California, USA

Arthur came to an abandoned reservoir where Nick Fury was hiding.

"Come out! I found you." Arthur said to the woods beside him.

A man with a gun came out of the woods, it was Maria Hill.

"I thought it was Tony Stark," Hill said.

"Tony fell asleep, I came to see if Nick Fury was dead, why, are you not happy to see me?" Arthur joked.

"I didn't expect you to come back alive! Very happy to see you!" Hill replied.

"Come with me!" Hill took Arthur to the reservoir, where there were two staff members and a doctor. The inside of the reservoir was very dark, with only a few lights on, and Nick Fury was lying on a hospital bed, still breathing oxygen.

"Looking at how miserable you look." Arthur sarcastically said to Nick on the hospital bed.

"Spine injury, broken sternum, crushed collarbone, perforated liver, head aches," Nick Fury replied.

"Don't forget there is a ruptured lung," added the doctor on the side.

"Ah, I can't forget this, other than these things are good, but seeing you alive makes me feel better instantly," Nick Fury said.

"Do you want me to avenge you?" Arthur asked.

"If I can, I want to kill Pierce's plant with my own hands," Nick Fury said fiercely.

"I came to you to ask you where Loki's scepter went? I need it!" Arthur asked Nick Fury directly without concealing it.

"He was handed over by Pierce to a man named Schock to study, and I don't know where it is." Nick Fury replied.

"You S.H.I.E.L.D. are really good enough, except for you and Hill and Coulson, the others are all hydras! That's why I keep not accepting your invitations." Arthur sarcastically said.

"You knew that early on?" Nick Fury asked.

"Yes, I've known it for a long time, the reason I didn't say it is because I said you wouldn't believe it!" Arthur said.

"We still have some agents who don't know about it, but now it's just me and Hill. I didn't expect the Hydra to be buried so deeply." Nick Fury was also afraid.

"After getting Loki's psychic scepter, Hydra will definitely use it as a weapon of mass destruction, and it will also do human experiments. I must get the scepter back!" Arthur said.

"It is estimated that only Pierce knows the whereabouts of the scepter. If you want to find the scepter, you must first get Pierce!" Nick Fury analyzed.

"Then leave it to me, take care of your injuries, there is no need for S.H.I.E.L.D. to exist, and then I will see one and kill one!" Arthur said murderously.

"I suggest you go to Steve Rogers and Natasha to join forces, they are evading Hydra!" Nick said.

"I'll find them!" Arthur left, heading to Washington to catch Pierce.

Steve Rogers and Natasha drive to Camp Caspian, New Jersey, looking for information on Hydra.

This is an old military camp where Steve Rogers used to train in the military.

"I used to train here." Steve Rogers looked at the old house and remembered that when he was still very thin, he was the last in their class in training... He seemed to see himself. .

"Is there a big change here?" Natasha asked.

"It hasn't changed much, it's still what I remember." Steve Rogers replied.

"No discovery! No thermal imaging, no signal, not even radio waves!" Natasha probed around with an instrument.

Steve took her to the door of an old underground base. "Military regulations prohibit the storage of military weapons within 500 yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place!"

The two entered the dark underground base, turned on the lights, and found the SHIELD logo painted on the wall.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Natasha asked.

"Probably where it came from," speculates Steve Rogers.

They opened the door of an office and saw three pictures hanging on the wall.

"That's Stark's dad!" Natasha said.

"Howard." They looked at the picture of Howard Stark.

"Who is this girl?" Natasha asked.

Steve Rogers didn't speak, turned and walked away. It was a picture of his girlfriend, Peggy Carter, next to a picture of Colonel Phillips.

Steve Rogers found a secret door, a huge bookshelf with nothing on it.

Steve forcefully opened the secret door and there was an elevator inside. "Why hide the elevator?"

Natasha scanned the elevator password with a device, and the two took the elevator to a secret warehouse underground.

Inside there is an antique supercomputer made up of countless computers.

"This is not like a data source, these are old antiques." Natasha complained.

But she noticed that there was a docking station on a table, which was out of place with the pile of old antiques. Natasha took out the USB flash drive that Nick Fury gave Steve and inserted it.

At the moment when the USB flash drive was inserted, all the antique computers in the entire room started running, and a line appeared on the middle display, which was a golden line in the movie.

Natasha typed YES on the keyboard and pressed Enter, and the supercomputer really started.

A human face appeared on a small monitor next to it! And stretched out a camera to look at the two, and there was a voice in the speaker:

"Steve Rogers, born 1918! Natasha Alia Loizna Romanoff, born 1984..."

"What's this? Video?" Natasha asked.

"I'm not a video, ma'am! I'm not the same guy the captain took to jail in 1945, but I'm still me!" said the computer, and a picture played on a monitor next to it.

"Animosola is a German scientist working for the Red Skull, and he's been dead for many years," Steve said.

"Correct, I'm Swiss. Look around you, I'm more mental than ever! I was terminally ill in 1972, and science couldn't save my body."

"But my mind is worth saving. They are stored in a database of 200,000 feet long, and you are standing in my brain now." The computer said, and the two suddenly felt horrified.

"How did you get here?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Invited!" Animo replied.

"Operation Paperclip after World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited many German scientists," Natasha said.

"They think I can help their cause, and I'm helping my own!" Animo said.

"Hydra and the Red Skull are dead together!" Steve Rogers said.

"Cut off one head and two new ones will grow!" Animo told Steve and Natasha about the history of Hydra and what they did.

Their goal was the Insight Project, and Animo wrote an algorithm.

"What algorithm?" Natasha asked.

"I can't tell the answer to two dead people!" Just as Animo finished saying this, two metal doors appeared at the elevator door and closed tightly.

S.H.I.E.L.D. fired a short-range missile at them, Natasha pulled out the USB flash drive, Steve opened the cover of a sewer, and the two jumped off.

boom! !

The missile hit the underground base and exploded immediately. The entire base collapsed. Steve Rogers hugged Natasha tightly and blocked the falling rocks with a shield.

After the ground shook for a while, Steve pushed the huge stone at the top of the head with all his might. There was fire everywhere and smoke filled the sky. The place turned into a rubble, and Natasha had fainted.

Steve picked up Natasha and walked out of the ruins, and suddenly saw three S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jets flying in the distance. Steve saw that something was wrong and ran away with Natasha...

The S.H.I.E.L.D. operation team was searching here. The leader of the operation team, Brock Rumlow, found the footprints of Steve Rogers and said into the walkie-talkie, "Let them run away!"

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