Arthur returned to the Wakanda Avengers base after passing through the portal. Arthur looked at the renovated base and smiled slightly. It was great to be back!

Arthur walked into the base and met Natasha who was about to go out. Natasha's eyes lit up when she saw Arthur.

"Isn't this our busy man, Sea King Arthur? Why are you willing to go back to Earth?" Natasha sarcastically said to Arthur.

"Yeah, I missed you guys and came back. Where are you going?" Arthur asked Natasha with a smile.

"We checked that something happened in a small town to the north, it seems to be alien material, so we are going to have a look." Natasha replied.

"Well... I know what's going on, you don't have to go, there is no problem." Arthur thought for a while and said.

"You know?" Natasha looked at Arthur strangely. Is this related to Arthur?

Natasha followed Arthur towards the hall of the base. Tony Stark, Sam, Steve Rogers, Banner, and Colonel Rhodes greeted Arthur one after another, and everyone came to the hall together.

"What about the others?" Arthur asked Steve Rogers.

"Bucky went to train with T'Challa, Thor didn't come back since the last time he left, Scott Lang was in a bit of trouble with Dr. Pym, Button was on vacation, Peter Parker was still in school, Pete Luo should be back in a while," Steve Rogers said.

"Where's Wanda? Why didn't I see her." Arthur never saw the person he wanted to see the most.

"Wanda went to Karma Taj since you left, and she said she was going to study magic," Natasha told Arthur.

"That's it." Arthur felt a little disappointed. He hadn't seen Wanda for more than a month, and he really missed her.

"Arthur, you're back!" Pietro walked in from outside and said happily when he saw the crowd surrounded by Arthur.

"Yeah, long time no see." Arthur greeted Pietro with a smile.

"You said just now that you know what happened in the north, what the **** is going on?" Natasha looked at Arthur and asked.

Arthur told everyone in detail a series of things that happened in the universe, and everyone listened with interest to Arthur about his cosmic adventure...

"That's the way it is. The alien material in the north that you mentioned should be formed by Egg's seeds inspired by him." Arthur explained to everyone.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, I didn't expect Arthur to go through so many dangerous things for more than a month, and I didn't expect Arthur to save the earth again. If Arthur hadn't defeated Egg Earth, it would have been the end!

"I didn't expect that there are so many interesting things in the universe, and I didn't expect that the legendary group of gods would actually stare at the earth." Tony Stark sighed.

"I also want to go on an adventure in the universe and see the outside world." Pietro said yearningly.

"Don't be envious. I will introduce the Guardians of the Galaxy to you in the future, and let them show you for a long time." Arthur patted Pietro on the shoulder and said.

"This is a gift I brought you, an alien specialty! Everyone has a share." Arthur took things out of the dimensional space the same way.

"The clothes for you, the ones that won't break." Arthur handed Dr. Banner a suit.

"Thank you!" Dr. Banner said with a smile as he took the clothes.

"Your leather jacket, I think it's perfect for when you ride a motorcycle." Arthur handed Steve Rogers a jacket made of alien monster leather.

"Thank you! I like this style very much." Steve Rogers also said with satisfaction.

"Give you a special metal, it can be integrated into the environment to achieve the effect of invisibility." Arthur took out a large piece of transparent metal and handed it to Tony Stark.

"Oh, I thought you gave me clothes too. This metal is really good, I like it, thank you!" Tony Stark didn't want to reach out to pick it up, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of the alien transparent metal. took over.

"This is your hair dye. After you dye it, your hair will change color according to your mood." Arthur handed Natasha a bottle of hair dye.

"Thanks!" Natasha rolled her eyes at Arthur, you can give this to a lady, but it's quite to your liking.

"Here are the shoes I bought for you, and these are Bucky's. Please get him." Arthur handed Sam two pairs of running shoes.

"These shoes are so cool, oh Bucky's brown? I still like mine in black, thanks!" Sam happily took two pairs of avant-garde-looking shoes in his hands and watched happily.

"This is an elemental pistol for you. It's powerful and doesn't need bullets. Just pull the trigger and you can fire it infinitely." Arthur handed Rhodes a small silver pistol.

"Huh? It's actually a weapon for me, but I just like it, Arthur has a heart." Rhode took the small pistol and played with it in his hand with satisfaction.

"No, these are the shoes I bought for you. They are resistant to high temperature and electric shock. No matter how fast you run, they won't break." Arthur handed Pietro a pair of running shoes.

"You just bought this for me? What is Wanda's stuff?" Pietro asked unhappily.

"She's just one dress! These shoes and earrings are for T'Challa and Suri, please give them to him later." Arthur handed Pietro the gift box of shoes and accessories.

"Give it to me in one second!" Pietro was finally happy, it turned out that everyone's things were similar, and his heart was balanced.

"Don't look at me like that, these are all yours, save it." Arthur found the white cat Venom looking at him with melancholy eyes, thinking that Arthur would not buy it a gift, but Arthur poured out a Lots of alien snacks on the table.

"You actually know that I like to eat this kind of snacks!! It's enough friends!" Venom's hoarse voice came from the kitten's mouth, and quickly rushed towards the snacks on the table.

Arthur saw that everyone liked the things he bought very much, and showed a knowing smile, and finally did not disappoint everyone, and the hall suddenly became happy.

"So Thanos didn't go to trouble with the Guardians of the Galaxy, but you released the news of the Soul Gem in advance?" Steve Rogers asked Arthur sternly.

"Yes, we have to divert Thanos' sight first to buy us time." Arthur nodded.

"It's strange to say that five of the six Infinity Stones are actually in our hands, and the one from Thanos was taken from you. Why are the Infinity Stones concentrated on Earth?" Tony Stark Think big.

Because you are the protagonists! Arthur groaned in his heart.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Sam asked.

"It's very simple, collect supplies, research weapons, improve strength, and prepare for battle to come at any time." Arthur said to everyone.

"That's the truth, when do you think the enemy will come?" Steve Rogers nodded and said.

"I have an intuition that the time when the enemy invades the earth is getting closer and closer, so everyone must be prepared. At that time, all personnel will be launched to fight against the powerful enemy!" Arthur said...


PS: When I woke up today, I heard my phone ringing non-stop. After I opened it, I found that it was a reward and a monthly pass from an enthusiastic friend. Thank you so much for this friend named thyaeria, it is my pleasure that you enjoy reading my book! Thanks for your support! At the same time, I would also like to thank my friends who have always supported me. Your collections, rewards, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets are the motivation for me to continue writing! It's also an affirmation for me! thank you all!

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