I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 276: Infinity War (5)

At this critical moment, Captain Marvel, Danvers, fell from the sky, wrapped in flames and slammed into Thanos with a punch.

Thanos underestimated Danvers, and just raised his right fist to fight him, but was knocked out by Danvers' huge force, like being hit by a truck, and fell to the side heavily.

Thanos stood up again, grinned at Danvers, and rushed over with a double-edged sword in his hands.

A knife slashed towards Danvers fiercely, and the flame energy on Danvers exploded instantly, raising his right fist and slamming into Thanos' blade.

Two energies, one purple and one red, collided in an instant, only to hear a bang, and a circular shock wave exploded instantly around the two.

Captain Marvel was still not as powerful as Thanos' power gem, and was smashed by this blow and flew out and fell to the ground.

Arthur helped Wanda up and looked at Thanos with complicated eyes. It was really difficult. Until now, Thanos hasn't even broken his skin, but Arthur and Wanda have both suffered some personal injuries.

"Don't give stubborn resistance. I need the Infinity Stones not for myself, but for the peaceful coexistence of the universe. You should feel honored." Thanos looked at the three and said.

"You don't need to instill with us your theory of indiscriminately reducing the population of the universe. All the cycles of the universe are freely determined. You are not a god! You don't need to be compassionate." Arthur shook his head and said.

"It seems that you know my plan. To be honest, Arthur Jon, your appearance surprised me. I have met some so-called heroes in the countless years I have experienced, but no one has ever been able to confront me. Confrontation. You Earthlings are very good!" Thanos said lightly.

"Not just the Earth, but also Asgard as our backing, do you think Asgard is really destroyed like this?" Arthur said with a sneer.

At this time, just like confirming Arthur's words, a huge rainbow bridge energy fell from the sky and landed in the center of the battlefield.

Everyone looked towards the Rainbow Bridge, and the Avengers smiled when they saw this familiar way of teleportation. Here he is!

After the Rainbow Bridge disappeared, Thor with a huge half hammer and half axe and the evil **** Loki with a blue box appeared in the battlefield.

Thor looked at Thanos with the Hammer of Storms in his hand, and he shouted loudly, "Those, come here and die!"

Thunder flashed on Thor's body, and the Storm Hammer took Thor up and flew towards Thanos in front of Arthur.

Thanos raised the purple power gem energy beam in his right hand and shot it towards Thor flying in the sky.

Thor did not dodge or dodge, raised the storm hammer to resist the purple energy beam of the power gem, and slammed it towards Thanos.

Thanos was shocked, the power gem could not help him! Helplessly, he could only raise the double-edged sword in his hand to block the blow.

Just when the Storm Hammer and the double-edged sword were put together, the lightning flashed, and an electromagnetic blast field exploded between the two!

The tyrant flew out of the blow and hit the ground, but Thor didn't do anything.

Thanos looked at his hand holding the double-edged sword, which had been scorched black by lightning.

"Thor Odinson..." Thanos murmured as he looked at Thor.

Arthur and Thor looked at each other, and they both rushed towards Thanos who had just stood up at the same time, attacking him with a hammer and a halberd at the same time.

Thanos gritted his teeth and clenched his fist with his right hand, and a purple energy shield suddenly blocked in front of him, blocking Arthur Thor's attack.

Arthur's red energy and Thor's silver lightning continuously blasted towards Thanos' purple energy shield, and the three of them stalemate.

Wanda and Danvers on the side also joined the battlefield, and the dark red chaos magic and Danvers' flame attack blasted towards Thanos' magic shield.

Under the joint attack of the four, the purple energy shield instantly burst, the Storm Hammer and the Seagod Trident stabbed into Thanos' chest fiercely, and the chaotic energy and flame attack instantly blasted Thanos out.

Thanos fell to the ground by this blow and couldn't get up for a long time. The four of Arthur continued to attack, preparing to take advantage of his illness to kill him!

At this moment, when the space near Thanos moved, he suddenly disappeared, leaving the four of them in a flash.

It turned out that Ebony Maw saw that his master was in danger. Ebony Maw forcibly resisted Stephen Strange's attack with his body, used space movement magic on Thanos, and moved Thanos to the rear.

Ebony throat was also pierced through the chest by Stephen Strange's magical ice blade. This powerful mage in the universe completely lost his life in order to save his master!

General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night saw that Ebony Maw was also dead, and instantly broke free from the entanglement of Steve Rogers and ran towards Thanos.

Steve Rogers didn't stop them either, and this battle is almost over by now!

The alien creatures and the Qitarui army have been killed and wounded almost. No one in the Avengers was seriously injured. Only Pietro was severely injured by the artillery fire and has been cured by the venom.

The army of Atlantis and the two tribes of Wakanda together tried to clear the alien enemy.

All the members of the Avengers came to Arthur, and a group of superheroes looked at Thanos, General Dead Blade and Proxima Dark Night in the distance, ready to destroy them in one fell swoop!

"How are you, Master?" Proxima Dark Night asked, looking at the wound on Thanos' chest. Although their battleship was shot down, the Chitarui's spaceship is still there, and they still have a chance to leave here.

"I'm fine! Today was considered a failure. Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf were also killed. Nebula was also captured by Gamora. I underestimated Earth." Thanos looked at Gamora with complicated eyes and said. .

"Master, let's leave first, and when we go back, we will transfer the Kerry army to destroy them!" General Dead Blade also persuaded him.

Thanos looked at the Avengers on the opposite side and felt that today's goal was difficult to achieve, so he could only helplessly nodded.

A beam of light shot out from a huge cone-shaped spaceship stuck on the ground, and the three of Thanos disappeared.

"No! They want to run!" Tony Stark exclaimed.

Arthur, Thor, Danvers, Tony Stark, Rhodes, Wanda, and Stephen Strange immediately took off and rushed towards the spaceship, ready to intercept Thanos.

The rest are rushing towards the remaining aliens, ready to destroy them in one fell swoop!

Arthur jumped to the top of the dragon, and the blue dragon carried Arthur towards the conical spaceship, and the rest of the people followed behind the dragon to the conical spaceship.

All the engines on the six conical spaceships were activated at the same time, and the six spaceships rose from the ground at the same time, and flew into the sky in an instant...

Thanos apparently found the Avengers chasing after him. One of the six spaceships suddenly turned around and flew towards Arthur, while the remaining five spaceships joined together to form a battleship.

Danvers suddenly accelerated, rushed out of the Avengers formation, and charged towards the Chitauri spaceship, which was left to block the Avengers, with flames all over his body.

The Chitauri spaceship fired a cannonball at Danvers at the right time, but was unable to injure Danvers in the slightest. Danvers slammed into the spaceship violently, piercing the spaceship instantly!

boom! !

The huge Chitauri was smashed to pieces by someone as small as Danvers and exploded in the sky...


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