I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 99: Black Panther resurrected

Nagiya finds Okoye, captain of the Royal Guard, and asks her to help her overthrow Eric's rule, but Okoye refuses.

As the captain of the Royal Guard, Okoye can only be loyal to the king. Although T'Challa's death made her very sad, her childhood education did not allow her to resist the king's black panther.

Nagiya can only leave the Wakanda kingdom with the queen and Suri. She is going to find Mbaku, the leader of the Jabari tribe, because only Mbaku can lead the tribe to overthrow Eric's rule.

Eric is officially the King of Wakanda! He got the Black Panther armor and ordered the blockade of the Zhenjin factory Kansas, he secretly handed Kansas to Ultron and let him create the Zhenjin robot army.

Ultron killed all the Wakandas in Kansas, and he took his Iron Legion to use Wakanda's high-tech to create the Vibranium Robot Legion, ready to achieve his purpose.

No one else in Wakanda knew that Kansas had been controlled by this terrifying robot, and the patriarchs of several major tribes were still meeting with Eric in the main hall.

Eric told everyone his plan, he was going to provide vibranium weapons to all the rebels in the world, and let them rise up and fight for the world! He wants to make Wakanda an empire on which the sun never sets!

Okoye stood up against Eric's plan and said, "Wakanda has been around for so long because we only fight when absolutely necessary!"

"Wakanda used to be like this! But the world is changing, General! Elders, Wakanda's dominance is being challenged, the outside world is catching up, and before long, Wakanda will either conquer or be conquered by others! I'd rather be a conqueror!" Wakabi supported Eric's plan, he had long felt that the old king was too conservative, and he had to hide in this small country with such powerful technology.

"What about the revenge of King Tchaka? Catching the murderer of the old king is what we have to do now!" Okoye said.

"The old king's revenge is of course to be avenged, but we don't have any news about Ulysses and the murderer now. As long as we rule the world, won't we find the murderer?" Eric said to everyone.

The elders of several major tribes nodded, thinking that what Eric said made sense.

"Since you've all heard the order, let's do it!" Eric said to everyone.


Nagiya brought Queen Lamanka and Princess Suli to the territory of the Jabari tribe. The Jabari tribe lived on a snowy mountain, and it was very cold here.

"Nakia, we can't give Mbaku the heart-shaped grass, it will turn him into a demon!" The queen does not believe in the Jabari tribe, they believe in different from Wakanda.

"Nakia, you should take the heart-shaped herb yourself!" The queen said looking at Nagiya.

"I'm just a spy, I don't have an army, I have no chance to overthrow Eric's rule!" Nagiya said seriously.

The queen also nodded helplessly, agreeing with Nagiya's idea, and the three continued on their way to the Jabari tribe.

At this moment, many apes of the Jabari tribe suddenly appeared, and they surrounded the three people with neat slogans.

The three were taken to the White Ape Hall of the Jabari tribe and met their leader, Mbaku.

Mbaku was sitting on the throne, and his injuries were not yet healed. He looked at the three women and probably guessed their intentions. It was estimated that they came to Jabari to avoid the pursuit of the new king.

"My son was murdered in a fighting ceremony!" Queen Lamanka said angrily looking at Mbaku.

"The fighting ritual was fair! I was there! It wasn't murder, it was defeat!" Mbaku said.

"But..." Princess Suli was about to speak when Mbaku interrupted.

"Shut up, this is not a place for you to talk!" Mbaku looked at her and said.

"The great ape Mbaku, this is why we are here!" Nagiya knelt down, took out the heart-shaped grass, and held it in her hands.

"We dedicate this to you, an outsider is sitting on our throne, and only you can help us stop him." Nagiya looked at Mbaku and said.

Mbaku stood up and looked at them in amazement. He didn't expect that these three people brought heart-shaped grass here. It seemed that they were really desperate.

Both the queen and Princess Suri knelt down, hoping to get Mbaku's help.

"Forget it, come with me!" Mbaku took the lead out of the hall, and the three stood up and followed.

Mbaku took the three to a temple in the back mountain. There were two female priests in the temple. They knelt beside a snowdrift and prayed.

In the middle of the snowdrift lies a person, it is T'Challa who was pushed off the cliff in the King's Challenge.

The three of them were shocked to see T'Challa. The queen ran up and touched her son with her hands. T'Challa was almost frozen into an iceman.

"Is he still alive?" Nagiya asked.

"He was in a coma and only had one breath left. One of our fishermen saw him by the river. I happened to meet this fisherman on our way back, and I brought him back." Mbaku on the side said.

"Why bury him in the snow?" Princess Suli asked Mbaku.

"This is the only way to save his life!" Mbaku said.

"We have to bring him back to the lab, where I can save him!" Princess Sully said.

"Take him away, he won't last long, and you think you can still go back to your laboratory?" Mbaku asked Su Li rhetorically.

"Nakia, heart-shaped herb!" The queen thought of a way to save T'Challa by feeding him the heart-shaped herbal water.

Nagiya took out the heart-shaped grass, and the queen borrowed a sacrificial herbal tool to mash the heart-shaped grass into juice. After heating it, it was fed to T'Challa to drink. The three buried it with Shet'Challa.

The three knelt down and prayed, hoping that T'Challa could come back to life...

T'Challa had a dream and saw a black panther on a tree, which jumped down and transformed into his father T'Challa.

"Child, you are here, come home with me." The old king said, behind the old king were the black panthers of all dynasties, and they all looked at T'Challa.

"Why? You didn't bring the boy home? Why? Dad?" T'Challa asked, looking at his father.

"He... I choose to ignore that fact," the old king replied.

"You shouldn't have abandoned him!" T'Challa looked at his father in disappointment and said.

"I chose the people, I chose Wakanda! Our future is determined by..." the old king explained to his son.

"You are wrong! You are all wrong! The fault is that we turn a blind eye to the outside world, and our fear of the outside world prevents us from making the right choice!" T'Challa interrupted the old king excitedly.

"I can't go on like this, I can't stay here with you! As long as he sits on the throne, I can't rest in peace, he is a monster of our own creation! I must take back the throne and correct these mistakes!" T'Challa is firm said.

T'Challa sat up all of a sudden, breathing in the fresh air, and he finally woke up. The three queens cried with joy when they saw T'Challa's resurrection, and went up to hug him.

Mbaku also nodded happily, T'Challa looked around and said to them, "Can you give me a blanket?"


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