I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 248: electric man

"What's the matter? Do you have a girlfriend?" Harry asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"I met someone at school. We are very good. We have been together for three years." Peter Parker smiled and nodded.

"So who is she? What's her name?" Harry continued.

"Her name is Gwen Stacey, and she is now an employee of yours. She is an intern at Osborne." Peter Parker said with a smile.

"Gwen Stacy? Really? She's my employee? Then I'll have to take a good look at what kind of beauty." Harry said jokingly.

Peter Parker also laughed, and the two continued to walk towards the sea...

"You know what? After my father sent me away, I tried to forget everything here. And that includes you!" Harry said, picking up a rock and throwing it into the sea.

"You don't have to explain to me, we are both outcasts..." Peter Parker said calmly.

"Did you try to figure out why your parents left?" Harry asked after a moment of silence after hearing Peter Parker's words.

"There is a briefcase in my dad's belongings, and this is the only one left, a briefcase of garbage! It doesn't matter, I try not to think about it." Peter Parker said in a depressed mood.

"Does this work?" Harry asked.

"It works! Look at me now I'm back to giggling again." Peter Parker also picked up a stone and threw it towards the sea.

"Good arm!" Harry said, looking at Peter Parker in surprise.

"It's just the wrist, the key is wrist skills! You can also exercise well." Peter Parker said embarrassingly.

"Really? A lot of bad things happened in New York, too. Giant lizards, Spider-Kids, and chaebol Iron Man. If you have money, you can try anything." Harry said to Peter Parker.

"Well, I don't know much about Spider-Man, I know Iron Man better, and I'm intern at Stark now," Peter Parker said to Harry.

"Really? That's pretty cool, have you seen Tony Stark?" Harry asked, throwing rocks.

"Yeah, I get along better with him, and he takes care of me quite a bit." Peter Parker nodded and said.

"And the Avengers. I've heard of their famous names abroad. I really don't know how there are so many superheroes on earth." Harry looked at Peter Parker and said.

"Harry, how have you been recently? Did you have any difficulties taking over such a large company for the first time?" Peter Parker asked Harry, looking at him.

"Difficulty? There are indeed many difficulties..." Harry was also a little depressed.

"How?" Peter Parker asked.

"Of course those shareholders don't want to watch me as a **** climb on their heads." Harry said sarcastically, he could still see his situation clearly.

"Then what to do? You can tell me if you need help." Peter Parker looked at Harry sincerely and said.

"Forget it... You can't help me, I'll find a way myself." Harry replied with a wry smile.

Peter Parker and Harry chatted for a while and then separated from him, and Peter Parker also made an appointment with Gwen to meet in the evening.

The sky gradually darkened, Peter Parker came to the pedestrian street next to Times Square in New York with a schoolbag, and Gwen was waiting for him here.

Today is Friday, there are many people on the street, especially couples are a pair, it seems to be a good day for a date.

Peter Parker saw Gwen Stacy in the crowd at a glance. She was wearing a white down jacket and stood out in the crowd.

Peter Parker walked over quickly, and Gwen also saw Peter Parker walking towards him and smiled at him.

"Hey, did you wait for a while? Sorry, I was delayed a bit." Peter Parker said with a smile.

"No, I've only been here for a while," Gwen said to Peter Parker.

"You look so beautiful today!" Peter Parker said to Gwen.

"Okay, stop being so glib, let's go." Gwen said, reaching for Peter Parker's hand.

Peter Parker also held Gwen's hand, and the two walked side by side in the crowd like this. Peter Parker and Gwen talked about some of his recent daily life, and the two had a great conversation.

When passing the roadside food stall, the two would stop to buy something delicious, Peter Parker enjoyed Gwen's date, and the two stood under the tree by the roadside and whispered...

At this moment, the street lights suddenly flickered strangely, and the lights of the cars parked on the side of the road were the same, very strange.

Both Peter Parker and Gwen noticed the problem, and Gwen looked at Peter Parker and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly have a bad feeling, let's go there and see." Peter Parker's spider sense made his hair stand up, and he felt something strange in Times Square.

Peter Parker and Gwen walked toward Times Square together. There were so many people in Times Square that they suddenly heard an exclamation from the crowd.

Then I saw a truck in the middle of the road flew up under a package of lightning and hit the ground heavily.

In the middle of the road stood a man in black clothes, and everyone around him was far away from Kata. It seemed that he did all this.

Pedestrians fled in all directions, and two police officers carefully approached the man with guns...

Peter Parker pulled Gwen to a safe place, Peter Parker quickly took off his jacket, revealing the spider suit inside.

"Help me hold the schoolbag, will you know that you will stay away later?" Peter Parker handed the schoolbag to Gwen and instructed her.

Gwen also looked nervously at Peter Parker and nodded, asking Peter Parker to be careful.

At this moment, six police cars drove over, stopped beside the black man in the middle of the road, and surrounded him.

And this man in black is actually Mike Dylan whom Gwen met in the elevator this morning! Originally it was Max's birthday today, and he was going to try to find Spider-Man after get off work to let him celebrate his birthday with him.

But his nasty boss left him alone to repair the company's electrical installations. Max was very angry, but as a small person, how could he resist the assignment of his boss?

He came to the Biopower Experiment Center by himself to repair the power device. As a result, he was knocked down by high-voltage electricity and fell into the experimental pool full of mutant electric eels. The flesh and blood were instantly evaporated by the high temperature.

By the time people found him, he was already a mummified corpse. But here is the Marvel Universe, where ordinary people mutate often.

Max also encountered this kind of miracle. He came to life again. Not only did he live, but the flesh and blood all over his body turned into electricity. He is now a walking battery.

Max walked out of the morgue and came to the streets of Times Square. He could actually see the electricity of the whole city in his eyes, so he opened the manhole cover and touched the high-voltage wires with both hands.

In an instant, countless high-voltage electricity flooded into his body, making his shriveled body plump up again. After the high-voltage power source continued to enter his body, Max felt not pain, but indescribably comfortable.

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