I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 57: Spiderman vs Quicksilver

After the people of Atlantis were settled, Arthur left here. There was not much he could do. The people of Atlantis had to rely on themselves for a happy life.

Arthur told old Sartu his address, and if he had something to look for, he could come to his villa by the sea.

Arthur spent a day back in New York, and Wanda and Pietro were very happy to see Arthur back so soon.

Wanda also began to learn to cook by herself from online food videos, and Arthur even bought them an iPhone.

In the evening Arthur invited Peter Parker and Gwen to the house and introduced Wanda and Pietro to them.

"Arthur, you're really busy. It's very difficult for me to see you once." Peter complained.

"I don't want to either. The problem is that accidents happen all the time," Arthur said.

"Then you can't go back to school? You've been out of school for a year and a half, and if you don't come back, you're likely to be expelled." Peter said, and Gwen nodded at the side.

"Going to school? Brother Arthur, are you still studying?" Wanda asked strangely.

"He and I were classmates, and we were at Midtown High," Gwen explained to Wanda.

"High school?" Wanda looked at Arthur, he didn't look like a high school student.

Arthur covered his face, age revealed...

"I guess I won't be able to go back for the time being. I'll continue to be your classmate after you go to university," Arthur said.

"How can you go to college with us without taking the college entrance examination?" Peter asked blankly.

"Don't you know that many problems in this world can be solved with money? Which school do you want to go to? Let Stark Industries get a grant for it!"

"Is that so?" Peter looked at Gwen in confusion, and Gwen nodded at him.

"I have to get into college by myself, so I don't need to go through the back door!" Peter said firmly.

"Okay, I support you! Do you know that the Avengers base is already under construction, and you will go there to train after it is completed. It may be where you work in the future." Arthur said.

"Ah! I don't know, Mr. Stark didn't tell me, but it's not bad to think that I won't have to look for a job in the future." Peter was still very happy, and he could apply to the Avengers after he went to college. The alliance is an intern, and the salary is paid. Now Peter and Aunt May still live on government subsidies.

"Are you an Avenger too?" Pietro asked, looking at Peter.

"I forgot to introduce you, Peter Parker is Spider-Man and joined the Avengers team just like you," Arthur said.

"Then you're pretty good, do you want us to learn from each other?" Pietro looked at Peter eager to try, and he was somewhat unconvinced that he lost to Arthur before.

"It's not good." Peter felt that Pietro was Arthur's friend, and it was a bit inappropriate for them to start when they first met.

"It's good to let them play when you have nothing to do, you pay attention to your own proportions." Arthur said.

"Don't worry, they're just practicing for a while." Wanda comforted Gwen, Pietro's character Wanda knows best, and he won't do anything extravagant.

The two stood still in the yard, while the three of Arthur watched.

"Then I'm going, watch out I'm fast!" Pietro said to Peter.

"Come on!" Peter disagreed. He also fought aliens in New York. How fast can you be faster than Arthur?

Quicksilver disappeared in an instant, and Peter suddenly felt danger in his chest. Peter leaned back with a flat bridge to avoid Pietro's punch.

"Yes, you are the second person who can dodge my attack!" Pietro appeared behind Peter and said.

Peter was frightened into a cold sweat. If he hadn't had a spider sense, he would have been hit just now. He didn't expect Pietro to be so fast, and he finally started to get serious.

Pietro disappeared again, Peter dodged Pietro's attack to the right and kicked back, but did not kick Pietro.

In an instant, he continued to punch Peter's back, but Peter sideways dodged him. He kept punching and Peter kept dodging, but Pietro's speed was too fast, and Peter still took several hits.

The three only saw Pietro's figure constantly spinning around Peter, who kept dodging his attacks.

In fact, Peter was at a disadvantage with this style of play. He was not suitable for this kind of close combat. Peter also thought of this. After the spider silk was shot, he flew towards the roof of the villa.

Pietro also chased after him. Peter kept shooting spider silk and spinning on the roof, while Pietro followed and took the opportunity to attack Peter.

"You two are going to demolish my house?" Arthur asked when he saw the two fighting on the roof of the villa.

Peter saw Pietro's movement trajectory clearly, and predicted where he appeared. The spider silk was just bound to tie Pietro. Pietro didn't expect to be bound by the spider silk, and his body couldn't stop falling towards the house for a while.

Peter shot the spider silk to grab the falling Pietro and gently placed him on the ground.

"I lost!" Pietro stood up and said dejectedly.

"No, you are really fast. I can only passively defend. If you go faster, I will have nothing to do with you." Peter said.

"Don't be discouraged, it didn't take long for you to get the ability, and the speed is not fast enough. After you master the speed of sound, no one will be able to avoid your attack." Arthur patted Pietro on the shoulder and comforted.

"Well, as soon as I continue to practice, I will definitely beat you next time!" Pietro said to Peter.

"Okay! Let's learn from each other next time!" Peter happily agreed.

The two became friends after this simple exchange, and Pietro told Peter some interesting things about their wanderings when they were children.

Peter and Gwen did not expect that Pietro and Wanda were not only orphans who wandered when they were young, but were also tricked by Hydra into doing human experiments when they grew up. Gwen hugged her tightly after listening to Wanda's experience.

Peter and Gwen are very sympathetic to their brother and sister, and Gwen and Wanda have become good friends, and they also invite them to go shopping together.

Several people cooked a sumptuous dinner in Arthur's villa, chatting happily while eating.

Arthur, who was eating steak, received a call from Hill, and Arthur could only get up and go to the living room to pick up the phone.

"Hello? Hill beauty?" Arthur said.

"Didn't you say I'm not as good-looking as Natasha?" Hill exposed Arthur's face.

"Cough cough... Um, do you have anything to do with me?" Arthur asked embarrassedly.

"Do you know the Life Foundation?" Hill asked.

"I don't know," Arthur replied.

"Six months ago, NASA detected that a spacecraft crashed in Texas. It is said to be a rocket of the Life Foundation. The team sent by the Life Foundation to search and rescue has mysteriously disappeared."

"Disappear? What do you need me to do?" Arthur asked strangely.

"We secretly investigated that the Life Foundation seems to be secretly studying alien creatures. They brought back biological samples from outer space for private research. We need you to investigate." Hill said.

"Let me do agent work again? Where's Natasha?" Arthur asked.

"Natasha is now in charge of the exchanges and cooperation between the Avengers and the governments of various countries. If you don't want to go, you can deal with the dignitaries of various countries." Hill said.

"Forget it, I still like to fight and kill, so I'm better off. What about Barton? I haven't seen him for a long time." Arthur asked.

"Barton and Stark are in charge of the construction of the Avengers headquarters base and the sorting of the data left by S.H.I.E.L.D.," Hill said.

"Okay, speaking of data, please help me destroy the data of the kingdom of Atlantis, because this data Atlantis was attacked by the Hydra, and it is already considered a subjugation of the country." Arthur and Hill Talk about Atlantis.

"...Well, I will destroy it, and the matter of the alien biological samples will be handed over to you." Hill said.

"Okay, let's have a chance to eat together, bye!"

"Goodbye!" Arthur hung up the phone.

"A mission?" Peter asked.

"It's okay, come and continue eating!" Arthur returned to his seat and continued to eat the steak on the plate with his fork.


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