I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 39: the dust settles

Loki, who was sitting on the constant flight of the spaceship near the Stark Building, showed a smug expression on his face. How could Sea King not be planted in his hands five times and three times?

At this moment, Barton, who was not far away, shot an arrow at Loki. Loki grabbed the arrow and gave him a contemptuous look, and suddenly the arrow exploded.

Loki was instantly blown down and fell, just hitting the roof of the Stark Building.

At the same time, Natasha also successfully reached the roof of the Stark Building in an alien spaceship.

Loki just stood up from the ground and was knocked away by a green figure, it was Hulk.

Hulk walked towards Loki angrily, and Loki stood up and shouted, "Enough! What are you? I'm a god! You mortals can't humiliate me." High energy ahead...

Hulk grabbed one of Loki's legs and slammed it **** the ground, as if Loki was smashed by Hulk like an object, and screamed in his mouth.

Loki, who was finally thrown to the ground by Hulk, was dying. Hulk walked out and said, "Weak God."

Natasha got Loki's scepter, and Dr. Eric said to her, "Loki's scepter can break the energy shield, and I installed a safety device that can cut off the energy."

The Avengers are fighting hard, and Peter Parker can only rely on spider silk to deal with the enemy.

Thor came to the ground to help Steve Rogers, Iron Man Tony faced the most enemies, and he had to deal with the huge Leviathan.

Dr. Eric picked up the computer and asked Natasha to stab the scepter at the energy shield.

"I can turn off the teleportation array, do you hear? I can turn off the teleportation array!" Natasha said to the others through her headphones.

"Close it!" Steve Rogers said.

"Wait! There's a nuclear bomb coming here, and it's going to explode in a minute. I know where to send it!" Tony said, and the SHIELD executives ignored Nick Fury's block and forcibly sent a fighter jet to Manhattan. The nuclear bomb is heading here.

"What about Arthur?" Peter Parker asked.

"..." Everyone else was silent, Arthur might not be able to come back, more enemies will come if the portal is not closed, and the civilians in New York are also dying, they can't wait!

Tony flew under the nuclear bomb, hugged the nuclear bomb, and rushed towards the teleportation array with it. At the end, he called Pepper but didn't get through.

Tony rushed into the teleportation array with the nuclear bomb. Tony saw Arthur who was still struggling with the Chitauri people. The nuclear bomb flew towards Chitauri's battleship, detonating the huge Chitauri battleship, and suddenly the earth All the Qitarians lost their breath in an instant and fell to the ground, the spaceships also fell, and the Leviathan lost control and fell from the air.

Arthur saw the nuclear bomb flying towards the Chitauri battleship, and there was only one thought in his mind "MMP!" He was stunned by the flames and air waves of the nuclear bomb explosion...

After Tony rushed into space, his armor energy was exhausted. The last picture he saw was the explosion of the battleship, and Arthur was swallowed by the flames of the explosion! "Arthur..."

"Come on! Stark, Arthur!" Natasha was waiting for the two of them to appear, but didn't see anyone in the teleportation formation.

"Shut it down!" Steve Rogers ordered.

Natasha touched the safety device designed by Dr. Eric with the top of the scepter. The energy of the cosmic cube stopped instantly, and the portal gradually became smaller.

Just before the portal disappeared, Tony, who had fainted, fell from the portal. The Avengers found that he had not slowed down and were ready to go to rescue.

Tony was finally caught by Hulk and fell to the ground smoothly, and Hulk threw him to the ground.

The fainted Tony woke up frightened by Hulk's roar.

"I'm going, what's the matter, no one kissed me just now?" asked Thor, Peter Parker, Hulk and Steve Tony who were standing in front of him.

"It's over, we've won," Steve Rogers said.

"I saw Arthur in space, he didn't dodge in the explosion of the nuclear bomb..." Tony said sadly.

"..." Several people were silent and did not speak, Peter walked aside and wiped his tears silently, Hulk shouted at the sky!

"It's not over yet." Thor looked at a few people and said.

Loki finally got up from the ground with difficulty, seeing the seven people standing in front of him looking at him with angry expressions and saying, "If you don't mind, I want to drink that glass of wine."

"Okay, let him stand up, we have more opportunities to be cool in the future." Tony said.

Just then the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team came, and the bald agent Eatwell said, "Just leave it to us."

The Squad took Loki's scepter and the Cosmic Cube.

"I will command the search team," the captain said.

"Search for me," Loki turned into Captain America and said with his voice, and complained, "You can stand him talking like this..."

Thor took out a metal mask and put it on him. This is the mask that Asgard wears to prisoners, which can make prisoners speechless.

Everyone walked into the elevator together, and the Hulk Hulk also wanted to go in because everyone stopped him and asked him to go up the stairs. Hulk angrily punched the elevator door and went up the stairs obediently.

"hate stairs"

"hate stairs"

"Despite the devastation of the city, the feat of this hero named Avengers Squad in what has proven to be an alien invasion is too much for everyone..."

"It's great to know they exist, someone guarding us..."

"Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Spiderman, Aquaman, Thor, this squad called The Avengers is so cool, I like them so much..."

"Joen Arthur, known as the Sea King, died in this incident. In order to commemorate him, people went to the sea to commemorate him..."

"The presence of these guys made me feel insecure and kept in the dark..."

"These so-called superheroes must be responsible for the destruction of the city..."

All the TV coverage of this event, and people's perception of this event is different.

Atlantis Restaurant

"It's not true! It's not true! Woohoo..." Isa and Lina hugged and cried, Omilie wiped her tears, and Jack Zhaolong and Mike were silent.

"Boss, I didn't expect you to lie to me..." Zhao Long muttered to himself.

Nick Fury handed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to Thor and asked him to bring him back to the realm, and Loki's crimes will also be handed over to the realm to judge!

Thor took Loki and launched the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to bring them back to Asgard...

And the Avengers have all returned to their lives.

Manhattan Beach, New York

Tony Stark built a 5-meter-high bronze statue of Arthur standing with a trident for the Sea King Jon Arthur. Below the bronze statue is a stone tablet with the life story of Jon Arthur written on it.

Many people have gathered here, and everyone offered their blessings and memory for the hero who died in the New York event, lighting a candle or sending a white flower.

All the employees of the Atlantis restaurant came here, watching the bronze statue in silent mourning. And the people Arthur rescued before and some of his classmates and friends came to send their best wishes.

Peter Parker and Gwen also came here. Peter Parker looked at the bronze statue in front of him without tears. He thought of his deceased uncle and the words that his uncle said, "With great power comes great responsibility". The eyes are getting firmer!

PS: Thank you for your collection and recommendation tickets, thanks to Yuanshi Tianzun, 20210219194729756, . ., the monthly vote cast by Pifeng! And thanks to my friends who have not shown the monthly voting system! Thanks for the reward, Pixie! Thank you all so much for your support! Thanks!

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