I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 91: Ulysses

"There are traces of him all over the world, and military bases everywhere say they have been robbed by steel robots, and the casualties are not small." Hill reported to Steve Rogers.

"We also found a Hydra man among them. His name is Siri. He was a defected agent of the original S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Can't find it or not?" Steve Rogers spit out.

"Maybe someone hid his information," Hill said.

The two walked into the Avengers Hall together, and Steve Rogers saw Patton secretly calling outside the hall with a warm smile on his face.

"Barton, there are clues, who are you calling?" Steve Rogers asked.

Patton hung up and replied, "Girlfriend!"

Everyone gathered around to discuss again. Steve showed everyone the information of Siri. After he defected from S.H.I.E.L.D., he has been selling arms in Africa.

"Why did Ultron escape to Africa?" Natasha asked.

"Look to see if there is any information on Ultron in Baron Stoke's information, he studied Ultron," said Dr. Banner.

"All documents about Baron Stoke have been deleted!" Natasha said.

"Not all!" Hill remembered the large box of materials that she sent to Sokovia, went to find it, and looked through it with everyone.

"These are Stoke's accomplices, it seems that he has a lot of friends." Steve Rogers said.

"Wait, I know this guy!" Tony said looking at the information in Banner's hand.

"He has been doing business in Africa. He is a black market arms dealer, just like Siri!" Tony said with Ulysses Claw's information. Everyone looked at Tony strangely, how could he know the black market arms dealer.

"Intersection is inevitable. They are all arms dealers, but I have never sold him any weapons." Tony explained to everyone.

"We know him! He came to Sokovia and provided weapons to Stoke!" Pietro said, looking at the man in the photo, and Wanda nodded.

"What's the mark on his neck?" Thor asked, pointing to the mark on Ulysses' neck in the photo.

Banner checked on the computer, "It is the indigenous language of Wakanda in Africa, which means thief, which is very insulting!"

"Wakanda!" Tony and Steve were very surprised, they knew what Ultron was going to do.

"Ultron needs something from Wakanda!" Tony said.

"Didn't your father take it all?" Steve Rogers asked.

"You are all wrong! Wakanda's vibration gold is very large, and he may steal a lot more." Arthur said at this time.

"What are you talking about? What's in Wakanda?" Dr. Banner asked.

"Vibranium, the hardest metal on the earth, only Wakanda has a vibranium mine, and Ultron must use it to create a new body!" Arthur pointed to Steve Rogers' shield and explained to everyone.

"Then he's going to find this Ulysses next! We can go there and deal with him!" Steve Rogers said, looking at everyone.

"Set off!"

A Hulk Shipyard on the Nile River in Africa

This is Ulysses' underground arms base, where Ulysses sells arms.

There are a lot of African mercenaries on the ship working, making firearms, explosives, chariots, and the work is in full swing.

Ulysses was in his office, and an old friend of his came to see him today, Siri.

"Siri! Why did you come here to find me? Although we are both arms dealers, I rarely have the opportunity to cooperate with you." Ulysses said looking at Siri in front of him.

"Didn't you already understand the purpose of my visit? Today, I am not here to trade with you, but my master is here in person!" Behind Siri stood a very tall man wearing a black cloak.

"I heard that you have Zhenjin? I want as much as you have!" Ultron pulled down the cloak on his head, revealing his metallic face.

Ulysses was taken aback, is this man a robot? Can still talk!

"Who are you?" Ulysses asked.

"You can call me Ultron! My goal is to kill all the Avengers!" Ultron said lightly.

"Okay!" Ulysses took Ultron and Siri to a secret warehouse, which contained a lot of vibration gold in a precision glass container.

Ulysses took out a glass container and said to Ultron, "The price of this thing is not small, it is worth billions!"

Ultron laughed and closed his eyes. His program hacked the bank and transferred 4 billion US dollars for Ulysses.

"The money has been transferred to your fake account!" Just as Ultron was talking, Ulysses' mobile phone sent a text message, and he was very happy to see the transfer record of 4 billion US dollars.

"Finance is really weird! But I always say that to make friends and enemies rich together, it is natural to distinguish between enemies and friends!" Ultron said.

"Tony Stark! He once said this to me!" Ulysses looked at Ultron and said.

Ultron was suddenly very excited when he heard Tony Stark's name and grabbed Ulysses' hand.

"Do you think I'm Tony Stark's puppet? Follow his orders? Look at me like Iron Man? What is Stark?"

Ultron took a knife and cut off Ulysses' right hand.

"Ah..." Ulysses screamed with arms crossed.

"I'm so sorry, you'll be fine in a while, I just don't understand, don't compare me to Tony Stark!" Ultron was very excited, Tony Stark was a heart disease to him, because he was Tony Stark Made by Tucker.

"Boy! You really want to break your father's heart!" Tony Stark appeared behind Ultron in a steel armor, alongside Thor and Steve Rogers.

While the other Avengers have surrounded it, Pietro and Wanda have also come to the side.

"Oh, look at you, the Wanda Pietro brothers and sisters! I saw you in Sokovia! Now you've joined the Avengers! Have you forgotten how your loved ones died?" Ultron looked Wanda and Pietro, who were on the side, said mockingly.

"Don't try to provoke us, I have seen Stoke's memory, I know all the facts!" Wanda looked at Ultron and said, Pietro was not affected by Ultron's words.

"Don't play Ultron with tricks! You have nowhere to escape now!" Steve Rogers said.

"Captain America! The righteous son of God, pretending that he is not an American war machine. If I were human, I would have vomited." Ultron said mockingly.

"If you believe in peace, don't break it!" Thor Stark said.

"You confuse the concepts of peace and tranquility!" Ultron replied.

"Don't talk to him anymore, just kill him!" Arthur appeared next to him, and the orange energy of the trident in his hand shot at Ultron.

Ultron raised his right hand, and a red energy shot out and Arthur's orange energy slammed together, creating a huge explosion, and everyone was blasted out by the shock wave.

"It's impossible!" How could Ultron still emit such strong energy without the Mind Gem? What's going on? Arthur couldn't believe it.

"Haha, this is the technology of the Qitarui people, isn't it very powerful?" Ultron did not know where he got the energy weapon of the Qitarui people and put it on his body, and the energy emitted can actually match Arthur's gem energy. boom.

Tony Stark flew up to fight with Ultron, and at this moment, many Iron Legion robots suddenly appeared around, attacking the Avengers.

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