A small town called Fascinating Wonderland in New Mexico, just three days ago, someone saw a meteorite fall on a nearby sand dune after a huge storm. Later, he looked for it, but found a huge circular In the crater, there was a hammer and pestle standing in the middle. He pulled the hammer hard but found that he couldn't pull it out.

This matter made more people know, and countless people came here to try to pick up the hammer on the ground, but the hammer seemed to grow on the ground, and no one could hold it. Some people even tied a rope and dragged it with a car. Not moving.

Someone suggested to hollow out the soil under the hammer, but it turned out to be the only way to dig out the soil around the hammer.

Arthur was sitting in Coulson's car, drinking mineral water and complaining, "I hate this dry and hot place, I can feel my body slowly draining energy..."

Coulson glanced at the pile of empty bottles at Arthur's feet. "Don't worry, although there is no lake here, it will still rain often. It won't affect your strength, right?"

"It's not that exaggerated, it's just that I'm not quite used to it. Who told me to live by the sea since I was a child." Arthur replied.

"That's good." Coulson focused on driving.

The two finally came to the place where the hammer was. It had been isolated by the people of S.H.I.E.L.D., and everyone who came in and out wore protective clothing. Coulson was worried that the hammer would have energy radiation.

The two came to the quarantine area, and Arthur saw the legendary Meow Meow Hammer, a silver square with brown leather wrapping on the handle, and a simple pattern on the hammer.

A staff member reported to Coulson that "the energy of the hammer is currently stable and there is no sign of radiation."

"Okay, got it," Coulson said.

Arthur walked towards the hammer, grabbed the handle of the hammer with both hands, and pulled it upward with the utmost strength, "Ah..." Only to see that Arthur's feet had been sunk into the ground because of Juli, but the hammer still remained motionless.

Arthur gave up. It seems that the hammer will not admit itself. It only admits Thor and Captain America. How can I say that I am also a good person, and I often defeat evil villains to save people from misery. Arthur can't figure it out.

"I don't know the origin of this hammer. According to our detection, it is not a substance on the earth. It should come from outer space. There is still a huge amount of energy in the hammer. Fortunately, the energy is relatively stable at present." Colson explained.

"I know what it is!" Arthur said.

"You know?" Coulson looked at Arthur.

"Yes, you can understand it as one of my abilities, being able to know some things in the future." Arthur could only make up a lie.

"Oh, do you still have this predictive ability? Then tell me the origin of the hammer."

"This is the weapon of the legendary Asgard prince Thor, it is made of a neutron planet core, and only Thor can handle it, of course, this is not a legend, Asgard's God does exist, you can understand it as aliens," Arthur said.

"Is this true? I have to report to the director, this information is too important." Coulson went to the side to call Fury...

Arthur stood on the top of the hill and glanced at the town called Charming Wonderland in the distance, and pouted, can such a broken place also be called Charming Wonderland? Thor should already be in the town.

At this time, Coulson brought a blond man with a bow on his back to introduce Arthur, "This is Clinton Francis Barton, our ace agent, nicknamed Hawkeye, this is what I said Jon Arthur, let's get to know each other."

"Hello, I have long admired the name, I am Barton." Barton stretched out his hand.

"Nice to meet you. I have long admired your name. Just call me Arthur." Arthur and Barton shook hands.

Coulson and Barton talked about Arthur's ability to know the future, and about Asgard's situation.

"Can you really predict the future? Then look at my future." Hawkeye didn't believe Arthur's words.

"You have a wife who loves you, a daughter and two sons, living in a place that no one can find," Arthur said.

Hawkeye glanced at Coulson, "I only have a young daughter and a son, how did you know?"

"Congratulations to you, you will have a son soon," Arthur said.

"That's your blessing." Barton believed that Arthur could predict the future.

Coulson looked at Arthur and asked, "What else do you know about Asgard?"

"I only know that Thor, the **** of thunder, was deprived of all his divine power by Odin because he angered the king of gods, and he was exiled to the earth, right in that small town..." Arthur pointed to the little boy named Fascinating Wonderland in front of him. town.

Thor regretted it very much. In order to show his ability, he took his friends to the frost giant country "Jordenheim" to fight against the frost giants.

This was known to his father, the god-king, Odin. He took him back to Asgard and reprimanded him. Thor refuted his father as soon as his head became hot, and he also scolded his father for being an idiot. As a result, he was deprived by Odin. With divine power, he was exiled to the place called the Atrium.

Thor vented the anguish in his heart by eating the food on the table in big mouthfuls.

Looking at the man who had already eaten a big box of jam biscuits and was still eating, the three people next to him were stunned. Is this still human?

These three are astronomer Jane Fortes and his friend Daisy Lewis, and astronomy doctor Eric Shavig, who rescued this man named Thor from the storm.

Thor, who was eating, heard a fat man next to him talking about the incident of the satellite falling.

Thor got up and walked out of the restaurant, walking in the direction the fat man said, and the three doctors chased after him.

Jane looked at Thor and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to get my stuff back!"

"You mean that sweater is yours? You want the satellite back from the government quarantined place?" Jane asked.

"Yes, if you take me I'll tell you everything you want to know!" Thor said.

Jane and the two discussed about planting him, but the Doctor and Daisy disagreed, thinking Thor was a lunatic.

Thor left alone, Jane suddenly saw that their residence was surrounded by several cars, and many people in suits were rummaging through their houses, and the three of them ran over immediately.

Looking at the agents who were constantly moving their work materials and equipment to the car, "What are you doing?" Jane asked loudly.

"I'm Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D., and we need your research materials," Coulson explained.

"You are theft, this is my life's research! These devices are very important to me, and I want to sue you for violating my right to security!" Jane said loudly.

"I'll explain to him." Arthur stepped aside and stopped Coulson.

"I'm Jon Arthur, we need to use your research materials, of course we just borrow it, we will pay," Arthur said.

"You can't take my things, I don't agree!" Jane insisted, the doctor pulled her next to her, and the doctor didn't want to fight against government agencies.

"You are Dr. Eric, I have long admired the name. We not only need to requisition your information, but also need the help of the three of you."

"You're even taking us away?!" Jane screamed.

"I didn't take you away, but I needed your help. You know a man named Thor. I want to see him. Your things will be returned to you later, and this is your reward, please keep it." Arthur gave Coulson a look, Coulson had no choice but to take out a check, and Arthur handed the check to the doctor.

The three discussed it, and the doctor said, "Okay, we'll take you to find him!"

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