I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 257: easy to solve

"Son of Odin, you have made a very serious mistake!" The flame lord Surtur said to Thor, the **** of thunder, holding up the huge twilight sword.

"I make serious mistakes every day, but it seems to be going well so far." Thor watched a huge fire dragon appear in front of him, and countless strange creatures composed of magma surrounded him. Spell's featured fire creature.

Thor instantly smashed into a ball with countless flame creatures. Thor was very brave, and he smashed all the flame creatures with one hammer.

But there are too many of these creatures, and this is their old nest again, and the flame creatures are rushing towards Thor like ants.

Thor suddenly grabbed the lanyard of Thor's Hammer and turned the Thor's Hammer in his hand, like a propeller.

All creatures close to Thor were smashed by Thor's hammer, but the flame creatures were like moths to the flames, and they continued to die.

Thor threw Thor's hammer out, and Thor's hammer flew around Thor at high speed, forming a circle around Thor.

All the flame creatures that entered the circle were smashed by Thor's Hammer, and the fish that slipped through the net was taken by Thor with three punches and two kicks.

Thor opened his fingers, and Thor's hammer flew back into Thor's hand. Thor jumped high, and the Thor's Hammer in his hand flickered.

Thor smashed Thor's hammer heavily on the ground, and a huge thunder sounded the moment Thor's hammer touched the ground.

boom! ! !

With Thor as the center, a circular lightning shock wave spread out to the surroundings, and all the flame creatures turned into powder in an instant.

Surtur was the only one left standing still holding a giant sword. Surtur pointed the giant sword at Thor, and endless flames shot towards Thor.

Thor continued to turn Thor's Hammer and resisted in front of him. The Thor's Hammer, which turned like a propeller, seemed to become a barrier, resisting Surtur's flame attack.

Thor was pushed back and slid back by the strong flame. Thor suddenly roared, and Thor's hammer suddenly shot a bolt of lightning that instantly hit Surtur's head.

Surter was staggered by lightning, and the flames in his hand stopped spraying.

Seeing a good opportunity, Thor flew towards Surtur, and Thor's hammer smashed **** Surtur's head.

Thor struck again with a backhand, hitting Surtur on the head with Thor's hammer.

Surtur was beaten by Thor and was powerless to fight back, and his tall body seemed very cumbersome. Every time the sword was not raised, Thor was interrupted.

Thor's body is small and flexible, and the Thor's Hammer in his hand is constantly thrown towards Surtur, and when it hits Surter, it automatically returns to Thor's hand.

Thor's Hammer was superbly played by him, and Surter was also beaten very aggrievedly, unable to fight back, and his body was constantly attacked.

Thor suddenly flew up and jumped to a rock pillar, Surtur looked up at Thor.

Thor held Thor's Hammer in both hands, condensing all the power of thunder and lightning, and Thor's Hammer glowed dazzlingly.

Thor smashed Thor's hammer on Surtur's crown.

boom! !

A huge thunder sounded, and a lightning bolt in the sky smashed down the top of Surtur's head.

Surtur's head was completely blown off by Thor's blow, and his crown fell to the ground. It turned out that the entire skull was the existence of the crown, and the body was formed by flame energy.

After losing the crown, both the body and the giant sword turned into a flame and flew back into the crown, lying quietly on the ground.

Thor picked up the chain he broke on the ground, tied the crown to his back, and done it!

Thor did not expect to solve Surtur so easily. In his dream, Surtur was as invincible as a demon.

In the face of this Surtur, he was like a slightly more powerful flame creature, not Thor's opponent at all.

Thor still didn't believe that the legendary Ragnarok was solved by himself so easily, but the hot crown on his back reminded Thor that it was true.

Thor suddenly noticed that countless flame creatures in the distance were once again densely surrounding Thor, and even the cave walls were full of crawling.

Thor looked like he was in an ant's nest, and Thor looked up at the sky and shouted, "Heimdall! I need you to bring me back now!"

Thor raised the hammer but nothing happened, the rainbow bridge that should have appeared did not appear, what happened to Heimdall, he never dropped the chain.


What Thor didn't know was that Heimdall himself was dismissed by Loki on a trumped-up charge, and he himself fled and was wanted by God's Domain.

Now in charge of the teleportation temple is a bald head, his name is Shi Keji. He was showing off some strange things he had collected from the Nine Realms in front of two Asgardian beauties.

"These are my darlings, and I like them so much, I got them in a place called Texas in Missouri," said Shkogee, holding up two automatic rifles.

"I named them, one is called Destruction, the other is called Destruction! If you put them together, they can destroy everything." Shkeji said triumphantly to the two beauties.

And Thor looked at the flame creatures surrounded by him, and the flame dragon that broke free from the chains, Thor turned Thor's hammer and rushed towards the top of the cave.

boom! Thor made a big hole at the top of the cave, and after rushing out of the cave, he crawled on the ground in embarrassment.

Thor stood up embarrassed, put out the cloak that was ignited by the high temperature, raised the hammer and called the Rainbow Bridge, but there was still no response.

"Heimdall? Hurry up!" Thor only heard a huge crash, the ground suddenly burst, and the flame dragon rushed out of the cave and opened its huge mouth to bite at Thor.

Thor grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the dragon with both hands to prevent it from biting himself. The dragon raised its head and swung it around in the air, trying to throw Thor away. Thor hung on the dragon's head like this, and was thrown around by the dragon.

Thor grabbed the dragon's mouth hard, but it was very uncomfortable to be thrown. Thor had an idea and put Thor's hammer into the dragon's mouth.

The head of the giant dragon was immediately smashed to the ground by the hammer of Thor, and the head of the giant dragon was pressed to the ground by a small hammer and could not move no matter how hard it struggled.

"Don't move!" Thor pointed to the fire dragon and said, he looked around, and countless flame creatures continued to surround him, really haunted!

"Heimdall! I'm cornered!" Thor shouted, looking at the sky.


In the teleportation temple, the device in the center of the temple sparkled, and Thor's voice loomed from the device.

"Uh, Shi Keji, is there any important situation?" The beautiful woman in purple pointed to the gleaming teleportation device in the center of the Teleportation Temple and asked Shi Keji, who was still showing her collection on the side.

"Oh, it happened!"


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