I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 35: catch rocky

Natasha took Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and a captured Loki on the way back in a fighter transport.

Steve Rogers looked at Loki who was sitting on the plane honestly and said, "I have a bad feeling."

"Why, because he surrendered so easily?" Tony Stark said.

"I don't think it's easy, this guy is very strong." Steve Rogers said.

"Anyway, you're getting old and your skills are pretty good. How do you exercise? Pilates?" Tony asked.

"What is Pilates?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Similar to aerobics, you may have missed a lot of things. After all, you have been doing the US Popsicles for so long!" Tony's language was provocative.

At this time, bright lightning flashed across the sky, followed by thunder.

"Where's the lightning?" Natasha didn't feel right.

Loki also showed an unexpected look on his face when he saw Lightning. Steve Rogers saw it and said to him, "Why are you even afraid of lightning?"

"I just don't like guys who follow lightning," Loki said.

At this moment, only a thud was heard, as if something had fallen on the top of the plane.

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark glanced at each other, Tony Stark put on his helmet and opened the door of the plane, Steve Rogers saw loudly asking him what he was going to do.

As a result, as soon as the hatch was opened, someone came in from outside. It was Thor, the **** of thunder. Thor knocked down Tony with a hammer, grabbed Loki by the neck, and pulled him towards Fei.

"Another mess!" Tony said speechlessly.

"Is he Asgardian?" Natasha asked.

"You know him? Is he an ally?" Steve Rogers also asked.

"It doesn't matter, whether he wants to kill Loki or let him go, the Cosmic Cube will never be found," Tony said.

"We need a plan!" Steve Rogers said.

"My plan is... to attack!" After speaking, Tony flew towards the direction where Thor left below.

Steve Rogers was very helpless, he could only put on the parachute and pick up the shield.

"I advise you not to go, they are legendary characters, they are gods!" Natasha said.

"There is only one God and that is Jesus, ma'am. And God doesn't wear such fancy clothes..." Steve Rogers jumped out of the plane after saying that...

Thor took Loki to the ground, looked at him and asked loudly, "Where is the Cosmic Cube?"

"You have to thank me, the Rainbow Bridge is gone, you can still come to your beloved Earth!" said Loki.

"I thought you were dead!"

"Did you mourn for me?"

"I mourn for you! And our father!"

"It's your father! He didn't tell you what happened to me? I've been living in your shadow! I just remember that you pushed me into the abyss! I was supposed to be the king!" The more Loki said, the more excited he became.

"So you think I despise you? Also to get revenge on me and destroy my beloved world? I will protect the earth," Thor said.

"Hahahaha! You are so good at protecting. Humans kill each other and you stand by. What's wrong with me wanting to rule them?" said Loki.

"You think you are superior? You misunderstood the true meaning of rule! Brother! Come back!" Thor urged sincerely.

At this moment, a red light flashed, and Thor was hit by the flying Tony and flew out.

"This is not something you can intervene!" Thor stood up, and Thor's hammer flew out to knock out Tony wearing the armor.

Thor's Hammer automatically flew back to Thor's hand again. The fallen Iron Man raised his right hand, and a violent energy shot knocked Thor into the tree. Tony followed closely and kicked Thor. that tree.

Thor raised his hammer to summon lightning and slashed at Tony Stark. Tony's armor was continuously hit by lightning, but Tony found that the energy of the armor had reached 400%! What's happening here? Still charging?

Tony concentrated his energy and sent out a huge energy impact from both hands and chest, knocking Thor down.

Thor stabilized his body and flew towards Tony Stark. Since Tony also flew, the two scuffled together in the air.

They hit the ground from the sky, and as they fought, the trees were broken and fell one by one, and Steve Rogers came when the two were inextricably fighting.

"Enough! Stop! What are you trying to do!" Steve Rogers asked Thor.

"I'm here to end Loki's conspiracy!" Thor said.

"Then prove it with action, put the hammer down," Steve Rogers said.

"You told me to put down the hammer?" Thor was obviously irritated by this sentence, and Tony wanted to remind Steve Rogers not to mention the hammer, but it was too late.

Thor jumped up, lifted Thor's hammer and hammered down Steve Rogers...

Steve Rogers raised his shield, and Thor's Hammer slammed **** the shield. The violent impact bounced back and sent Thor flying. All the trees within a radius of 10 meters were instantly broken by the shock wave generated by the impact.

The three stood up again.

"Enough?" Steve Rogers asked.

Thor also finally agreed to cooperate with them to find the universe cube. The three returned to where Loki was, but Loki was still waiting for them and did not take the opportunity to escape.

The three brought Loki back to the Helicarrier and locked him in a cylindrical bulletproof glass cell.

This cell is very solid and it was built for Bruce Banner. Nick Fury turned on the switch, and a round door opened under the cell.

Nick Fury warned Loki that as long as he touched the glass wall of the cell lightly, the entire glass cell would fall from a height of 10,000 meters.

"It's a nice cell, but I guess it wasn't made for me," Loki said.

"It's for a beast that's scarier than you," Nick Fury replied.

This conversation was also overheard by Dr. Bruce Banner and others who were looking at the monitor.

"You went to war on our world! You took power that didn't belong to you, you claimed peace but took pleasure in killing, you drove me to despair, and you will regret it!" Nick Fury said.

"You are angry when you lose what you got? What do you use to get the power of the universe cube to master its power? Let all mankind see its true power?" Loki said sarcastically, and this sentence was also heard by the three of Tony in their hearts. go.

"Thor, what exactly is Loki planning?" Steve Rogers asked.

"He has an army of Chitauris, they are not Asgardians, they come from other planets. Loki intends to lead this army to attack Earth," Thor replied.

"The army! It's still the army in outer space!" Steve Rogers looked at several people with worry in the language.

"He also needs to build a portal, which is the purpose of taking Dr. Eric Selvig away." Dr. Bruce Banner analyzed.

"Eric? He's my friend," Thor said.

"Loki cast a spell on him, controlled him, and one of our companions," Natasha said.

"Don't you find it strange that Loki surrendered so easily?" Steve Rogers asked everyone.

"Isn't this normal? Loki's brain circuit is obviously abnormal, and he looks like a lunatic!" Banner said.

"Pay attention to your words! Even if Loki loses his mind, he is still an Asgardian, and he is also my brother!" Thor said righteously.

"He killed 80 people in two days" Natasha immediately made up for it.

"Uh, he was adopted..." Thor explained awkwardly.

"Then why does he need iridium?" Banner asked.

"Iridium can be used as a stabilizer, he can prevent the portal from collapsing." Tony Stark walked over and said.

"Iridium allows Loki to open the portal as far as he wants, and for as long as he wants," Stark continued.

"He needs to heat the Rubik's cube to 120 million degrees to break through the Cullen barrier," Banner continued.

"At last someone understands." Tony walked up and shook hands with Dr. Banner.

The others were confused and could not understand what the two were saying.

Dr. Banner and Stark start with Loki's scepter and track the gamma rays to find the location of the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

The two cooperated tacitly, and Tony liked Banner very much, and even invited him to Tony's laboratory. Banner said the last time he went to New York, he smashed several streets there.

Banner is still thinking about what Loki said, what is S.H.I.E.L.D. doing with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? And Tony has this question too.

"Wait until I investigate, and I'll find out when I crack the encrypted files of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Tony said.

"I just think Loki is trying to make us nervous and lose our judgement. We're going to obey orders!" Steve Rogers said.

"It's not my style to obey orders," Tony said.

"You only care about your style, don't you?" Steve Rogers asked Tony.

"There's nothing but fancy clothes you're wearing in this room and they're useless," Tony quipped.

"Steve, don't you think it's strange?" Banner said.

"...find the Rubik's Cube."

Steve Rogers walked out, but he was also curious about what S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to do with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. After thinking about it, he suddenly turned and walked towards the mothership's secret warehouse.

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