I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 80: Entering the era of short video

In August 2013, the world is trying to start the 4G network, which is half a year earlier than Arthur's last life, but the world is actually much more developed than the original earth technology.

In order to make Hero Video.com ahead of other video sites, Arthur proposed to make short videos. The employees of Hero Video Network still don’t understand. Isn’t short video a video that can only be shot for 15 seconds? What's the point of this?

Arthur asked back if they liked to watch a long video in half an hour or a short video with the same content in just a few seconds?

Everyone still doesn’t understand. Arthur also exemplified that a long video should be composed of several parts of the climax and ending, while a short video should clearly present the entire video content within 15 seconds, just like the blog and Weibo. the difference.

Of course, some videos with long content are not suitable for short video platforms. Short videos are still suitable for lightweight, fast-paced videos that are easy and entertaining.

Everyone finally understands Arthur's thoughts, fast pace is the main direction of short videos.

It is very simple to make a short video page for Hero Video. It can be done in three days, but Arthur needs to redesign the software layout of the entire Hero Video.

The main page is dominated by short videos, and the secondary pages have normal videos. That is to say, short videos will be the main content of hero video websites in the future.

The design department made an inner version for Arthur to see according to Arthur's request. Arthur picked up the engineering mobile phone and opened the hero video network.

The homepage is a short video. Of course, now I just cut some long videos and put them in it for testing.

The overall layout looks the same as Douyin on Earth, and you can scroll to the next video by swiping up and down the screen. On the right side, you can focus on, like, comment and share. Arthur also added the shortcut operation of double-clicking the video to like and clicking the video pause, while long videos and live broadcasts are placed on the other two pages.

One of the biggest selling points of short videos is beauty. Arthur asked the design department to develop a beauty optimization function. As long as you take a short video, you can use the beauty function to change the skin, face, eye size, etc., and it is very smart and beautiful. The color effect is also very exaggerated, which can be said to be comparable to makeup.

Arthur felt satisfied with the design of the hero video app, and told the design department to follow this design.

Then the next step is to find someone to fill in the content of the short video, that is, to find a group of Internet celebrities to shoot some short videos and upload them first.

Arthur asked the staff to contact a group of top authors with the most fans on the Hero Video Network, and asked each of them to shoot some short vertical videos for submission. Arthur also gave certain rewards.

Of course, if there are so many fans, the Avengers are all big internet celebrities, and Arthur will ask them all to shoot short videos when the new version of the hero video goes online!

Arthur and Pietro scored together at home. Recently, the development of League of Legends has been very good, and it has become the most popular game at the moment. The number of e-sports competitions is also very popular, attracting many sponsors to invest.

And the most profitable is the live broadcast section of Hero Video Network. It is not uncommon for local tyrants to spend a lot of money to reward their favorite anchors.

All in all, it only took Arthur a year to bring a lot of money to the Avengers.

And Tony has been working **** the battle armor recently. Arthur doesn't want to complain about him anymore. He and Dr. Banner are working on Chitauri technology and want to use it on his battle armor.

Natasha and Steve Rogers and Barton are on the hunt for the remnants of Hydra, and Thor has recently joined them in the cleanup.

Peter Parker is studying hard for the upcoming college entrance examination, and his goal is New York University, which is closest to home.

Arthur is the most leisurely now. Basically, he doesn't care about anything. He likes to be the boss. Unless Steve Rogers arranges things for him, Arthur will always like to stay at home.

Arthur also took time to go to Atlantis and saw the conditions of the people of Atlantis. Their lives were on the right track, and the city of Atlantis was repaired by them. It's all going in the right direction.

On September 15, 2013, the hero video network mobile terminal ushered in a major version update, and everyone clicked the update.

The updated Hero Video Network and before the update are two different softwares. After the update, Hero Video has become a brand new software.

After netizens opened the new version of the hero video, an advertisement popped up, called the era of national short videos officially opened! Then enter the main interface, there are tutorials to teach you how to brush short videos.

Everyone feels very novel about this 15-second short video. Before you know it, it will be over in the morning, making netizens addicted!

Especially the singing and dancing videos of some young ladies and sisters, some male compatriots were stunned. I didn't expect that there were so many beauties on the hero videos. Love love love!

They don't know that this is all the blessing of beauty special effects. Some girls can't do without the beauty function of Hero Video. They never thought that they could be so beautiful!

Of course, there are also some funny bloggers, and some of the funny videos they made are also very popular, and they have gained a lot of likes and attention.

And Arthur wants to make him a new Internet celebrity for a new member of the Avengers. He is the American short cat Venom in Arthur's family!

Arthur helped Venom to make a dry meal video. Venom's appetite is amazing, and it takes three people's food every day to be full.

In the video, the cute-looking silver-graded shorthair cat ate sardines at a terrifying speed, and it devoured the whole pot in less than a while. Arthur was complaining on the side that he raised a rice bucket.

The whole video is very interesting. This video was posted by Arthur with the newly registered Venom account. Arthur arranged a wave of official drainage, and it was immediately liked by many people.

His family has commented that Arthur's cats are different, who can afford this amount of food?

This beautiful short called "Venom" is not cute but scary.

The image of Venom to everyone is a foodie, but in the second video Arthur sent, the image of this foodie was broken.

Venom can actually play with mobile phones! The video shows Venom laying on the sofa with a black iPhone 5 and reading the video. Arthur, who was cleaning the house, scolded him for not getting up and exercising except that he knew how to eat and play with his phone.

And even if the kitten Venom turned over, even after exercising, he gave Arthur a contemptuous look, and that look was vivid.

The whole video is very interesting. Venom, a cat with acting skills, has also gained 200,000 fans. Everyone calls it the smartest cat.

Later, Arthur also filmed a series of short videos of Venom, which have won unanimous praise from netizens! And netizens also discovered that Venom is actually a certified member of the Avengers, Venom? A cat or an Avenger?

The cat of Venom suddenly became popular. Of course, everyone was watching a joke, thinking that it was the pet cat of the Avengers, and did not take it seriously as a member of the Avengers.

Arthur is speechless after seeing these comments, you are waiting to be slapped in the face, and our members will have a raccoon and a tree in the future!

Wanda also wanted to make short videos, and Arthur decided to let her make drag videos.

"What's a drag video?" Wanda asked.

"It's that you shoot a segment in your normal clothes, and then suddenly change into a special outfit when the music hits the climax," Arthur said.

"Oh, I understand!" Wanda blushed and ran to find clothes.

After a while, Wanda, who changed into a set of clothes, came out of the bedroom and asked Arthur, "Is this set okay?"

Arthur was stunned. The navel-baring tube top and ultra-short jeans showed Wanda's S-shaped figure at a glance. I didn't expect Wanda's figure to be so good!

"I asked you if this outfit looks good? Why don't you talk?" Wanda shook Arthur, who was stunned.

"What? Oh oh... This set is very nice, when did you buy it?" Arthur woke up and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"I saw many female anchors dancing like this on hero videos, so I bought a few sets and haven't worn them out yet..." Wanda said shyly.

"Uh! You are now seriously warning you that you are not allowed to wear this out! Girls still have to learn to protect themselves when they are outside!" Arthur looked at Wanda seriously and said.

"Okay, then I'll wear it for you at home... Do you like it?" Wanda whispered.

"Um...ahem! I like it, of course I mean clothes." Arthur said awkwardly.

"What's the next shot?"

"You do this first... and then do this..."

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