I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 33: back to Earth

Arthur left Jordenheim and looked for other exits in the gap. He found many exits, some of which came out of the world of flames, and some of which came out with the fragrance of birds and flowers and dense forests.

After the fifth exit, it was in a cave. After walking out of the cave, Arthur looked into the distance. Where is this? What comes into view is a forest.

Arthur released his consciousness and found that there were many animals around, but no humans were found. Arthur rose into the sky and looked at the whole mountain at his feet, which was an island.

The island is surrounded by an endless sea.

Arthur landed on the beach and looked at the drink bottles washed up on the beach by the waves, Coca-Cola!

Finally back to earth!

Arthur shouted excitedly, suddenly jumped into the air, plunged into the sea and disappeared.

A secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base in western California.

It was attacked here. This is the cosmic Rubik's Cube research base. The Rubik's Cube was activated autonomously. After Loki stepped out of the Rubik's Cube, he controlled Barton and took away the Rubik's Cube and Dr. Eric.

Nick Fury looked at the ruined military base, and Coulson and Hill asked, "What should I do now?"

"Officially start the Avengers plan! Be sure to take back the Rubik's Cube!" Nick Fury's eyes were full of determination.

Nick Fury called all the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. together, and everyone came to the Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Return Natasha and let him contact Dr. Bruce Banner. Stark, I will contact him personally. Arthur went to God's Domain and hasn't come back yet?" Nick Fury ordered.

"No news from Arthur," Coulson said.

"This kid! Forget it, he has always refused to join the Avengers, and this time he can't be trusted." Nick Fury was helpless to Arthur.

Nick Fury held a meeting with the senior leaders of SHIELD. He said that he proposed to officially launch the revenge plan to fight against Loki, but the senior officials of SHIELD were still not optimistic about this Avengers plan. They felt that these people with super powers Humans are not so well controlled.

But Nick Fury explained the relationship and told them that Loki would bring a crisis to the earth at times.

In the end, the senior leaders were persuaded to agree to the launch of the Avengers program.

Nick Fury arrives at Steve Rogers' residence, which is also a SHIELD military base. Stephen Fjords, also known as Captain America, has just woken up from a frozen state and is still adapting to this world 70 years later.

bump! bump! bump! bump! Captain America has been hitting the sandbag for two hours as part of his daily exercise routine.

He hit faster and faster, and finally the sandbag was blasted and flew out, and the sand was scattered all over the ground.

He picked up another sandbag and hung it up. He had prepared eight sandbags.

"Can't sleep?" Nick's voice came from the door.

"I've been sleeping for 70 years, sir, I think I've slept long enough!" Steve Rogers said, glancing at Nick Fury.

"Then you should go out for a walk and see the world!"

"The world was at war before I fell asleep, and when I woke up they told me the war was won, but they didn't say what we lost. Now they want me back in the world?" Steve Rogers said.

"I want you to save the world!" Nick Fury handed over a document.

Steve Rogers took a look at it. It was the data of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. He fell asleep in order to destroy the Hydra Red Skull's plan to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to unify the world.

"It was salvaged from the bottom of the sea when Howard Stark was looking for you. The cosmic cube is the key to developing infinite energy!" Nick Fury said.

"Who was he robbed?" Steve Rogers asked.

"His name is Loki, he's not a local, there's still a lot to know if you join, and the world is a weirder place than you remember," Nick Fury explained.

"At this point, I don't think anything surprises me." Steve Rogers stood up and packed his things.

"I bet $10 and you're wrong. I have the mission information in your apartment. Can you tell us anything about the Cube?" Nick Fury asked.

"You shouldn't have fished it up!" Steve Rogers walked away without looking back.

"…" Nick Fury

new york seaside

A figure appeared from the sea and walked towards the beach, and he was Arthur.

Arthur crossed the Atlantic and returned to New York. Looking at the familiar Atlantis restaurant in front of him, Arthur felt very warm in his heart.

The Atlantis restaurant was still the same as when he left. The restaurant was full of guests, and the business was still so hot.

"Sorry sir, it's full now, can you wait a moment?" a strange girl asked Arthur in a waiter's clothes.

Arthur? ? ?

What's the situation? Arthur glanced at several waiters in the restaurant, but none of them knew him. Did I go to the wrong restaurant? No, Arthur looked around, this is the Atlantis restaurant.

The same decoration as the original, the same hot business, what is different from the original is that there are some Iron Man posters on the wall, and there is an Iron Man statue at the door, which is Tony's idea at first glance.

"I'm looking for Jack? Is he there?" Arthur tried to ask his sister.

"Ah, you're looking for Manager Jack! He's visiting other stores, and he may not be back until late at night." Sister Zhi said.

It turned out to be opening a branch, which scared me to death. I thought I was going to another parallel universe. Arthur took a long breath.

"Then who is in charge here?" Arthur asked.

"Our store manager is Zhao Long. He's in the kitchen. Do you need me to call him?" Sister Zhi said.

"No, I'll just go find him myself, I'm familiar here!" Arthur said as he walked towards the kitchen.

In the back of the restaurant, three chefs and two assistants are cooking in full swing. Among them, Arthur only knows Zhao Long, and Arthur does not know the others.

"Zhao Long!" Arthur patted his shoulder.

Zhao Long turned his head and saw that the person behind him was Arthur, and exclaimed in surprise, "Boss! You're finally back, boss!"

After Zhao Long handed over his work to a cook, he pulled Arthur aside.

"Where have you been, boss? It's been a year since you disappeared. I asked Mr. Stark and he didn't even know where you went."

"Oh, I went to outer space to play, and I won't be able to contact you for a while," Arthur said.

"Boss, you are still so good at joking." Zhao Long said.

Arthur was speechless. You can't believe the truth. He asked Zhao Long, "What about the others, what happened to the restaurant?"

Zhao Long replied, "We have opened four more restaurants in other parts of New York under Mr. Stark's suggestion. Isa and the others are in charge of one restaurant each, and Jack will be the general manager to manage all the restaurants."

"Okay, you guys are doing great! You tell them, come to my house for a party at night, and now get me something to eat. I haven't eaten much in a year." Arthur said happily.

"Okay! I'll cook a few side dishes for you, and I'll bring everyone together in the evening." Zhao Long nodded and agreed.

"Well, remember to bring something to eat at night, I guess there must be nothing in my villa." Arthur said.

Arthur was sitting on the beach eating egg fried rice and a few side dishes made by Zhao Long. He hadn't tasted this for half a year. It was comfortable!

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