I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 37: Battle of New York

Stark and Steve analyzed Loki's motives and came to the conclusion that Loki was going to open the portal on the roof of the Stark Corporation's building in New York, and they decided to set off immediately to stop Loki.

Tony Stark put on the battle armor and flew towards New York, while Steve Rogers brought Natasha and Patton, who had just released the mind control, in a transport fighter and came towards New York.

Tony Stark didn't know the whereabouts of Thor and Banner. He needed to find more help. He first asked Jarvis to call Arthur, who had never heard from him.

"Beep...beep...beep..." Still no answer as usual, it seems that Arthur still hasn't come back, just when Tony wants Jarvis to hang up, the call is connected.

"Hello? Why Tony? You disturbed my good dream!" Arthur's familiar voice came from the phone.

"Oh, thank God, you're finally back! Where have you been all year?" Tony asked in surprise.

"I went to Asgard, the realm of the gods. I just came back yesterday, and I'm still in the time difference of the earth." Arthur said listlessly.

"Asgard? Thor's kingdom? You came back with Thor?" Tony asked.

"No, I came back myself, and Thor came back too? What happened?" Arthur asked in a circle.

Tony explained what had just happened to Arthur in detail.

"Damn it, I almost missed the good show, wait for me, I'll be there soon!" Arthur said angrily, he didn't expect Loki to have started to act, and almost missed his plan!

Tony called Peter Parker again, told him the details, and asked him to put on his uniform and come to the Stark Tower in New York.

Stark came to the rooftop of his Stark Building and saw Dr. Eric playing with a giant instrument. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube was in the instrument, and it was indeed here!

"Sir, I've turned off the power to the Ark reactor, but the unit is self-powered!" Jarvis reported.

"Turn him off, Dr. Eric!" Tony said to Eric.

"It's too late, it can't stop, it has something to show us, a new universe!" Dr. Eric said fascinatedly looking at the universe cube.

Tony raised his hands and fired a beam of laser energy towards the Rubik's Cube device to destroy the teleportation instrument. As a result, a layer of energy shield formed on the surface of the teleportation instrument blocked the energy shot by Tony and bounced back. Both Tony and Dr. Eric were bombed. fly out.

"That energy shield is pure energy and cannot be broken!" Jarvis reported.

"I see it, change the plan!" Tony said.

"Sir, the Mark Seven is not yet available," Jarvis said.

"Then don't have wheels, I'm running out of time," Tony insisted.

Tony Stark walked from the rooftop to the room step by step, and as he walked, he stretched out a robotic arm on the floor to take off his broken steel armor for him.

Loki watched him from the side and walked towards the room.

"You're here to surrender?" Loki asked.

"Actually, I came to threaten you," Tony said.

"Then you shouldn't take off your armor," said Loki.

"Do you want a drink?" Tony walked to the bar, picked up the glass and poured himself a drink.

"It's useless to delay the time, the army of Chitauri is coming, no one can stop it, what am I afraid of?" Loki asked.

"The Avengers...is our team, the most powerful hero combination on earth." Tony smuggled two bracelets into his hands as he spoke.

"Let me introduce you, there's your brother, a warrior from the freeze, a guy with serious anger management, two top agents, and you, dear, you offended them all." Tony said.

"This is my plan!" Loki said proudly.

"It's not very wise, when they come you will pay the price!"

"I have an army!"

"We have the Hulk!"

"Didn't you lose that beast?"

"We still have the Sea King!"

"Sea King? You mean that guy Arthur is here too?" Loki was still impressed by Arthur.

"It seems that you used to get along pretty well." Tony said jokingly.

Loki got irritated, grabbed Tony and threw it to the ground.

"Jarvis, it's alright... Activate!" Tony got up from the ground.

Loki stepped forward and grabbed Tony by the neck, "You'll all lose at my feet!" He lifted Tony and threw him out the window.

At this moment, a secret door in the room opened, and something suddenly flew out, chasing Tony away.

It was Tony's new armor, Mark 7. Tony put on the Mark 7 armor in the air and successfully flew back before falling to the ground.

"You also offended someone, his name is Phil Coulson!" Tony raised his hand, and a beam of energy shot knocked Loki to the ground.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube sent out a burst of energy through the instrument, and it shot into the sky, opening a huge space gate in the sky.

Countless Chitarians swarmed out of the space gate in spaceships.

Tony noticed the situation and rushed towards the Chitauri in the air, constantly shooting with energy, and the Chitauri also took up weapons and shot at Tony.

But there were too many Chitauris. Tony's shoulder device was opened, and countless small tracking missiles flew towards the Chitauris. For a time, the sky was full of fire, and the explosion sounded endlessly.

People on the ground discovered this situation and fled to the distance, but some Qitarui people had come to the ground in spaceships and attacked people and cars on the ground frantically.

For a time, the center of New York City became a hell, countless people died under the fire of aliens, and countless buildings and vehicles were destroyed!

And Loki was standing on the Stark Building, watching all this triumphantly. "The world will surrender at my feet!"

"Loki! Turn off the universe cube, or I will destroy it!" Thor, the **** of thunder, has come here.

"You can't destroy it, now there is only war!" Loki picked up the scepter and fought with Thor...

At this moment, there was a sudden huge wave on the coast of New York, and the sky was covered with dark clouds and lightning flashes, as if a storm was about to come. People at the seaside were frightened by this scene, the blue sky and white clouds over the city, and the lightning and thunder over the sea, a strange phenomenon!

A huge wave came towards the seaside, only to see a person standing at the head of the wave, holding a golden trident, that person suddenly rose into the air and flew towards the city. After the man flew away, the sea returned to calm, and the dark clouds gradually dissipated...

"Look! What is that?"

"Like a person, holding a trident!"

"Mom, is that Superman?"

The people on the beach exclaimed in amazement as they watched the figure of Arthur receding in the sky.

A transport fighter is also heading towards the Stark Tower. "Stark, we are at your 3 o'clock direction." Natasha's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Did you go shopping for takeout? Go to Park Street, and I'll lead them over to be a target for you," Tony said.

Only to see countless alien spaceships chasing Tony shooting! Tony kept dodging and brought him to Park Street, where Natasha's fighter plane was already waiting.

After Tony flew by, Natasha opened fire, and the alien spaceship that was chasing Tony for a while was bombed and crashed by machine guns.

However, in the gate of space, alien spaceships poured out continuously. Arthur came under the gate of space with a trident in hand, and continuously shot blue energy towards the swarming Chitarians...

And Natasha and their plane also came here, and Barton and Natasha saw Arthur who was constantly attacking aliens in the air.

"That's... Arthur? Great! I thought he hadn't come back yet." Barton said happily.

"I see Loki!" Natasha aimed at Loki who was fighting Thor and fired.

Loki suddenly raised his scepter, and an energy shot hit their fighter engine, and the fighter immediately fell to the ground.

A huge whale-like monster rushed out of the gate of the sky. It can fly in the air and has a thick shield on its body. This is the Leviathan of Chitauri! Arthur's energy shot at it to no avail.

Arthur was heartbroken and rushed directly to the Leviathan. There were countless Zeta Swiss soldiers on the Leviathan shooting wildly at Arthur, and Arthur dexterously dodged in the air.

Arthur rushed in front of Leviathan, rammed directly into Leviathan's head, and the trident stabbed into the thick armor of Leviathan's head.

Leviathan was instantly killed by this blow and fell to the ground, hitting the ground heavily. And the Chitauris on Leviathan jumped out one after another before the Leviathan landed and fell to the ground...

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