson again!"

"Can't you learn a lesson?"

Guess what!

We won't be fooled.

But......This isn't a hard guess, is it?

It seems that although Lin Chaoying's martial arts are not weak, Wang Chongyang is obviously better than him.

In this kind of competition of hard power, Wang Chongyang will naturally win if he doesn't let anyone win.

The girls rolled their eyes, but still couldn't help guessing, and then looked at the following text expectantly.

【As a result, Lin Chaoying used a little trick to defeat Wang Chongyang.】

"Ah! Am I wrong again?"

"No, I guessed right. I won by using tricks. How can it count?"

In the room of the Ming Dynasty, Huashan, Yue Lingshan was surprised and said with a curled lip.

Ning Zhongze beside him sighed secretly, remained silent, and continued to read his diary.


I guessed wrong again.

If I had known that this guy would ask such a question, I shouldn't have used normal thinking to guess.

You are really a jerk. You said you wouldn't guess, but why couldn't you help guessing?

You were fooled by this bad guy again!

The girls couldn't help but blame themselves secretly.

【Although Lin Chaoying won, she could not get what she wanted. Wang Chongyang chose to let her live in the ancient tomb he built. He also built a Quanzhen Taoist temple not far from the ancient tomb and became a Taoist monk.】

【Since then, Lin Chaoying has lived in the Tomb of the Living Dead and has been a neighbor of the Quanzhen Sect.]

【However, she still missed Wang Chongyang and secretly stored a lot of dowry in the tomb. She also treasured the letters and jade bed that Wang Chongyang gave her. However, she was never able to marry him and died in depression.】

【During this period, Lin Chaoying was also angry and created a sword technique to restrain Wang Chongyang's Quanzhen sword technique, and founded the Ancient Tomb School.】

【Lin Chaoying is a martial arts expert, but she doesn't care about fame and fortune. She is not well-known in the martial arts world. Her only wish is to be in harmony with the person she loves, but she can never get her wish. How sad! So this is how the Tomb Clan came about!

Such a pitiful woman with such a deep love for her!! However, why would this Quanzhen Patriarch disappoint a woman who is so infatuated with him?

Although men should put justice first, can they ignore small feelings?


, such a man is not as good as that greedy, lustful, arrogant guy!!

The women suddenly realized and said indignantly in their hearts

【Here, I have to complain about Wang Chongyang】

【He's not a man.】

【Even if it is for the sake of the noble cause of resisting the Jin and restoring the country, we cannot delay having a child, don't you think?】

【What's wrong with that woman?】

【She is so beautiful, so talented, and she is still attached to you】

【If it were me, my children would have carried spears and gone to fight against the Jin.】

【I even suspect that this old guy may have practiced Taoism and eliminated that thing.] (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【You are useless, why don't you explain it clearly?】

【It's unclear and isn't it just wasting people's youth?】

【Damn it, just talking about it makes me angry]

In the central area, in the Great Zhou Dynasty, in an inn, Lin Chaoying, who was dressed in red, couldn't help but blush, then covered her mouth and laughed:

"Hehehe! You pervert, you're still standing up for me!"

"You can't be thinking about me!"

"I didn’t expect that in the novel, there would be such a twist between Wang Chongyang and me?"

"However, I am different now than in the novel!"

"I made a bet with Wang Chongyang, but it was to fight for the ownership of Mount Zhongnan"

"pity......The result of this bet was completely opposite to that in Novel 760. After using every possible means, he still lost!!"

"That old guy's martial arts are really abnormal!"

"After traveling through various dynasties for so many years, although my strength has improved, I am afraid I am still no match for that old guy!!"

In the tomb of the ancient tomb of Mount Zhongnan in the Song Dynasty, Xiao Longnu frowned in thought, and then said lightly:"It seems to be different from the novel!!"

In the inn in the northwest of the Song Dynasty, Li Mochou's eyes flashed with admiration, and she said:"I heard from my master that the ancestor just left the ancient tomb and traveled outside, but he didn't die."

"However, if the Grandmother were here, I would have her make the decision for me."

"Why is Master so partial and gave the position of headmaster to my junior sister instead of me?"


In the Song Dynasty, in Mantuo Villa, Wang Yuyan blushed and said in a delicate voice:"Why is Mr. Ye so blunt?"

"Even if you like someone, you should be more tactful!"

"How did it get to the point of having children?"

"correct......He said that Wang Chongyang practiced Taoism and lost that thing. What is that thing?"

Wang Yuyan's pure and flawless eyes showed a puzzled look.


Look at yourself, what nonsense are you talking about?

You are still angry.

Although Wang Chongyang is not authentic, it is also a matter between the two of them.

It has nothing to do with you. Seeing this, the women rolled their eyes and said contemptuously in their hearts.

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