Ye Changan finished speaking.

The next moment, a mechanical, cold voice sounded in his mind.

【The host has completed today's diary. Rating for this diary content: five stars】

【Rewards are being drawn......】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Immortal Technique: Shrinking the Earth】

【The host can use this magic once a day】

【This reward cannot be accumulated. It is once a day, and each time lasts for ten minutes. It will be invalid after the expiration date.】

"Oh shit!"

"Five star rating!!"

"Finally got the second magic!!"


Ye Changan suddenly sat up from the recliner and laughed ecstatically.

My hunch was right!

This reward is really incredible!

Suddenly, a ray of light shot out from the diary and penetrated into the center of Ye Changan's eyebrows.

Ye Changan immediately obtained the"Deep Abyss and Shrink the Earth".

At the same time, he also understood how to use this magic.

Ye Changan grinned again and said:"Deep Abyss and Shrink the Earth!!"

"It really is worthy of being called a magic!"

"Too strong!!"

Ye Changan learned from his memory. 09

This magic is an extremely advanced supreme escape technique among the thirty-six methods of Tiangang!!

As the name suggests, once this magic is used, one can come and go freely in deep water without any obstacles; it can shrink the earth veins and exist for thousands of miles. In a thought, thousands of miles away can also be reached in an instant!

In layman's terms, it can go in water and in the soil.

And the speed is beyond imagination!

It is the only way to escape, avoid being hunted down, or to hurry on the road!

The most important thing is.

With this magic, one can freely shuttle between the major dynasties in a short period of time.

The game is between the stunning beauties of each dynasty.

Start one romantic story after another.


How comfortable that is!!!

If there is another task to save the beautiful girl, he will also Mother doesn't have to ride a horse to hurry on the road anymore.

As a time traveler with a plug-in, it's too embarrassing to ride a broken horse to save the beauty!

However, there was nothing I could do at that time!!

But now, the magic has come out. The style is directly maxed out, right?


The only flaw is that Qianyuan Shrinking the Earth has a duration limit!!

But this little flaw doesn't matter.

After all, it can cross thousands of miles in an instant. In ten minutes, how far can it run?

Ye Changan doesn't know.

Anyway, it shouldn't be a problem to run back and forth dozens or hundreds of times between the Ming Dynasty and the surrounding dynasties!!

At this time,

Ye Changan's laughter also startled the women lying on the recliners not far away.

Kankan, Yaoyue, Lianxing and others in the room also opened the door and walked out.

"Sir! Did you get an incredible reward?"

"So happy!!"

Lian Xing walked up to Ye Changan and asked softly with a smile.

Ye Changan smiled mysteriously at the girls and said,"Keep it secret for now!!"

"However, sir, I have something to do now, so I won't be staying at home today."

"Keep Qiu Xiaolou and Shi Feixuan under my watch!"

"Don't let them get away!"

Hearing this, Yao Yue snorted coldly and said dissatisfiedly:"Mystification!"

Lian Xing looked at Ye Changan and smiled angrily:"They were beaten half to death by you, and you used the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa to seal their acupoints"

"How can they run?"

At this time, the eccentric Qu Feiyan trotted over and hugged Ye Changan's arm tightly in her arms, shaking him, and said coquettishly:"Young Master!"

"Just tell me and my sisters what reward you got!!"

"I'm dying of curiosity!!"

Ye Changan felt the strangeness on his arm, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, he looked at Qu Feiyan's chest, and said jokingly:

"When you grow up, act like a spoiled child to me again, and I might not be able to resist telling you!!"


"However, the young master still has things to do now!"

"If you want to know, read tomorrow's diary!"

Ye Changan reluctantly pulled his arm out of Qu Feiyan's arms, scratched Qu Feiyan's nose, and said to the girls:"Okay!"

"I'm leaving! You guys take care of the house!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Ye Changan's figure suddenly disappeared in front of the girls.


"Where are the people?"

"How come the young master is gone!"

"The young master suddenly disappeared!"

Ye Changan's sudden disappearance caused the girls to exclaim in surprise. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Looking around the house, they did not see Ye Changan.

"Don't panic!"

"This might be his new reward!!"

"Just do what you should do!"

"Don't worry about this guy!"

Yaoyue's eyes flashed with surprise, and then she spoke.

In the past two days,

Yaoyue has begun to teach the girls Mingyu Gong.

At the same time, she also taught them some fighting skills.

The girls respect and appreciate her very much.

In addition, she is the famous Yihua Palace Master in the world, and she has a domineering aura. Although she has restrained herself now, the girls are still affected and unconsciously listen to her.

Especially Shui Sheng, Yi Lin, and Qu Feiyan.

They call her Sister Yaoyue, which is natural.[]

At this time.

The women instantly quieted down after hearing Yao Yue's words, then looked at each other and went back to their rooms to practice.

In the room of the Central Dynasty, Da Zhou, Yu Jian Villa.

Yin Tianxue had just put down the diary when she felt a pain in her soul.


Yin Tianxue instantly took a breath of cold air, and her beautiful face suddenly turned pale and hideous, without a trace of blood.

Her eyes also became cold and terrifying.

It was as if a demon hidden in the body had awakened and seized control of the body. 607 instantly turned into a cold look!

Yin Tianxue staggered to her feet and wanted to walk to the bed.

At this moment.

A figure appeared silently beside her.

A strong and powerful arm hugged her delicate body.

At the same time, a confident, gentle, and slightly domineering male voice sounded in Yin Tianxue's ears.

"Don't be afraid!"

"I'm here!"

Hearing the voice, Yin Tianxue's body trembled, and a touch of surprise flashed in her empty and cold eyes.

Then, her body softened and leaned on a solid and broad chest.

She knew that the person she was waiting for had come!

Ye Changan looked down at the extremely painful and delicate girl in his arms, his eyes full of pity.

The girl was extremely beautiful!

Even though her face was a little distorted because of the pain at this time, it was still breathtakingly beautiful, making Ye Changan's heart beat fast!!

Ye Changan couldn't help but blame himself. He secretly blamed himself for coming too late!

Immediately, Ye Changan picked up the girl and walked to the bed.

A moment later,

Ye Changan and Yin Tianxue sat opposite each other on the bed.

Their hands were tightly intertwined.

"Please be patient!"

"I will teach you the Nine Yin Meridian Changing Technique now."

"You should remember the operation tips and the route of Qi circulation carefully!"

After Ye Changan said this, he controlled the Qi in his body and entered Yin Tianxue's body. He began to move around.

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