I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 267: Return to Asgard

Arthur, Thor, Loki, Koreng and Jimmy took the Valkyrie's spaceship and flew towards the largest space channel in the sky of Saka star.

Gao Tianzun didn't know that Thor was taken away by Valkyrie, and he was still sending people to look for Thor's whereabouts, and Arthur was not ready to scare the snake. Wouldn't it be better to leave Saka star secretly?

"I can finally leave this place of death! I'll mess with Thor with you in the future." Kornger said to Thor.

"You are one of the people of Asgard's nine realms. Come and rebuild Asgard with us in the future." Thor patted the body of the stone man Koreng and said.

"No problem, just leave it to me." The simple and honest Koeng said while patted his chest, and Jimmy on the side also squeaked, indicating that he would also obey Thor's assignment in the future.

The spaceship is getting closer and closer to the largest space channel "Devil's Anus", Valkyrie increased the speed of the spaceship and flew towards the space channel.

"It's best to keep the spaceship safe as you said, otherwise we'll have to explain it here!" Valkyrie said loudly to Arthur.

"Don't worry, it's definitely no problem!" Arthur touched the wall of the spaceship with his right hand, and dark red energy flowed out of his hand, instantly wrapping the entire spaceship.

The spaceship rushed into the space channel in an instant, and the space channel was full of red, and countless garbage flew head-on.

The spaceship smashed into countless **** under the envelope of Arthur's gem energy and rushed towards the other entrance of the passage.

"Wow, it's so exciting!" Valkyrie said with a laugh...

At this time, Asgard was completely controlled by Hela, Hela killed everyone who resisted her, and Thor's friends all died in battle! All Asgardian troops were slaughtered by Helya.

Only Scrooge, who was in charge of the teleportation temple, chose to surrender. Hela got the eternal fire in the treasure house of Asgard, and used the eternal fire to resurrect her undead army and her mount, the wolf Fenrir!

Asgard, Heimdall was the only one who was still relying on his special vision, leading the remaining people to avoid Hela's pursuit.

Heimdall led most of the people to the caves in the peaks of Asgard, but it was discovered by Hela.

Just before Hela went to the cave, Heimdall had moved everyone away. His special vision could perfectly understand the movements of the enemy. He had already seen that Thor was about to return to Asgard.

Valkyrie's spaceship has rushed out of the space channel and came directly to the vicinity of the Asgard star field.

Thor saw from the spaceship map that a large number of people gathered in the peaks of Asgard and were moving towards the Rainbow Bridge.

Thor resolutely decided to block Hela alone, Arthur and Valkyrie Koreng and Jimmy to transfer the people, and Loki to Odin's treasury.

"I'll go with you to stop Hela, you bring the people together, and I will send them away directly when the time comes!" Arthur said to Valkyrie.

"Don't worry, I will get it done," Valkyrie replied.

"Someone will pick you up, and the people will be handed over to you!" Thor said to Valkyrie, Koreng, and Jimmy.

Valkyrie used the spaceship to send Thor Arthur and Loki to the outside of the palace. The three jumped off the spaceship. Valkyrie looked at Thor and said, "You must come back alive!"

"Don't worry, my plan is foolproof!" Arthur said to Valkyrie.

The spaceship took off and left, and the three of them looked at the distant spaceship and turned and walked towards the palace. The three of them went to the arsenal first.

Thor got his father's scepter as a weapon, Loki also found a good dagger, and so did Arthur. All those ordinary weapons were put into the dimensional space and taken away. These things will be used by the people of Asgard in the future. Woolen cloth.

"Loki, you go to the treasury and stand by. When I transfer all the people, you will resurrect Surtur." Arthur said to Loki.

"No problem, then you can be careful yourself." Loki went to Odin's treasure house.

Arthur actually wanted to go with him, but Hela still had to take Arthur and deal with it together.

Hela went to the mountains of Asgard to capture Heimdall and the people he took away, but was evaded by the cunning Heimdall, and the full-time vision was difficult to deal with.

Hela returned to Asgard depressed, but met two unexpected people.

Thor, the **** of thunder, was sitting on Odin's throne holding Odin's scepter and a large golden sword. Arthur, who was wearing golden armor, stood beside him with a golden trident. The two looked down at Hela who walked into the hall.

"Sister." Thor greeted Hela.

"You guys are still alive? Very good!" Hela looked at the two and said.

"Actually, I would love for you to be the king, but what you're doing is really bad. My father once said that a great monarch would never take the initiative to start a war." Thor said while sitting on the throne looking at Hela.

"That's because you don't know him at all, and don't know the power of his heyday. Odin and I drowned the whole world with blood and tears! How do you think this glorious Asgard came from?" Hela looked at Thor said arrogantly.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense about Hela, we haven't won the battle last time." Arthur looked at Hela and said.

"Wow, who do you think you are? You didn't beat me when I was weakest, and now you think you will still be my opponent?" Hela looked at Arthur and laughed.

"Then let me experience how much you have improved these days." Arthur raised his trident, and the blue energy was shot at Hela.

Hela took out her double swords to block Arthur's blue energy ray, Thor stood up, pointed Odin's scepter at Hela, and the orange dazzling sun **** energy blasted towards Hela.

Hela's hands slowly appeared a layer of dark green matter that became larger and larger, blocking the energy rays of the two.

Arthur increased the output, and the red and yellow gems in his right hand lighted up at the same time. The blue energy was added with red and yellow energy, and it became a huge colored energy ray that cooperated with Thor's sun **** rays to continuously attack Hela.

Hela was pushed back by these two huge rays of light, and Hela suddenly said, "I didn't expect you to underestimate you. You actually have two Infinity Stones! But do you think you can defeat me like this?"

Arthur and Thor suddenly had an omen in their hearts, the ground under their feet suddenly cracked, and two huge swords stabbed towards Arthur and Thor in an instant.

Arthur and Thor had no choice but to use the weapons in their hands to resist, but the energy ray was interrupted like this, and Hela prepared to fight back.

Thor shouted and raised the Odin scepter in his hand and slashed towards Hela, Hela raised his sword to resist, and the two suddenly fought together.

Arthur also joined the battle group with a trident in hand. Hela fought one against two, and the three fought in the splendid Asgard Hall...

At this time, Heimdall led the densely packed people onto the Rainbow Bridge, ready to go to the teleportation temple to leave Asgard.

But I didn't expect that Hela had already arranged it, and the huge black wolf king Fenrir was in front of everyone. Shi Keji led countless undead legions from blocking the Rainbow Bridge, and the people of Heimdall and Asgard. caught in the middle.


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