I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 67: Shrapnel in Tony's veins

Arthur didn't have a good time in Miami in the end. After the incident, he went straight home. Wanda and Pietro were still waiting for Arthur to spend Christmas together.

Of course, their way of celebrating the festival is to eat, but last night they had turkey on Christmas Eve, and of course they have to eat something Arthur likes tonight, which is barbecue!

Arthur had already marinated the meat in the refrigerator, and in the courtyard of the villa, Quicksilver put the charcoal into the oven and ignited it with a lighter.

Arthur took out the processed oysters and baked them one by one, and Wanda was responsible for putting garlic sauce on each oyster.

Arthur lit another oven, put the marinated beef, and grilled it with chopsticks, as well as lobster, chicken wings, pork belly and a lot of vegetarian dishes, let's bake slowly.

The three of them enjoyed the barbecue and drank cold beer while eating roast beef with lettuce wraps. Life is so beautiful.

Arthur found that since Wanda and Pietro came, he has gone further and further on the road of food. When he lived alone before, he also liked to eat, but he didn't like to do it himself.

They all go to eat at the Atlantis restaurant. Now that he has Wanda and Pietro, he doesn't go to the restaurant anymore. He studies food with Wanda all day long.

This can't be blamed on him either. The venom in his body caused him to have an increasing need for food, so he had to find a way to get rid of this guy who only screamed for hunger.

Venom suddenly felt a chill, no murderous! Venom is on guard.

The goddess Scarlet Witch in everyone's heart was brought into a snack by himself, while Pietro became an internet addict who was addicted to games. Arthur says his Marvel universe is a little weird.

When it comes to playing games, Pietro is incredible. He is now the strongest king of Ionia. Pietro's response is extremely fast. Strange! The old was reported to open the plug-in.

Even several times when the team contacted him to let him go for trial training and play professionally, he was rejected. He knew that it would be unfair for other players to go there. Just play at home.

Arthur suggested that Pietro go to the Hero Video Network to start a live broadcast. It is a pity that such a strong strength cannot be broadcast live, and Pietro also agreed to try it.

Since then, an anchor called "Quicksilver takes you to play games" has appeared on the Hero Video Network. He is not very talkative, but the game level is very high, and the operation is very enjoyable, and he has gradually gained some popularity.

Tony contacted Arthur that day and told Arthur that Pepper's desperate virus had been cured, and through this incident, Tony felt that he had grown up again.

Tony wanted to remove the shrapnel from his chest, but the operation was quite dangerous, and he wanted to ask Arthur what he thought.

Arthur came to Tony's new home, a new luxury villa. Looking at the villa in front of him, Arthur said he couldn't compare.

"You're here, please come in!" Pepper opened the door for Arthur.

"Thank you!" Arthur walked into Tony's new villa and felt that the house was okay, but it was a little empty and some furniture had not been bought yet. It should be that the one who just bought the house had not had time to get it.

"I heard that your desperate virus has been completely cured?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, it's all right." Pepper replied.

"That's great!" Arthur said happily.

"I just finished calling you a few minutes ago, and the speed is getting faster and faster." Tony said from the second floor.

"If you come to me, I will definitely come here as fast as possible. How did I figure it out and finally decided to take the shrapnel?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, I think these shrapnel are in my blood vessels. It's better to take them out, but the risk of surgery is too great, and I can't make up my mind." Tony said.

"I also support you in taking out the shrapnel. I will find the best doctor to help you perform this operation." Pepper grabbed Tony's hand and said.

"Actually, you don't have to be so troublesome. To be honest, I can stop your blood from flowing, and I can also take out the shrapnel in your blood. Don't worry." Arthur said to Tony.

"Is it true? Great Tony!" Pepper said happily.

"How sure are you?" Tony asked.

"100%, I can even drain a person's whole body in an instant now, and I can also control the backflow of blood." Arthur assured.

"Then I'll contact the hospital for surgery. My life is in your hands. Don't be careless." Tony said to Arthur cautiously.

"Don't worry!" Arthur assured, patting his chest.

Tony was lying in the operating room, Pepper and Rhodes watched from the glass window of the operating room.

Arthur put on the antibacterial suit and stood beside Tony, and Dr. Wu from China was Tony's attending physician this time.

"Is this really the case? Don't I use a silver needle to slow down his blood flow?" Dr. Wu asked.

"Yes, you can do it directly, and I will control the blood flow rate." Arthur said in Mandarin.

"Ready?" Arthur asked Tony Stark.

Tony gave Arthur and Pepper Rhodes a thumbs up, saying they were ready.

"Anesthesia!" said Dr. Wu.

The assistant on the side injected Tony with anesthesia, and Tony immediately lost consciousness.

"Let's start!" Arthur said to Dr. Wu.

Dr. Wu carefully cut off the ark reaction base on Tony's chest. At this moment, Arthur opened his five fingers to stop Tony's blood flow.

Arthur carefully sensed the shrapnel in Tony's blood, and used energy to control the blood to wrap the shrapnel and take it out from the wound on Tony's chest.

Dr. Wu on the side only saw a miraculous phenomenon. Under Arthur's control, blood-coated shrapnel flew out of Tony's chest piece by piece, and fell to the side of the plate.

"It's incredible!" Dr. Wu admired the scene in front of him. Arthur's ability is amazing. If he becomes a doctor, he can perform many difficult operations.

A total of more than 30 shrapnel were taken out, some large and small. After the shrapnel was taken out, Arthur asked Dr. Wu to treat the wound.

Arthur restored Tony's blood flow. Arthur used his mental power to check Tony's whole body to see if there was any problem. If there was a problem, Arthur had another solution, that is, venom.

Under Arthur's examination, it was found that Tony was completely fine, and his heart was beating very strongly.

"The rest is up to you!" Arthur said to Dr. Wu and walked out of the operating room.

Pepper and Rhodes came to Arthur as soon as they saw Arthur come out.

Looking at Chili Pepper's worried eyes, Arthur said, "It's alright, the operation was successful, and all the shrapnel has been taken out."

Little Pepper and Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief, and Little Pepper even covered his face and cried, "Great! Great, Tony is fine!"

Rhodes patted Pepper on the shoulder to comfort her, and then said to Arthur, "Tony is fine thanks to you, thank you Arthur."

"It's all friends. When will you join the Avengers? We need people right now." Arthur asked Rhodes.

"I will definitely join you if you invite me, but I have too many tasks now, wait a while." Rhode replied...

Tony's surgery was a complete success, and Tony was awake two hours later.

Looking at the shrapnel in the glass bottle and the Ark energy reactor on the side, Tony's mood was very complicated. He finally said goodbye to the past. He wants to live a good life from today!

Tony and Pepper thanked Arthur together, Arthur and Rhodes left, consciously leaving space for their young couple.

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