I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 62: Avengers Events

China's Tencent and South Korea's NCsoft finally relented and reluctantly accepted the new sharing agreement. Of course, Arthur also compensated them for liquidated damages of $5 million each.

Their request is that the establishment of the e-sports area is led by them! Of course they can be in charge of the competition area, but the profit sharing has to sit down and talk slowly, right?

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed, and there has been no news after Stark announced the acquisition of Riot Games. The number of users of the League of Legends game around the world is also slowly growing.

At the end of February 2012, Riot Games finally made a big move!

Riot announced to the world that it will set up four major e-competition areas for club competitions! LCS North America Division, LEC European Division, LCK Korea Division, LPL China Division, each division will invite e-sports clubs to hold spring and summer competitions, and then the four teams with the highest points will qualify for the global finals in October!

The global finals will be held at Staples Stadium in Los Angeles and will be the largest esports event in the world, with a prize pool of up to $10 million!

All e-sports clubs are crazy when they hear this news. Clubs that have not established a League of Legends team plan to recruit people to form a League of Legends team immediately!

The second news is more attractive to players, in order to celebrate the cooperation between the Avengers and Riot Games! League of Legends will launch the original Avengers Squad series skins!

On the homepage of the League of Legends client, eight Avengers heroes with very handsome shapes appeared on the promotional page!

League of Legends players are excited! Now no one in the world does not know the Avengers. For ordinary people, the Avengers is a mysterious organization. They only know that they are guarding the earth. As for their members, the most famous ones are the eight people in the New York War!

This time the League of Legends Avengers Squad skin is the eight of the New York War! All players who like the Avengers are going to buy a set of Avengers Squad skins.

As for the fans of the Avengers who have not played League of Legends, they have also opened their computers to download a League of Legends to support the Avengers.

On March 1st, the Avengers team skin was officially launched globally, and the spring games of each division officially started!

In China, under the overwhelming publicity of Tencent, everyone opened QQ and saw the pop-up window of League of Legends and the promotional animation of the Avengers squad.

Players opened the game one after another and saw the skin of the Avengers squad.

"Wow, this Hawkeye Verus has such a handsome skin, and the arrows he shoots are of different colors! The ultimate move is a hooked arrow! It's really beautifully done!"

"Izreal's Iron Man skin is so handsome! The model is so exquisite, and the special effects are beautiful! Accelerate and fly!"

"Spider-Man Amumu is subversive, okay, the short Amumu has become a Spider-Man as tall as everyone else, and his skills have also become spider silk, which is really good!"

"Thor's Kenan and Aquaman's murlocs are not as tall as other Avengers heroes, and they are no longer yordles! Especially Aquaman, the special effects are the best of all skins, and the ultimate move becomes The ever-giant octopus attack?"

"I think Katarina's Black Widow skin looks much better, and the flying knives have also become two electric batons. The original painting is so beautiful!"

"The Hulk's Mundo skin is so suitable. Compared with the original Mundo Hulk, the shape of the Hulk has become much larger, and the axe has also become a stone. I feel that this Mundo is more fleshy!"

"Captain America's blind monk is the most subversive, and Tian Yinbo has also turned into a shield attack. It's very fun to watch!"

Players have given very high evaluations to the skin of the Avengers squad, because at present, all hero skins are only changed in color or model, which is the first time such a skin with special effects.

The price of the skin is not expensive. If you buy one for 30 yuan alone, you can get a set of Avengers team skin for 199 yuan, and you will also get a hero! Rounding up is no money! Too cheap!

Everyone's desire to buy has been aroused, and the start of the spring split has attracted the attention of many young people.

China's LPL division was officially established, and China's e-sports environment is relatively difficult, so only six teams have been established in the Chinese division, namely WE, IG, LGD, Royal Family, OMG and PE.

But since the start of the game, it has attracted the attention of a large number of young people. Many people who have never played League of Legends have downloaded League of Legends to try to play after watching the game. The result is out of control.

In addition to China, the influence of League of Legends in the world is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of users is gradually increasing, and it has exceeded 20 million players in a month.

This time the Avengers team skin is also very popular, and the income is very considerable. Tony also liked the game of League of Legends and played several ranked games with Iron Man every day.

Arthur even asked Tony to acquire two large-scale video websites and renamed them Hero Video. As the video publishing website of the official League of Legends events, they also made a live broadcast area, so that more people can come here for the live broadcast of the League of Legends games!

Tony admired that Arthur's business acumen was good, and it was a pity not to start a company.

Arthur asked the Avengers to register official accounts on the hero video website. If you have nothing to do, you can take some videos and post them on it. Arthur intends to make the Avengers into Internet celebrities.

But few people are not interested, only Peter Parker prefers this way of shooting video, he is young and easy to accept, and he is also a photography enthusiast.

In order to start the video website, Arthur was so determined that he had to force these guys to make videos!

Arthur bought two cameras and brought them to Tony's laboratory and took a video of him testing the new armor. This is no secret. Arthur also asked Tony to put the camera on the armor and wear The armor flew around the sky.

This video exploded as soon as it was posted on the Internet, and Tony instantly attracted countless fans. Everyone has only seen Tony's Iron Man armor in TV news and games or in blurry videos taken by others, and they have never seen such a clear version. The first person video of Tony flying through the air is amazing!

In just one day, this video has 50 million views and countless likes and comments.

After seeing this result, Arthur struck while the iron was hot, went directly to Steve Rogers' house, asked him to shoot a fitness video, asked Steve Rogers to do a fitness teaching, and finally there was a close-up fight between Arthur and Steve. .

After the video was posted on the hero video network, it was liked by everyone, especially some people who like fitness watched this video repeatedly. They were envious of the muscles of the US team, and many people followed the captain's training and teaching. to learn.

Everyone also knows that Neptune Arthur did not die in the Battle of New York, but returned to Earth and started a video website.

Relying on these two videos, Hero Video Network has become the second largest video site in the United States, second only to YouTube, not to mention Hero Video Network also has game live broadcasts and official League of Legends live broadcasts.

Many people who like to shoot videos have come to the hero video website to post videos. Now if you can't watch the video on the hero video website, you are out of date.

The Avengers game company has launched a Chinese version of the hero video website for the Chinese market, and also built a server, so that Chinese players can watch videos without having to use a VPN. Several video sites and live streaming sites in China feel the wolf is coming!

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