I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 87: ant man vs wasp man

Hope drove Dr. Pym Scott and Arthur to the Pym Technology Building.

"You wait outside, Scott takes your ants in, and I go straight to the front door," Arthur said.

"How are you going to get in?" Hope asked.

"Action!" Arthur smiled mysteriously and walked towards the Pym Company building, while Scott entered the Pym Company through the sewer after becoming smaller.

Hope was worried about Arthur and followed, while Dr. Pym watched the computer monitor in the car.

The gate of Pym's company is now on guard, and a lot of security guards are guarding here to prevent any suspicious people from entering.

And Arthur walked up swaggeringly, and Hope was startled, and immediately followed up and wanted to help him explain.

But Hope found that the security guards seemed to be unable to see them, and now they were motionless.

"Didn't you stay in the car?" Arthur asked Hope.

"What's going on? What's wrong with them?" Hope was very surprised at the situation in front of him.

"It's just a small trick!" Arthur beckoned to a security guard, who came over immediately.

"Where's Darren Krause?" Arthur asked the security guard.

"He's in the company." The security guard replied blankly.

"You guard here, don't let people come in!" Arthur instructed all the security guards.

"You controlled them?" Hope asked.

Arthur nodded and said, "Let them stay here, don't let people in, the company will explode and others will be affected."

"Your ability is terrible!" Hope immediately stayed away from Arthur. She had heard that the Avengers were a group of people with special abilities, but she couldn't accept Arthur's ability to control others. If Arthur had any idea about any woman, she couldn't even imagine it.

"What's your look? I'm not a perverted lsp!" Arthur complained about Hope's reaction.

"Who knows if you are!" Hope retorted.

The two entered the Pym company building, and all the security personnel they encountered along the way were controlled by Arthur, who let them go out and stay at the door of the company.

"I've already arrived at the lab server, and I'll start making the ants work right away!" Scott Lang said.

"OK, hurry up, I've cleared all the security guards," Arthur said into the microphone.

Arthur and Hope visited Pym slowly, as casually as if they were back in their own home.

Hope was also an eye-opener. The troublesome things that had been particularly troublesome became easier in Arthur's hands. She finally believed that Arthur said that he could easily solve the problem by himself.

Arthur stopped a staff member and asked, "Where's Darren Krause?"

The staff replied, "He went to the roof!"

"Not good! Darren Claus is going to run!" Hope knew that there were helicopters on the roof, and Darren Claus must have known through surveillance that they were coming!

"Scott! Have you done it yet? Darren Krause is going to do a helicopter flight from the top of the building, stop him, don't let him take the Wasp suit!" Arthur instructed Scott Lang through the walkie-talkie .

"I've got the bomb ready, I'm going to the roof right now!" Scott replied.

Hope sounded the company alarm, all the staff ran towards the outside of the company, and Arthur followed Hope out of the Pym company building.

And when Scott came to the roof, he just saw Darren Claus getting on the plane. Darren noticed the countless flying ants in the air! It's Dr. Pym's ant!

Darren Claus took out his pistol and kept firing, but there were too many flying ants, and Darren could only close the hatch on one side of the helicopter.

But what he didn't know was that Scott had entered the helicopter. After the helicopter took off, Scott suddenly became bigger and appeared in the plane.

After punching Darren Krause's bodyguard, he shrunk again, and Darren Krause picked up a pistol and shot Scott.

boom! ! boom! ! ...

Darren Krause heard the explosion, turned his head and looked down, only to see the Pym Technology Company building blazing into the sky, and then suddenly the space was compressed, and the entire building disappeared.

"No!!" Darren Claus was completely angry, and his research for so many years was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Darren Claus picked up the pistol and shot at Scott. Scott became smaller and jumped towards Darren Claus, but was slapped by Darren Claus and flew out and almost fell off the helicopter.

Luckily, Skus grabbed a seat belt, and after crawling in from the outside, Scott saw Darren Krause put on the Wasp suit!

The four claws of the Hornet suit shot energy beams to kill Scott, but Scott could only dodge the energy beam's attack after becoming smaller.

Scott jumped left and right to escape the energy beam, punched Darren Claus in the face, Darren Claus also became smaller and scuffled with Scott...

Arthur and Hope looked at the Pym company that was razed to the ground after the explosion. Arthur sighed, "What a pity! The Pym technology that Dr. Pym built for so many years is gone!"

Hope was very happy, their plan finally succeeded, Arthur and Hope returned to the car.

"Where's Scott?" Dr. Pym asked.

"He went after Darren Krause, probably in the helicopter," Hope said.

Dr. Pym sent the camera ants to chase the helicopter, and Hope drove back to the villa.

On the helicopter, Ant-Man and the Wasp are inextricably fighting. Darren Krause is obviously not Scott's opponent, but he has a laser weapon.

The laser continued to shoot at Scott, not only did not hit Scott, but also killed the pilot of the helicopter by mistake. The helicopter lost control and fell toward the ground.

Scott and Darren Krause hit a suitcase and fell from the helicopter.

Scott and Darren Krause were fighting fiercely in the suitcase, which fell from the sky and fell into a swimming pool.

Darren Krause jumped out of the swimming pool, terrifying the people around the pool. A man was about to call the police when Darren Krause's laser shot exploded his cell phone. Darren Krause wanted to use it. The laser killed all of them.

At this moment, Scott suddenly rushed out of the water, knocking Darren Claus out with a punch, and Darren Claus instantly became smaller and rushed towards Scott.

Scott picked up a ping-pong bat at his feet and slapped Darren Krauss out, hitting the mosquito killer.

Scott was about to go up to deal with it when he heard a familiar shout behind him.

"Stop! Put your hands up!"

It turned out to be two police officers, one of whom was Paxton, the husband of his ex-wife! It turned out that they finally found out that Scott's escape was related to Dr. Pym after investigation.

When they came to Pym Technology, they saw that the Pym company building exploded, and a helicopter flew away from the roof of the company. They immediately followed the helicopter to see if it was the murderer of the Pym company.

But they found that there seemed to be someone fighting in the helicopter, and then saw that the helicopter crashed, and when they came here, they heard someone screaming. .

"Scott!" Paxton was very surprised, he didn't expect Scott to be here.

"Paxton, you must listen to my explanation..." Scott was knocked down by two people with stun guns before he could finish speaking. Scott was taken into a police car by two people, ready to take him back to the police station .


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