I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 7: Hulk vs Abomination

Arthur threw the hatred out, shook his hand, and sighed, "Why is hatred not as strong as I thought..."

The disgust that was thrown away climbed up from the ground and looked at the figure angrily, "Look at me tearing you apart!"

Abomination rushed towards Arthur, and Arthur also ran up and rushed towards Abomination. I saw that the two were getting closer and closer, and the speed was getting faster and faster, boom! With a bang, their fists slammed together.

The two fists produced a huge shock wave, and the air wave overturned the surrounding cars.

When the dust dissipated, only a small figure was seen standing in the middle of the road, while the huge monster was lying on the ground not far away, and the monster's right hand was bent over.

The general on the plane was stunned at the situation below. "What is this situation? Who is he? How can he have such a huge power?"

The surrounding soldiers looked at Arthur as if they were looking at a monster. At this moment, a huge roar came from a distance: "Roar..." They saw a huge green figure coming towards them.

"Is it finally here? Dr. Banner." Arthur looked at the green figure and said in a low voice.

"Hoo... Banner!!" Abomination stood up again, seeing the familiar green figure, a monstrous anger arose in Abomination, he broke his severed hand back, and rushed towards the Hulk step by step faster and faster .

Banner, who transformed into the Hulk, also rushed towards the hatred. The two huge figures got faster and faster, getting closer and closer, and finally slammed into each other with a bang.

As a result, the hatred was kicked out by the Hulk. Everyone looked at this familiar scene and felt like they had seen this scene before.

I saw the two huge figures scuffled together, and the surrounding cars were blown away, and the soldiers came back to their senses and continued to shoot at the hate.

Arthur glanced at the two fiery giant creatures and ran to the back of the scene, because he heard the short and rustling cry for help coming from under the collapsed house, and his hearing was already very sensitive.

Arthur came to the side of a boulder, held the boulder in both hands and lifted it forcefully, he lifted the boulder aside, picked up a man covered in blood from below, put it on the ground, and rescued four consecutively from the ruins. people.

"Call an ambulance!" Arthur said to a soldier, who immediately picked up the walkie-talkie.

The Hulk and Abomination are still inseparable, but Arthur is looking around to rescue the injured.

Arthur moved out an overturned car and rescued a little boy from under the car. There was no call for help nearby, and everyone who could be found was rescued. Arthur finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The little boy looked at the big brother who saved him, and asked him, "Big brother, what's your name?"

Arthur hesitated for a while and replied, "You can call me Sea King!"

The Hulk and the hatred are fighting together. You punch me and you punch each other, and no one can do anything to the other. Although the Hulk has the upper hand, the abomination's recovery ability is also very strong, and it is still relatively difficult to completely kill the abomination.

At this moment, a figure rushed towards Abomination, only to see Arthur punching Abomination in the face, knocking Abomination out.

Arthur followed closely, and he punched Abomination, and the Abomination couldn't fight back. At this time, the Hulk found a chain and threw it at Abomination, which happened to be wrapped around Abomination's neck.

Arthur caught the other end of the chain, Arthur and the Hulk pulled the chain together, and with a click, the neck of abomination was twisted by the chain, and his head rolled down.

Abomination finally died, the Hulk glanced at Arthur, bang bang bang... climbed to the top of the building and let the next jump fly into the distance, Arthur watched the back of the Hulk leaving and chose to leave quietly.

Through this battle, he learned that his strength is not enough now, and he has to continue to practice!

After a while, the soldiers came to this tragic battle scene, looking at the disgusting corpses on the ground with different skills, the general was silent.

The next day, yesterday's report came from the TV at Atlantis restaurant, "A huge yellow monster appeared in the center of Manhattan last night, and there was a fierce battle with our military! He was finally killed by the military!"

"An eyewitness said that there was a giant green monster fighting with a giant yellow monster, and it seemed that a human was also involved!"

"32 people were killed in this incident, 208 people were seriously injured, and 87 people were slightly injured. Among them, 41 people said that a hero named Sea King saved them."

"The follow-up incident is still under investigation, here is the reporter from the front to report for you!"

"The monster was killed? Great boss!" Jack said to Arthur. Arthur ignored Jack and buried his head in the bowl of fresh noodles.

In this battle, Arthur confirmed his current strength. Although it was only a small test of his skills, he also possessed a certain ability to protect himself. Arthur was quite satisfied.

Day by day, Manhattan has regained its calm, and people are busy with their lives, as if this incident had never happened.

The business of the Atlantis restaurant by the sea is still hot as usual, even if it is full of people at night.

Arthur also hired a lawyer and paid for an American ID card for himself, and he officially became an American.

"Boss, a gentleman is looking for you..." Sister Isa said to Arthur, and pointed to the two men outside the house.

Arthur glanced at them, "It turned out that they were here... Isa, pour me three cups of black tea, I want to meet guests." Arthur instructed Isa and walked towards the two of them outside the door.

"Hello, I'm the boss here, what advice do you have?" Arthur said to the leather-clad bald man in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Arthur, we have something to talk to you about." The bald head reached out and shook Arthur's hand.

"Okay, please sit here." Arthur brought the two to a corner seat on the beach at the door.

After the three of them sat down, Sister Isa brought three cups of black tea, "Gentlemen, please use it."

"thanks, thanks."

Arthur was not surprised by the arrival of the two in front of him, because he knew them, they were the famous S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury and Agent Phil Coulson.

When Arthur shot, he thought that he would be exposed to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sight. He had thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. would notice him, but he didn't expect them to come so quickly.

"Introduce myself. My name is Jon Arthur. May I ask what you two have to do with me?" Arthur said.

"We work at the Homeland Strategic Defense and Attack Logistics Agency, and this is my ID." Nick Fury took out a ID with a familiar logo and showed it to Arthur.

"You repeat what security bureau you are?" Arthur replied.

"...We are the people of the Homeland Strategic Defense and Attack Logistics Service," Nick Fury said helplessly.

"The name of your unit is difficult to remember. I suggest you change your name."

"We will consider it. We came to you to ask you if you appeared in the Manhattan incident?" Nick Fury looked at Arthur and asked seriously.

"Your joke is not funny at all," Arthur denied.

"Don't be too busy denying, look at these photos first." Nick Fury took the tablet that Coulson handed him and put it in front of Arthur to show a set of photos.

It's the picture of him fighting the Abomination, and the picture of the Hulk and him strangling the Abomination in chains. Although the photo is blurry, it is still recognizable that this is Arthur.

Demo, are you speechless now? Nick Fury looked at Arthur and thought.

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