I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 50: Insight Program

The three of Steve Rogers successfully kidnapped Heatwell on the street at the door of the Ministry of Defense, and learned from him that the goal of the Sola algorithm and the insight plan is anyone who will threaten Hydra.

The Insight Project will be implemented in 16 hours. Steve and the others drove Heatwell to the SHIELD headquarters, where the Insight Project Sky Carrier was parked.

Just as their car drove to the overpass on the way, two black vans suddenly appeared behind them, with a heavy machine gun on the roof.

The two van machine guns fired at their car at the same time, and Sam gripped the steering wheel and swayed the car in a snake-like position to avoid the machine gun attacks behind.

And Heatwell had been machine-gunned into a sieve in the back seat, and Natasha climbed down in time without being hurt.

Seeing that the two vans were getting closer and the machine gun fire was getting more and more intense, Sam gritted his teeth and slammed on the brakes, their car stopped suddenly, and a van behind just hit their butt. The other drove forward.

The three quickly got out of the car, and Natasha took out a pistol and quickly dealt with the four enemies on the black van in front of them.

But the other van turned around again, and the machine guns kept shooting at them, and the three could only hide behind the two vehicles.

Just then, another gray off-road vehicle came from behind and hit the three of them! Natasha saw the situation and shot the SUV's window with a pistol, only to find that the SUV was a bulletproof vehicle.

Just as the off-road vehicle was about to hit them, the three simultaneously rolled to the side to avoid the impact of the off-road vehicle, and Steve Rogers hid behind the shield to resist the machine gun fire.

After the off-road vehicle door was opened, the six people who came down all held submachine guns and continuously shot at the three of them. The three of them could only find cover to avoid. Natasha had a pistol to turn around and shoot.

At this time of extreme crisis, a figure fell from the sky, and the silver right fist smashed the machine gun on the van.

When the three of them saw this person, they had all seen it before. It was the Winter Soldier. Isn't he with the Hydra people? How did you start with the enemy?

A person came next to him drinking a bottle of mineral water, and it was Arthur. He raised his left and right sides, pointed a hand-job shape at the Hydra with a submachine gun, and said "Crack!" like a child playing a game.

But what made people stunned was that the person Arthur aimed at really seemed to be hit by a bullet and fell on the spot.

Arthur turned his hand at the other Hydra people, "Crack! Slap! Slap! Slam!" With five sounds in a row, all five Hydra soldiers fell.

Natasha stepped forward and took a look. All six had a blood hole between their eyebrows. They were hit by Arthur's water droplets and died on the spot!

The Winter Soldier also took care of the four people in the van and walked to Arthur's side.

"Steve Natasha, long time no see, how are you doing?" Arthur asked with a smile.

Steve and Natasha came up and gave Arthur a hug.

"I'm so glad you're back alive!" Steve Rogers said.

"I was sad for a few days when my partner died..." Natasha also joked.

"This is Sam Wilson, my friend! This is Jon Arthur, my friend!" Steve Rogers introduced the pair.

"Hello! Sam Wilson, I heard about you!" Sam said.

"Hello! Jon Arthur" Arthur and Sam shook hands and knew each other.

"What's the matter with him?" Natasha asked, pointing to the Winter Soldier standing next to Arthur. She had a deep impression of the Winter Soldier, and she was attacked by the Winter Soldier in the past.

"We'll talk about this later, let's get out of here first." Arthur said, and the five got into the bulletproof off-road vehicle and set off for the SHIELD headquarters...

"Nick Fury is not dead, I went to see him," said Arthur, who was sitting in the back row.

"What? Nick is still alive?" Steve Rogers and Natasha couldn't believe it, they watched Nick be dismembered.

"He used the medicine to fake his death. He is now with Hill, recuperating in a reservoir base," Arthur said.

"Great!" Both Steve and Natasha were very happy.

"Pierce was caught by me!" Arthur said again.

"You caught Pierce?" Steve asked again in surprise.

"Why are you so surprised today? You'll jump up in surprise with the next news!" Arthur complained about what happened to the calm Steve today.

"Sorry, I've been too depressed recently, so I can't control the happy things. What good news? I won't be moved this time." Steve explained.

"Hey! Don't talk too early, introduce an old friend of yours to you, Bucky, take off the mask!" Arthur told the Winter Soldier beside him.

The Winter Soldier took off his sunglasses and mask, revealing a face that Steve Rogers will never forget.

"Bucky! You are Bucky! Are you still alive?" Steve asked Bucky excitedly.

However, Bucky didn't answer him. Bucky sat on the seat with no expression, as if he didn't hear Steve's words.

"Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra and became Hydra's murder weapon. Now he is controlled by my mental power and cannot recognize you for the time being." Arthur explained.

"So that's the case, can he find himself and get rid of Hydra's control completely?" Steve asked.

"Don't worry, when the matter is over, I will delete the Hydra brainwashing memory in his head and restart his own memory," Arthur said.

"Great Arthur, everything went well after you came back, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Steve said happily.

"There is no need for S.H.I.E.L.D. to exist. I think the Avengers will stand up to protect the peace of the earth in the future, and I will leave it to you in the future." Arthur said.

"I agree that S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't need to exist anymore, you join our Avengers too, Arthur!" Steve Rogers looked at Arthur and made an invitation.

Arthur thought about it for a while and felt that it would be good to join the Avengers. He also needed the Avengers to help him fight against Thanos, so he agreed.

"We will work together in the future to completely smash Hydra's plan and defend the earth!" Steve Rogers said looking at Natasha and Sam, both of them nodded.


They drove to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and after Bucky resolved the guards at the gate, they successfully entered the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Steve Rogers came to the broadcast room first, turned on the microphone, and said to the entire SHIELD headquarters broadcast:

"I'm Steve Rogers! You've heard a lot about me these days, and some people were ordered to hunt me down, now you should know the truth! S.H.I.E.L.D. has changed, it was taken over by Hydra, Alexander Pierce was their leader, as were the SOF and Insight team, don't know who else. But they're in this building, probably by your side. They assassinated Nick Fury, and it's not over , if you launch those helicarriers today, Hydra can kill anyone who gets in their way! We'll stop them, and I'm sure most of them will still be on the side of justice! Trust us!" Steve Rogers has a great way of speaking.

"Have you written your manuscript beforehand?" asked Sam.

"I'm on the spot!" Steve said.

At this time, the S.H.I.E.L.D. building was already in a ball. After hearing Captain America's speech, the members of Hydra showed their hideous faces and slaughtered agents who didn't know the truth.

Hydra was about to launch the helicarrier immediately. They overthrew the people who resisted in the control room and entered the launch order.

Three gates opened in the lake water outside S.H.I.E.L.D., and three huge helicarriers slowly took off from the underground warehouse.

Arthur stood in the air with a trident and watched all this "I'm just waiting for you to come out!"

Arthur took up the trident and aimed at the turbine engine of a helicarrier and fired energy cannons. One shot blew up the four turbine engines of the helicarrier. After the helicarrier lost its flight engine, it could only fall to the ground. ..

"Haha, this is what Loki taught me!" Arthur laughed and flew towards another sky carrier.

And the hydras on the two helicarriers also reacted, and the anti-aircraft guns on the sky carriers fired at Arthur one after another.

It's a pity that Arthur's target is too small for the sky carrier. Arthur's flying speed is fast, and the artillery fire passed by Arthur's side, and Arthur easily hit the four turbine engines of the helicarrier.

boom! ! boom! ! The explosion keeps going...

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